| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 2004 Zack Rusin <zack@kde.org> |
| * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. |
| * Copyright (C) 2007 Alexey Proskuryakov <ap@webkit.org> |
| * Copyright (C) 2007 Nicholas Shanks <webkit@nickshanks.com> |
| * Copyright (C) 2011 Sencha, Inc. All rights reserved. |
| * |
| * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
| * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public |
| * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either |
| * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
| * |
| * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| * Lesser General Public License for more details. |
| * |
| * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public |
| * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software |
| * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA |
| * 02110-1301 USA |
| */ |
| |
| #include "config.h" |
| #include "CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.h" |
| |
| #include "AnimationController.h" |
| #include "BasicShapeFunctions.h" |
| #include "BasicShapes.h" |
| #include "CSSAspectRatioValue.h" |
| #include "CSSBasicShapes.h" |
| #include "CSSBorderImage.h" |
| #include "CSSFunctionValue.h" |
| #include "CSSLineBoxContainValue.h" |
| #include "CSSParser.h" |
| #include "CSSPrimitiveValue.h" |
| #include "CSSPrimitiveValueMappings.h" |
| #include "CSSPropertyNames.h" |
| #include "CSSReflectValue.h" |
| #include "CSSSelector.h" |
| #include "CSSTimingFunctionValue.h" |
| #include "CSSValueList.h" |
| #include "CSSValuePool.h" |
| #include "ContentData.h" |
| #include "CounterContent.h" |
| #include "CursorList.h" |
| #include "Document.h" |
| #include "ExceptionCode.h" |
| #include "FontFeatureSettings.h" |
| #include "FontFeatureValue.h" |
| #include "FontValue.h" |
| #include "HTMLFrameOwnerElement.h" |
| #include "Pair.h" |
| #include "Rect.h" |
| #include "RenderBox.h" |
| #include "RenderStyle.h" |
| #include "RenderView.h" |
| #include "ShadowValue.h" |
| #include "StyleInheritedData.h" |
| #include "StylePropertySet.h" |
| #include "StylePropertyShorthand.h" |
| #include "StyleResolver.h" |
| #include "WebCoreMemoryInstrumentation.h" |
| #include "WebKitCSSTransformValue.h" |
| #include "WebKitFontFamilyNames.h" |
| #include <wtf/text/StringBuilder.h> |
| |
| #include "ExclusionShapeValue.h" |
| #endif |
| |
| #include "CustomFilterArrayParameter.h" |
| #include "CustomFilterNumberParameter.h" |
| #include "CustomFilterOperation.h" |
| #include "CustomFilterParameter.h" |
| #include "CustomFilterTransformParameter.h" |
| #include "WebKitCSSArrayFunctionValue.h" |
| #include "WebKitCSSMixFunctionValue.h" |
| #endif |
| |
| #include "StyleCustomFilterProgram.h" |
| #include "WebKitCSSFilterValue.h" |
| #endif |
| |
| #include "DashboardRegion.h" |
| #endif |
| |
| namespace WebCore { |
| |
| // List of all properties we know how to compute, omitting shorthands. |
| static const CSSPropertyID computedProperties[] = { |
| CSSPropertyBackgroundAttachment, |
| CSSPropertyBackgroundClip, |
| CSSPropertyBackgroundColor, |
| CSSPropertyBackgroundImage, |
| CSSPropertyBackgroundOrigin, |
| CSSPropertyBackgroundPosition, // more-specific background-position-x/y are non-standard |
| CSSPropertyBackgroundRepeat, |
| CSSPropertyBackgroundSize, |
| CSSPropertyBorderBottomColor, |
| CSSPropertyBorderBottomLeftRadius, |
| CSSPropertyBorderBottomRightRadius, |
| CSSPropertyBorderBottomStyle, |
| CSSPropertyBorderBottomWidth, |
| CSSPropertyBorderCollapse, |
| CSSPropertyBorderImageOutset, |
| CSSPropertyBorderImageRepeat, |
| CSSPropertyBorderImageSlice, |
| CSSPropertyBorderImageSource, |
| CSSPropertyBorderImageWidth, |
| CSSPropertyBorderLeftColor, |
| CSSPropertyBorderLeftStyle, |
| CSSPropertyBorderLeftWidth, |
| CSSPropertyBorderRightColor, |
| CSSPropertyBorderRightStyle, |
| CSSPropertyBorderRightWidth, |
| CSSPropertyBorderTopColor, |
| CSSPropertyBorderTopLeftRadius, |
| CSSPropertyBorderTopRightRadius, |
| CSSPropertyBorderTopStyle, |
| CSSPropertyBorderTopWidth, |
| CSSPropertyBottom, |
| CSSPropertyBoxShadow, |
| CSSPropertyBoxSizing, |
| CSSPropertyCaptionSide, |
| CSSPropertyClear, |
| CSSPropertyClip, |
| CSSPropertyColor, |
| CSSPropertyCursor, |
| CSSPropertyDirection, |
| CSSPropertyDisplay, |
| CSSPropertyEmptyCells, |
| CSSPropertyFloat, |
| CSSPropertyFontFamily, |
| CSSPropertyFontSize, |
| CSSPropertyFontStyle, |
| CSSPropertyFontVariant, |
| CSSPropertyFontWeight, |
| CSSPropertyHeight, |
| CSSPropertyImageOrientation, |
| #endif |
| CSSPropertyImageRendering, |
| CSSPropertyImageResolution, |
| #endif |
| CSSPropertyLeft, |
| CSSPropertyLetterSpacing, |
| CSSPropertyLineHeight, |
| CSSPropertyListStyleImage, |
| CSSPropertyListStylePosition, |
| CSSPropertyListStyleType, |
| CSSPropertyMarginBottom, |
| CSSPropertyMarginLeft, |
| CSSPropertyMarginRight, |
| CSSPropertyMarginTop, |
| CSSPropertyMaxHeight, |
| CSSPropertyMaxWidth, |
| CSSPropertyMinHeight, |
| CSSPropertyMinWidth, |
| CSSPropertyOpacity, |
| CSSPropertyOrphans, |
| CSSPropertyOutlineColor, |
| CSSPropertyOutlineOffset, |
| CSSPropertyOutlineStyle, |
| CSSPropertyOutlineWidth, |
| CSSPropertyOverflowWrap, |
| CSSPropertyOverflowX, |
| CSSPropertyOverflowY, |
| CSSPropertyPaddingBottom, |
| CSSPropertyPaddingLeft, |
| CSSPropertyPaddingRight, |
| CSSPropertyPaddingTop, |
| CSSPropertyPageBreakAfter, |
| CSSPropertyPageBreakBefore, |
| CSSPropertyPageBreakInside, |
| CSSPropertyPointerEvents, |
| CSSPropertyPosition, |
| CSSPropertyResize, |
| CSSPropertyRight, |
| CSSPropertySpeak, |
| CSSPropertyTableLayout, |
| CSSPropertyTabSize, |
| CSSPropertyTextAlign, |
| CSSPropertyTextDecoration, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitTextDecorationLine, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitTextDecorationStyle, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitTextAlignLast, |
| #endif // CSS3_TEXT |
| CSSPropertyTextIndent, |
| CSSPropertyTextRendering, |
| CSSPropertyTextShadow, |
| CSSPropertyTextOverflow, |
| CSSPropertyTextTransform, |
| CSSPropertyTop, |
| CSSPropertyUnicodeBidi, |
| CSSPropertyVerticalAlign, |
| CSSPropertyVisibility, |
| CSSPropertyWhiteSpace, |
| CSSPropertyWidows, |
| CSSPropertyWidth, |
| CSSPropertyWordBreak, |
| CSSPropertyWordSpacing, |
| CSSPropertyWordWrap, |
| CSSPropertyZIndex, |
| CSSPropertyZoom, |
| |
| CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationDelay, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationDirection, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationDuration, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationFillMode, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationIterationCount, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationName, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationPlayState, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationTimingFunction, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitAppearance, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitBackfaceVisibility, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitBackgroundClip, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitBackgroundComposite, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitBackgroundOrigin, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitBackgroundSize, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitBlendMode, |
| #endif |
| CSSPropertyWebkitBorderFit, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitBorderHorizontalSpacing, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitBorderImage, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitBorderVerticalSpacing, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitBoxAlign, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitBoxDecorationBreak, |
| #endif |
| CSSPropertyWebkitBoxDirection, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitBoxFlex, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitBoxFlexGroup, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitBoxLines, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitBoxOrdinalGroup, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitBoxOrient, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitBoxPack, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitBoxReflect, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitBoxShadow, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitClipPath, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitColorCorrection, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitColumnBreakAfter, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitColumnBreakBefore, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitColumnBreakInside, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitColumnAxis, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitColumnCount, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitColumnGap, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitColumnProgression, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitColumnRuleColor, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitColumnRuleStyle, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitColumnRuleWidth, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitColumnSpan, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitColumnWidth, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitDashboardRegion, |
| #endif |
| CSSPropertyWebkitFilter, |
| #endif |
| CSSPropertyWebkitAlignContent, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitAlignItems, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitAlignSelf, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitFlexBasis, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitFlexGrow, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitFlexShrink, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitFlexDirection, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitFlexWrap, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitJustifyContent, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitFontKerning, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitFontSmoothing, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitFontVariantLigatures, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitGridColumns, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitGridRows, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitGridColumn, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitGridRow, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitHighlight, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitHyphenateCharacter, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitHyphenateLimitAfter, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitHyphenateLimitBefore, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitHyphenateLimitLines, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitHyphens, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitLineAlign, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitLineBoxContain, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitLineBreak, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitLineClamp, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitLineGrid, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitLineSnap, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitLocale, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitMarginBeforeCollapse, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitMarginAfterCollapse, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitMarqueeDirection, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitMarqueeIncrement, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitMarqueeRepetition, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitMarqueeStyle, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitMaskBoxImage, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitMaskBoxImageOutset, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitMaskBoxImageRepeat, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitMaskBoxImageSlice, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitMaskBoxImageSource, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitMaskBoxImageWidth, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitMaskClip, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitMaskComposite, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitMaskImage, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitMaskOrigin, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitMaskPosition, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitMaskRepeat, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitMaskSize, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitNbspMode, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitOrder, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitOverflowScrolling, |
| #endif |
| CSSPropertyWebkitPerspective, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitPerspectiveOrigin, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitPrintColorAdjust, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitRtlOrdering, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitShapeInside, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitShapeOutside, |
| #endif |
| CSSPropertyWebkitTapHighlightColor, |
| #endif |
| CSSPropertyWebkitTextCombine, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitTextDecorationsInEffect, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitTextEmphasisColor, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitTextEmphasisPosition, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitTextEmphasisStyle, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitTextFillColor, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitTextOrientation, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitTextSecurity, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitTextStrokeColor, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitTextStrokeWidth, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitTransform, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitTransformOrigin, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitTransformStyle, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitTransitionDelay, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitTransitionDuration, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitTransitionProperty, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitTransitionTimingFunction, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitUserDrag, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitUserModify, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitUserSelect, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitWritingMode, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitFlowInto, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitFlowFrom, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitRegionOverflow, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitRegionBreakAfter, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitRegionBreakBefore, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitRegionBreakInside, |
| #endif |
| CSSPropertyWebkitAppRegion, |
| #endif |
| CSSPropertyWebkitWrapFlow, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitShapeMargin, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitShapePadding, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitWrapThrough, |
| #endif |
| #if ENABLE(SVG) |
| CSSPropertyClipPath, |
| CSSPropertyClipRule, |
| CSSPropertyMask, |
| CSSPropertyFilter, |
| CSSPropertyFloodColor, |
| CSSPropertyFloodOpacity, |
| CSSPropertyLightingColor, |
| CSSPropertyStopColor, |
| CSSPropertyStopOpacity, |
| CSSPropertyColorInterpolation, |
| CSSPropertyColorInterpolationFilters, |
| CSSPropertyColorRendering, |
| CSSPropertyFill, |
| CSSPropertyFillOpacity, |
| CSSPropertyFillRule, |
| CSSPropertyMarkerEnd, |
| CSSPropertyMarkerMid, |
| CSSPropertyMarkerStart, |
| CSSPropertyMaskType, |
| CSSPropertyShapeRendering, |
| CSSPropertyStroke, |
| CSSPropertyStrokeDasharray, |
| CSSPropertyStrokeDashoffset, |
| CSSPropertyStrokeLinecap, |
| CSSPropertyStrokeLinejoin, |
| CSSPropertyStrokeMiterlimit, |
| CSSPropertyStrokeOpacity, |
| CSSPropertyStrokeWidth, |
| CSSPropertyAlignmentBaseline, |
| CSSPropertyBaselineShift, |
| CSSPropertyDominantBaseline, |
| CSSPropertyKerning, |
| CSSPropertyTextAnchor, |
| CSSPropertyWritingMode, |
| CSSPropertyGlyphOrientationHorizontal, |
| CSSPropertyGlyphOrientationVertical, |
| CSSPropertyWebkitSvgShadow, |
| CSSPropertyVectorEffect |
| #endif |
| }; |
| |
| const unsigned numComputedProperties = WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(computedProperties); |
| |
| static int valueForRepeatRule(int rule) |
| { |
| switch (rule) { |
| case RepeatImageRule: |
| return CSSValueRepeat; |
| case RoundImageRule: |
| return CSSValueRound; |
| case SpaceImageRule: |
| return CSSValueSpace; |
| default: |
| return CSSValueStretch; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSBorderImageSliceValue> valueForNinePieceImageSlice(const NinePieceImage& image) |
| { |
| // Create the slices. |
| RefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue> top; |
| RefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue> right; |
| RefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue> bottom; |
| RefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue> left; |
| |
| if (image.imageSlices().top().isPercent()) |
| top = cssValuePool().createValue(image.imageSlices().top().value(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE); |
| else |
| top = cssValuePool().createValue(image.imageSlices().top().value(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); |
| |
| if (image.imageSlices().right() == image.imageSlices().top() && image.imageSlices().bottom() == image.imageSlices().top() |
| && image.imageSlices().left() == image.imageSlices().top()) { |
| right = top; |
| bottom = top; |
| left = top; |
| } else { |
| if (image.imageSlices().right().isPercent()) |
| right = cssValuePool().createValue(image.imageSlices().right().value(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE); |
| else |
| right = cssValuePool().createValue(image.imageSlices().right().value(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); |
| |
| if (image.imageSlices().bottom() == image.imageSlices().top() && image.imageSlices().right() == image.imageSlices().left()) { |
| bottom = top; |
| left = right; |
| } else { |
| if (image.imageSlices().bottom().isPercent()) |
| bottom = cssValuePool().createValue(image.imageSlices().bottom().value(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE); |
| else |
| bottom = cssValuePool().createValue(image.imageSlices().bottom().value(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); |
| |
| if (image.imageSlices().left() == image.imageSlices().right()) |
| left = right; |
| else { |
| if (image.imageSlices().left().isPercent()) |
| left = cssValuePool().createValue(image.imageSlices().left().value(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE); |
| else |
| left = cssValuePool().createValue(image.imageSlices().left().value(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| RefPtr<Quad> quad = Quad::create(); |
| quad->setTop(top); |
| quad->setRight(right); |
| quad->setBottom(bottom); |
| quad->setLeft(left); |
| |
| return CSSBorderImageSliceValue::create(cssValuePool().createValue(quad.release()), image.fill()); |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue> valueForNinePieceImageQuad(const LengthBox& box) |
| { |
| // Create the slices. |
| RefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue> top; |
| RefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue> right; |
| RefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue> bottom; |
| RefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue> left; |
| |
| if (box.top().isRelative()) |
| top = cssValuePool().createValue(box.top().value(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); |
| else |
| top = cssValuePool().createValue(box.top()); |
| |
| if (box.right() == box.top() && box.bottom() == box.top() && box.left() == box.top()) { |
| right = top; |
| bottom = top; |
| left = top; |
| } else { |
| if (box.right().isRelative()) |
| right = cssValuePool().createValue(box.right().value(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); |
| else |
| right = cssValuePool().createValue(box.right()); |
| |
| if (box.bottom() == box.top() && box.right() == box.left()) { |
| bottom = top; |
| left = right; |
| } else { |
| if (box.bottom().isRelative()) |
| bottom = cssValuePool().createValue(box.bottom().value(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); |
| else |
| bottom = cssValuePool().createValue(box.bottom()); |
| |
| if (box.left() == box.right()) |
| left = right; |
| else { |
| if (box.left().isRelative()) |
| left = cssValuePool().createValue(box.left().value(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); |
| else |
| left = cssValuePool().createValue(box.left()); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| RefPtr<Quad> quad = Quad::create(); |
| quad->setTop(top); |
| quad->setRight(right); |
| quad->setBottom(bottom); |
| quad->setLeft(left); |
| |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(quad.release()); |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSValue> valueForNinePieceImageRepeat(const NinePieceImage& image) |
| { |
| RefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue> horizontalRepeat; |
| RefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue> verticalRepeat; |
| |
| horizontalRepeat = cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(valueForRepeatRule(image.horizontalRule())); |
| if (image.horizontalRule() == image.verticalRule()) |
| verticalRepeat = horizontalRepeat; |
| else |
| verticalRepeat = cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(valueForRepeatRule(image.verticalRule())); |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(Pair::create(horizontalRepeat.release(), verticalRepeat.release())); |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSValue> valueForNinePieceImage(const NinePieceImage& image) |
| { |
| if (!image.hasImage()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone); |
| |
| // Image first. |
| RefPtr<CSSValue> imageValue; |
| if (image.image()) |
| imageValue = image.image()->cssValue(); |
| |
| // Create the image slice. |
| RefPtr<CSSBorderImageSliceValue> imageSlices = valueForNinePieceImageSlice(image); |
| |
| // Create the border area slices. |
| RefPtr<CSSValue> borderSlices = valueForNinePieceImageQuad(image.borderSlices()); |
| |
| // Create the border outset. |
| RefPtr<CSSValue> outset = valueForNinePieceImageQuad(image.outset()); |
| |
| // Create the repeat rules. |
| RefPtr<CSSValue> repeat = valueForNinePieceImageRepeat(image); |
| |
| return createBorderImageValue(imageValue, imageSlices, borderSlices, outset, repeat); |
| } |
| |
| inline static PassRefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue> zoomAdjustedPixelValue(double value, const RenderStyle* style) |
| { |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(adjustFloatForAbsoluteZoom(value, style), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PX); |
| } |
| |
| inline static PassRefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue> zoomAdjustedNumberValue(double value, const RenderStyle* style) |
| { |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(value / style->effectiveZoom(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSValue> zoomAdjustedPixelValueForLength(const Length& length, const RenderStyle* style) |
| { |
| if (length.isFixed()) |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(length.value(), style); |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(length); |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSValue> valueForReflection(const StyleReflection* reflection, const RenderStyle* style) |
| { |
| if (!reflection) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone); |
| |
| RefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue> offset; |
| if (reflection->offset().isPercent()) |
| offset = cssValuePool().createValue(reflection->offset().percent(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE); |
| else |
| offset = zoomAdjustedPixelValue(reflection->offset().value(), style); |
| |
| RefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue> direction; |
| switch (reflection->direction()) { |
| case ReflectionBelow: |
| direction = cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueBelow); |
| break; |
| case ReflectionAbove: |
| direction = cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAbove); |
| break; |
| case ReflectionLeft: |
| direction = cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueLeft); |
| break; |
| case ReflectionRight: |
| direction = cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueRight); |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| return CSSReflectValue::create(direction.release(), offset.release(), valueForNinePieceImage(reflection->mask())); |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSValueList> createPositionListForLayer(CSSPropertyID propertyID, const FillLayer* layer, const RenderStyle* style) |
| { |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> positionList = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); |
| if (layer->isBackgroundOriginSet()) { |
| ASSERT_UNUSED(propertyID, propertyID == CSSPropertyBackgroundPosition || propertyID == CSSPropertyWebkitMaskPosition); |
| positionList->append(cssValuePool().createValue(layer->backgroundXOrigin())); |
| } |
| positionList->append(zoomAdjustedPixelValueForLength(layer->xPosition(), style)); |
| if (layer->isBackgroundOriginSet()) { |
| ASSERT(propertyID == CSSPropertyBackgroundPosition || propertyID == CSSPropertyWebkitMaskPosition); |
| positionList->append(cssValuePool().createValue(layer->backgroundYOrigin())); |
| } |
| positionList->append(zoomAdjustedPixelValueForLength(layer->yPosition(), style)); |
| return positionList.release(); |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSValue> getPositionOffsetValue(RenderStyle* style, CSSPropertyID propertyID, RenderView* renderView) |
| { |
| if (!style) |
| return 0; |
| |
| Length l; |
| switch (propertyID) { |
| case CSSPropertyLeft: |
| l = style->left(); |
| break; |
| case CSSPropertyRight: |
| l = style->right(); |
| break; |
| case CSSPropertyTop: |
| l = style->top(); |
| break; |
| case CSSPropertyBottom: |
| l = style->bottom(); |
| break; |
| default: |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| if (style->hasOutOfFlowPosition()) { |
| if (l.type() == WebCore::Fixed) |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(l.value(), style); |
| else if (l.isViewportPercentage()) |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(valueForLength(l, 0, renderView), style); |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(l); |
| } |
| |
| if (style->hasInFlowPosition()) { |
| // FIXME: It's not enough to simply return "auto" values for one offset if the other side is defined. |
| // In other words if left is auto and right is not auto, then left's computed value is negative right(). |
| // So we should get the opposite length unit and see if it is auto. |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(l); |
| } |
| |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAuto); |
| } |
| |
| PassRefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue> CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::currentColorOrValidColor(RenderStyle* style, const Color& color) const |
| { |
| // This function does NOT look at visited information, so that computed style doesn't expose that. |
| if (!color.isValid()) |
| return cssValuePool().createColorValue(style->color().rgb()); |
| return cssValuePool().createColorValue(color.rgb()); |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSValueList> getBorderRadiusCornerValues(LengthSize radius, const RenderStyle* style, RenderView* renderView) |
| { |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); |
| if (radius.width().type() == Percent) |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createValue(radius.width().percent(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE)); |
| else |
| list->append(zoomAdjustedPixelValue(valueForLength(radius.width(), 0, renderView), style)); |
| if (radius.height().type() == Percent) |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createValue(radius.height().percent(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE)); |
| else |
| list->append(zoomAdjustedPixelValue(valueForLength(radius.height(), 0, renderView), style)); |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSValue> getBorderRadiusCornerValue(LengthSize radius, const RenderStyle* style, RenderView* renderView) |
| { |
| if (radius.width() == radius.height()) { |
| if (radius.width().type() == Percent) |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(radius.width().percent(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE); |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(valueForLength(radius.width(), 0, renderView), style); |
| } |
| return getBorderRadiusCornerValues(radius, style, renderView); |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSValueList> getBorderRadiusShorthandValue(const RenderStyle* style, RenderView* renderView) |
| { |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createSlashSeparated(); |
| bool showHorizontalBottomLeft = style->borderTopRightRadius().width() != style->borderBottomLeftRadius().width(); |
| bool showHorizontalBottomRight = style->borderBottomRightRadius().width() != style->borderTopLeftRadius().width(); |
| bool showHorizontalTopRight = style->borderTopRightRadius().width() != style->borderTopLeftRadius().width(); |
| |
| bool showVerticalBottomLeft = style->borderTopRightRadius().height() != style->borderBottomLeftRadius().height(); |
| bool showVerticalBottomRight = (style->borderBottomRightRadius().height() != style->borderTopLeftRadius().height()) || showVerticalBottomLeft; |
| bool showVerticalTopRight = (style->borderTopRightRadius().height() != style->borderTopLeftRadius().height()) || showVerticalBottomRight; |
| bool showVerticalTopLeft = (style->borderTopLeftRadius().width() != style->borderTopLeftRadius().height()); |
| |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> topLeftRadius = getBorderRadiusCornerValues(style->borderTopLeftRadius(), style, renderView); |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> topRightRadius = getBorderRadiusCornerValues(style->borderTopRightRadius(), style, renderView); |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> bottomRightRadius = getBorderRadiusCornerValues(style->borderBottomRightRadius(), style, renderView); |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> bottomLeftRadius = getBorderRadiusCornerValues(style->borderBottomLeftRadius(), style, renderView); |
| |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> horizontalRadii = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); |
| horizontalRadii->append(topLeftRadius->item(0)); |
| if (showHorizontalTopRight) |
| horizontalRadii->append(topRightRadius->item(0)); |
| if (showHorizontalBottomRight) |
| horizontalRadii->append(bottomRightRadius->item(0)); |
| if (showHorizontalBottomLeft) |
| horizontalRadii->append(bottomLeftRadius->item(0)); |
| |
| list->append(horizontalRadii); |
| |
| if (showVerticalTopLeft) { |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> verticalRadii = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); |
| verticalRadii->append(topLeftRadius->item(1)); |
| if (showVerticalTopRight) |
| verticalRadii->append(topRightRadius->item(1)); |
| if (showVerticalBottomRight) |
| verticalRadii->append(bottomRightRadius->item(1)); |
| if (showVerticalBottomLeft) |
| verticalRadii->append(bottomLeftRadius->item(1)); |
| list->append(verticalRadii); |
| } |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| |
| static LayoutRect sizingBox(RenderObject* renderer) |
| { |
| if (!renderer->isBox()) |
| return LayoutRect(); |
| |
| RenderBox* box = toRenderBox(renderer); |
| return box->style()->boxSizing() == BORDER_BOX ? box->borderBoxRect() : box->computedCSSContentBoxRect(); |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<WebKitCSSTransformValue> matrixTransformValue(const TransformationMatrix& transform, const RenderStyle* style) |
| { |
| RefPtr<WebKitCSSTransformValue> transformValue; |
| if (transform.isAffine()) { |
| transformValue = WebKitCSSTransformValue::create(WebKitCSSTransformValue::MatrixTransformOperation); |
| |
| transformValue->append(cssValuePool().createValue(transform.a(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)); |
| transformValue->append(cssValuePool().createValue(transform.b(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)); |
| transformValue->append(cssValuePool().createValue(transform.c(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)); |
| transformValue->append(cssValuePool().createValue(transform.d(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)); |
| transformValue->append(zoomAdjustedNumberValue(transform.e(), style)); |
| transformValue->append(zoomAdjustedNumberValue(transform.f(), style)); |
| } else { |
| transformValue = WebKitCSSTransformValue::create(WebKitCSSTransformValue::Matrix3DTransformOperation); |
| |
| transformValue->append(cssValuePool().createValue(transform.m11(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)); |
| transformValue->append(cssValuePool().createValue(transform.m12(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)); |
| transformValue->append(cssValuePool().createValue(transform.m13(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)); |
| transformValue->append(cssValuePool().createValue(transform.m14(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)); |
| |
| transformValue->append(cssValuePool().createValue(transform.m21(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)); |
| transformValue->append(cssValuePool().createValue(transform.m22(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)); |
| transformValue->append(cssValuePool().createValue(transform.m23(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)); |
| transformValue->append(cssValuePool().createValue(transform.m24(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)); |
| |
| transformValue->append(cssValuePool().createValue(transform.m31(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)); |
| transformValue->append(cssValuePool().createValue(transform.m32(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)); |
| transformValue->append(cssValuePool().createValue(transform.m33(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)); |
| transformValue->append(cssValuePool().createValue(transform.m34(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)); |
| |
| transformValue->append(zoomAdjustedNumberValue(transform.m41(), style)); |
| transformValue->append(zoomAdjustedNumberValue(transform.m42(), style)); |
| transformValue->append(zoomAdjustedNumberValue(transform.m43(), style)); |
| transformValue->append(cssValuePool().createValue(transform.m44(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)); |
| } |
| |
| return transformValue.release(); |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSValue> computedTransform(RenderObject* renderer, const RenderStyle* style) |
| { |
| if (!renderer || !renderer->hasTransform() || !style->hasTransform()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone); |
| |
| IntRect box; |
| if (renderer->isBox()) |
| box = pixelSnappedIntRect(toRenderBox(renderer)->borderBoxRect()); |
| |
| TransformationMatrix transform; |
| style->applyTransform(transform, box.size(), RenderStyle::ExcludeTransformOrigin); |
| // Note that this does not flatten to an affine transform if ENABLE(3D_RENDERING) is off, by design. |
| |
| // FIXME: Need to print out individual functions (https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23924) |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); |
| list->append(matrixTransformValue(transform, style)); |
| |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSValue> valueForCustomFilterArrayParameter(const CustomFilterArrayParameter* arrayParameter) |
| { |
| RefPtr<WebKitCSSArrayFunctionValue> arrayParameterValue = WebKitCSSArrayFunctionValue::create(); |
| for (unsigned i = 0, size = arrayParameter->size(); i < size; ++i) |
| arrayParameterValue->append(cssValuePool().createValue(arrayParameter->valueAt(i), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)); |
| return arrayParameterValue.release(); |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSValue> valueForCustomFilterNumberParameter(const CustomFilterNumberParameter* numberParameter) |
| { |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> numberParameterValue = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); |
| for (unsigned i = 0; i < numberParameter->size(); ++i) |
| numberParameterValue->append(cssValuePool().createValue(numberParameter->valueAt(i), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)); |
| return numberParameterValue.release(); |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSValue> valueForCustomFilterTransformParameter(const RenderObject* renderer, const RenderStyle* style, const CustomFilterTransformParameter* transformParameter) |
| { |
| IntSize size = renderer ? pixelSnappedIntRect(toRenderBox(renderer)->borderBoxRect()).size() : IntSize(); |
| TransformationMatrix transform; |
| transformParameter->applyTransform(transform, size); |
| // FIXME: Need to print out individual functions (https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23924) |
| return matrixTransformValue(transform, style); |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSValue> valueForCustomFilterParameter(const RenderObject* renderer, const RenderStyle* style, const CustomFilterParameter* parameter) |
| { |
| // FIXME: Add here computed style for the other types: boolean, transform, matrix, texture. |
| ASSERT(parameter); |
| switch (parameter->parameterType()) { |
| case CustomFilterParameter::ARRAY: |
| return valueForCustomFilterArrayParameter(static_cast<const CustomFilterArrayParameter*>(parameter)); |
| case CustomFilterParameter::NUMBER: |
| return valueForCustomFilterNumberParameter(static_cast<const CustomFilterNumberParameter*>(parameter)); |
| case CustomFilterParameter::TRANSFORM: |
| return valueForCustomFilterTransformParameter(renderer, style, static_cast<const CustomFilterTransformParameter*>(parameter)); |
| } |
| |
| return 0; |
| } |
| #endif // ENABLE(CSS_SHADERS) |
| |
| PassRefPtr<CSSValue> CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::valueForFilter(const RenderObject* renderer, const RenderStyle* style) const |
| { |
| UNUSED_PARAM(renderer); |
| #endif |
| if (style->filter().operations().isEmpty()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone); |
| |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); |
| |
| RefPtr<WebKitCSSFilterValue> filterValue; |
| |
| Vector<RefPtr<FilterOperation> >::const_iterator end = style->filter().operations().end(); |
| for (Vector<RefPtr<FilterOperation> >::const_iterator it = style->filter().operations().begin(); it != end; ++it) { |
| FilterOperation* filterOperation = (*it).get(); |
| switch (filterOperation->getOperationType()) { |
| case FilterOperation::REFERENCE: { |
| ReferenceFilterOperation* referenceOperation = static_cast<ReferenceFilterOperation*>(filterOperation); |
| filterValue = WebKitCSSFilterValue::create(WebKitCSSFilterValue::ReferenceFilterOperation); |
| filterValue->append(cssValuePool().createValue(referenceOperation->url(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING)); |
| break; |
| } |
| case FilterOperation::GRAYSCALE: { |
| BasicColorMatrixFilterOperation* colorMatrixOperation = static_cast<BasicColorMatrixFilterOperation*>(filterOperation); |
| filterValue = WebKitCSSFilterValue::create(WebKitCSSFilterValue::GrayscaleFilterOperation); |
| filterValue->append(cssValuePool().createValue(colorMatrixOperation->amount(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)); |
| break; |
| } |
| case FilterOperation::SEPIA: { |
| BasicColorMatrixFilterOperation* colorMatrixOperation = static_cast<BasicColorMatrixFilterOperation*>(filterOperation); |
| filterValue = WebKitCSSFilterValue::create(WebKitCSSFilterValue::SepiaFilterOperation); |
| filterValue->append(cssValuePool().createValue(colorMatrixOperation->amount(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)); |
| break; |
| } |
| case FilterOperation::SATURATE: { |
| BasicColorMatrixFilterOperation* colorMatrixOperation = static_cast<BasicColorMatrixFilterOperation*>(filterOperation); |
| filterValue = WebKitCSSFilterValue::create(WebKitCSSFilterValue::SaturateFilterOperation); |
| filterValue->append(cssValuePool().createValue(colorMatrixOperation->amount(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)); |
| break; |
| } |
| case FilterOperation::HUE_ROTATE: { |
| BasicColorMatrixFilterOperation* colorMatrixOperation = static_cast<BasicColorMatrixFilterOperation*>(filterOperation); |
| filterValue = WebKitCSSFilterValue::create(WebKitCSSFilterValue::HueRotateFilterOperation); |
| filterValue->append(cssValuePool().createValue(colorMatrixOperation->amount(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_DEG)); |
| break; |
| } |
| case FilterOperation::INVERT: { |
| BasicComponentTransferFilterOperation* componentTransferOperation = static_cast<BasicComponentTransferFilterOperation*>(filterOperation); |
| filterValue = WebKitCSSFilterValue::create(WebKitCSSFilterValue::InvertFilterOperation); |
| filterValue->append(cssValuePool().createValue(componentTransferOperation->amount(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)); |
| break; |
| } |
| case FilterOperation::OPACITY: { |
| BasicComponentTransferFilterOperation* componentTransferOperation = static_cast<BasicComponentTransferFilterOperation*>(filterOperation); |
| filterValue = WebKitCSSFilterValue::create(WebKitCSSFilterValue::OpacityFilterOperation); |
| filterValue->append(cssValuePool().createValue(componentTransferOperation->amount(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)); |
| break; |
| } |
| case FilterOperation::BRIGHTNESS: { |
| BasicComponentTransferFilterOperation* brightnessOperation = static_cast<BasicComponentTransferFilterOperation*>(filterOperation); |
| filterValue = WebKitCSSFilterValue::create(WebKitCSSFilterValue::BrightnessFilterOperation); |
| filterValue->append(cssValuePool().createValue(brightnessOperation->amount(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)); |
| break; |
| } |
| case FilterOperation::CONTRAST: { |
| BasicComponentTransferFilterOperation* contrastOperation = static_cast<BasicComponentTransferFilterOperation*>(filterOperation); |
| filterValue = WebKitCSSFilterValue::create(WebKitCSSFilterValue::ContrastFilterOperation); |
| filterValue->append(cssValuePool().createValue(contrastOperation->amount(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)); |
| break; |
| } |
| case FilterOperation::BLUR: { |
| BlurFilterOperation* blurOperation = static_cast<BlurFilterOperation*>(filterOperation); |
| filterValue = WebKitCSSFilterValue::create(WebKitCSSFilterValue::BlurFilterOperation); |
| filterValue->append(zoomAdjustedPixelValue(blurOperation->stdDeviation().value(), style)); |
| break; |
| } |
| case FilterOperation::DROP_SHADOW: { |
| DropShadowFilterOperation* dropShadowOperation = static_cast<DropShadowFilterOperation*>(filterOperation); |
| filterValue = WebKitCSSFilterValue::create(WebKitCSSFilterValue::DropShadowFilterOperation); |
| // We want our computed style to look like that of a text shadow (has neither spread nor inset style). |
| ShadowData shadowData = ShadowData(dropShadowOperation->location(), dropShadowOperation->stdDeviation(), 0, Normal, false, dropShadowOperation->color()); |
| filterValue->append(valueForShadow(&shadowData, CSSPropertyTextShadow, style)); |
| break; |
| } |
| case FilterOperation::VALIDATED_CUSTOM: |
| // ValidatedCustomFilterOperation is not supposed to end up in the RenderStyle. |
| break; |
| case FilterOperation::CUSTOM: { |
| CustomFilterOperation* customOperation = static_cast<CustomFilterOperation*>(filterOperation); |
| filterValue = WebKitCSSFilterValue::create(WebKitCSSFilterValue::CustomFilterOperation); |
| |
| // The output should be verbose, even if the values are the default ones. |
| |
| ASSERT(customOperation->program()); |
| StyleCustomFilterProgram* program = static_cast<StyleCustomFilterProgram*>(customOperation->program()); |
| |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> shadersList = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); |
| if (program->vertexShader()) |
| shadersList->append(program->vertexShader()->cssValue()); |
| else |
| shadersList->append(cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone)); |
| |
| const CustomFilterProgramMixSettings mixSettings = program->mixSettings(); |
| if (program->fragmentShader()) { |
| if (program->programType() == PROGRAM_TYPE_BLENDS_ELEMENT_TEXTURE) { |
| RefPtr<WebKitCSSMixFunctionValue> mixFunction = WebKitCSSMixFunctionValue::create(); |
| mixFunction->append(program->fragmentShader()->cssValue()); |
| mixFunction->append(cssValuePool().createValue(mixSettings.blendMode)); |
| mixFunction->append(cssValuePool().createValue(mixSettings.compositeOperator)); |
| shadersList->append(mixFunction.release()); |
| } else |
| shadersList->append(program->fragmentShader()->cssValue()); |
| } |
| else |
| shadersList->append(cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone)); |
| |
| filterValue->append(shadersList.release()); |
| |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> meshParameters = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); |
| meshParameters->append(cssValuePool().createValue(customOperation->meshColumns(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)); |
| meshParameters->append(cssValuePool().createValue(customOperation->meshRows(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)); |
| |
| // FIXME: The specification doesn't have any "attached" identifier. Should we add one? |
| // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=72700 |
| if (customOperation->meshType() == MeshTypeDetached) |
| meshParameters->append(cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueDetached)); |
| |
| filterValue->append(meshParameters.release()); |
| |
| const CustomFilterParameterList& parameters = customOperation->parameters(); |
| size_t parametersSize = parameters.size(); |
| if (!parametersSize) |
| break; |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> parametersCSSValue = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < parametersSize; ++i) { |
| const CustomFilterParameter* parameter = parameters.at(i).get(); |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> parameterCSSNameAndValue = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); |
| parameterCSSNameAndValue->append(cssValuePool().createValue(parameter->name(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING)); |
| parameterCSSNameAndValue->append(valueForCustomFilterParameter(renderer, style, parameter)); |
| parametersCSSValue->append(parameterCSSNameAndValue.release()); |
| } |
| |
| filterValue->append(parametersCSSValue.release()); |
| break; |
| } |
| #endif |
| default: |
| filterValue = WebKitCSSFilterValue::create(WebKitCSSFilterValue::UnknownFilterOperation); |
| break; |
| } |
| list->append(filterValue); |
| } |
| |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSValue> valueForGridTrackBreadth(const Length& trackBreadth, const RenderStyle* style, RenderView *renderView) |
| { |
| if (trackBreadth.isAuto()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAuto); |
| if (trackBreadth.isViewportPercentage()) |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(valueForLength(trackBreadth, 0, renderView), style); |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValueForLength(trackBreadth, style); |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSValue> valueForGridTrackMinMax(const GridTrackSize& trackSize, const RenderStyle* style, RenderView* renderView) |
| { |
| switch (trackSize.type()) { |
| case LengthTrackSizing: |
| return valueForGridTrackBreadth(trackSize.length(), style, renderView); |
| case MinMaxTrackSizing: |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> minMaxTrackBreadths = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); |
| minMaxTrackBreadths->append(valueForGridTrackBreadth(trackSize.minTrackBreadth(), style, renderView)); |
| minMaxTrackBreadths->append(valueForGridTrackBreadth(trackSize.maxTrackBreadth(), style, renderView)); |
| return CSSFunctionValue::create("minmax(", minMaxTrackBreadths); |
| } |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSValue> valueForGridTrackGroup(const Vector<GridTrackSize>& trackSizes, const RenderStyle* style, RenderView* renderView) |
| { |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < trackSizes.size(); ++i) |
| list->append(valueForGridTrackMinMax(trackSizes[i], style, renderView)); |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSValue> valueForGridTrackList(const Vector<GridTrackSize>& trackSizes, const RenderStyle* style, RenderView *renderView) |
| { |
| // Handle the 'none' case here. |
| if (!trackSizes.size()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone); |
| |
| return valueForGridTrackGroup(trackSizes, style, renderView); |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSValue> valueForGridPosition(const GridPosition& position) |
| { |
| if (position.isAuto()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAuto); |
| |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(position.integerPosition(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); |
| } |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSValue> createTransitionPropertyValue(const Animation* animation) |
| { |
| RefPtr<CSSValue> propertyValue; |
| if (animation->animationMode() == Animation::AnimateNone) |
| propertyValue = cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone); |
| else if (animation->animationMode() == Animation::AnimateAll) |
| propertyValue = cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAll); |
| else |
| propertyValue = cssValuePool().createValue(getPropertyNameString(animation->property()), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING); |
| return propertyValue.release(); |
| } |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSValue> getTransitionPropertyValue(const AnimationList* animList) |
| { |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); |
| if (animList) { |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < animList->size(); ++i) |
| list->append(createTransitionPropertyValue(animList->animation(i))); |
| } else |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAll)); |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSValue> getDelayValue(const AnimationList* animList) |
| { |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); |
| if (animList) { |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < animList->size(); ++i) |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createValue(animList->animation(i)->delay(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_S)); |
| } else { |
| // Note that initialAnimationDelay() is used for both transitions and animations |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createValue(Animation::initialAnimationDelay(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_S)); |
| } |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSValue> getDurationValue(const AnimationList* animList) |
| { |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); |
| if (animList) { |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < animList->size(); ++i) |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createValue(animList->animation(i)->duration(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_S)); |
| } else { |
| // Note that initialAnimationDuration() is used for both transitions and animations |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createValue(Animation::initialAnimationDuration(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_S)); |
| } |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSValue> createTimingFunctionValue(const TimingFunction* timingFunction) |
| { |
| if (timingFunction->isCubicBezierTimingFunction()) { |
| const CubicBezierTimingFunction* bezierTimingFunction = static_cast<const CubicBezierTimingFunction*>(timingFunction); |
| if (bezierTimingFunction->timingFunctionPreset() != CubicBezierTimingFunction::Custom) { |
| CSSValueID valueId = CSSValueInvalid; |
| switch (bezierTimingFunction->timingFunctionPreset()) { |
| case CubicBezierTimingFunction::Ease: |
| valueId = CSSValueEase; |
| break; |
| case CubicBezierTimingFunction::EaseIn: |
| valueId = CSSValueEaseIn; |
| break; |
| case CubicBezierTimingFunction::EaseOut: |
| valueId = CSSValueEaseOut; |
| break; |
| case CubicBezierTimingFunction::EaseInOut: |
| valueId = CSSValueEaseInOut; |
| break; |
| default: |
| return 0; |
| } |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(valueId); |
| } |
| return CSSCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue::create(bezierTimingFunction->x1(), bezierTimingFunction->y1(), bezierTimingFunction->x2(), bezierTimingFunction->y2()); |
| } |
| |
| if (timingFunction->isStepsTimingFunction()) { |
| const StepsTimingFunction* stepsTimingFunction = static_cast<const StepsTimingFunction*>(timingFunction); |
| return CSSStepsTimingFunctionValue::create(stepsTimingFunction->numberOfSteps(), stepsTimingFunction->stepAtStart()); |
| } |
| |
| return CSSLinearTimingFunctionValue::create(); |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSValue> getTimingFunctionValue(const AnimationList* animList) |
| { |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); |
| if (animList) { |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < animList->size(); ++i) |
| list->append(createTimingFunctionValue(animList->animation(i)->timingFunction().get())); |
| } else |
| // Note that initialAnimationTimingFunction() is used for both transitions and animations |
| list->append(createTimingFunctionValue(Animation::initialAnimationTimingFunction().get())); |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSValue> createLineBoxContainValue(unsigned lineBoxContain) |
| { |
| if (!lineBoxContain) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone); |
| return CSSLineBoxContainValue::create(lineBoxContain); |
| } |
| |
| CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::CSSComputedStyleDeclaration(PassRefPtr<Node> n, bool allowVisitedStyle, const String& pseudoElementName) |
| : m_node(n) |
| , m_allowVisitedStyle(allowVisitedStyle) |
| , m_refCount(1) |
| { |
| unsigned nameWithoutColonsStart = pseudoElementName[0] == ':' ? (pseudoElementName[1] == ':' ? 2 : 1) : 0; |
| m_pseudoElementSpecifier = CSSSelector::pseudoId(CSSSelector::parsePseudoType( |
| AtomicString(pseudoElementName.substring(nameWithoutColonsStart)))); |
| } |
| |
| CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::~CSSComputedStyleDeclaration() |
| { |
| } |
| |
| void CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::ref() |
| { |
| ++m_refCount; |
| } |
| |
| void CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::deref() |
| { |
| ASSERT(m_refCount); |
| if (!--m_refCount) |
| delete this; |
| } |
| |
| String CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::cssText() const |
| { |
| StringBuilder result; |
| |
| for (unsigned i = 0; i < numComputedProperties; i++) { |
| if (i) |
| result.append(' '); |
| result.append(getPropertyName(computedProperties[i])); |
| result.append(": ", 2); |
| result.append(getPropertyValue(computedProperties[i])); |
| result.append(';'); |
| } |
| |
| return result.toString(); |
| } |
| |
| void CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::setCssText(const String&, ExceptionCode& ec) |
| { |
| } |
| |
| static int cssIdentifierForFontSizeKeyword(int keywordSize) |
| { |
| ASSERT_ARG(keywordSize, keywordSize); |
| ASSERT_ARG(keywordSize, keywordSize <= 8); |
| return CSSValueXxSmall + keywordSize - 1; |
| } |
| |
| PassRefPtr<CSSValue> CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::getFontSizeCSSValuePreferringKeyword() const |
| { |
| if (!m_node) |
| return 0; |
| |
| m_node->document()->updateLayoutIgnorePendingStylesheets(); |
| |
| RefPtr<RenderStyle> style = m_node->computedStyle(m_pseudoElementSpecifier); |
| if (!style) |
| return 0; |
| |
| if (int keywordSize = style->fontDescription().keywordSize()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(cssIdentifierForFontSizeKeyword(keywordSize)); |
| |
| |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(style->fontDescription().computedPixelSize(), style.get()); |
| } |
| |
| bool CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::useFixedFontDefaultSize() const |
| { |
| if (!m_node) |
| return false; |
| |
| RefPtr<RenderStyle> style = m_node->computedStyle(m_pseudoElementSpecifier); |
| if (!style) |
| return false; |
| |
| return style->fontDescription().useFixedDefaultSize(); |
| } |
| |
| PassRefPtr<CSSValue> CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::valueForShadow(const ShadowData* shadow, CSSPropertyID propertyID, const RenderStyle* style) const |
| { |
| if (!shadow) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone); |
| |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); |
| for (const ShadowData* s = shadow; s; s = s->next()) { |
| RefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue> x = zoomAdjustedPixelValue(s->x(), style); |
| RefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue> y = zoomAdjustedPixelValue(s->y(), style); |
| RefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue> blur = zoomAdjustedPixelValue(s->blur(), style); |
| RefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue> spread = propertyID == CSSPropertyTextShadow ? PassRefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue>() : zoomAdjustedPixelValue(s->spread(), style); |
| RefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue> style = propertyID == CSSPropertyTextShadow || s->style() == Normal ? PassRefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue>() : cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueInset); |
| RefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue> color = cssValuePool().createColorValue(s->color().rgb()); |
| list->prepend(ShadowValue::create(x.release(), y.release(), blur.release(), spread.release(), style.release(), color.release())); |
| } |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| |
| PassRefPtr<CSSValue> CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::getPropertyCSSValue(CSSPropertyID propertyID) const |
| { |
| return getPropertyCSSValue(propertyID, UpdateLayout); |
| } |
| |
| static int identifierForFamily(const AtomicString& family) |
| { |
| if (family == cursiveFamily) |
| return CSSValueCursive; |
| if (family == fantasyFamily) |
| return CSSValueFantasy; |
| if (family == monospaceFamily) |
| return CSSValueMonospace; |
| if (family == pictographFamily) |
| return CSSValueWebkitPictograph; |
| if (family == sansSerifFamily) |
| return CSSValueSansSerif; |
| if (family == serifFamily) |
| return CSSValueSerif; |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue> valueForFamily(const AtomicString& family) |
| { |
| if (int familyIdentifier = identifierForFamily(family)) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(familyIdentifier); |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(family.string(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING); |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSValue> renderTextDecorationFlagsToCSSValue(int textDecoration) |
| { |
| // Blink value is ignored. |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); |
| if (textDecoration & UNDERLINE) |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueUnderline)); |
| if (textDecoration & OVERLINE) |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueOverline)); |
| if (textDecoration & LINE_THROUGH) |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueLineThrough)); |
| |
| if (!list->length()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone); |
| return list; |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSValue> renderTextDecorationStyleFlagsToCSSValue(TextDecorationStyle textDecorationStyle) |
| { |
| switch (textDecorationStyle) { |
| case TextDecorationStyleSolid: |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueSolid); |
| case TextDecorationStyleDouble: |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueDouble); |
| case TextDecorationStyleDotted: |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueDotted); |
| case TextDecorationStyleDashed: |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueDashed); |
| case TextDecorationStyleWavy: |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueWavy); |
| } |
| |
| return cssValuePool().createExplicitInitialValue(); |
| } |
| #endif // CSS3_TEXT |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSValue> fillRepeatToCSSValue(EFillRepeat xRepeat, EFillRepeat yRepeat) |
| { |
| // For backwards compatibility, if both values are equal, just return one of them. And |
| // if the two values are equivalent to repeat-x or repeat-y, just return the shorthand. |
| if (xRepeat == yRepeat) |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(xRepeat); |
| if (xRepeat == RepeatFill && yRepeat == NoRepeatFill) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueRepeatX); |
| if (xRepeat == NoRepeatFill && yRepeat == RepeatFill) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueRepeatY); |
| |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createValue(xRepeat)); |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createValue(yRepeat)); |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSValue> fillSizeToCSSValue(const FillSize& fillSize, const RenderStyle* style) |
| { |
| if (fillSize.type == Contain) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueContain); |
| |
| if (fillSize.type == Cover) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueCover); |
| |
| if (fillSize.size.height().isAuto()) |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValueForLength(fillSize.size.width(), style); |
| |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); |
| list->append(zoomAdjustedPixelValueForLength(fillSize.size.width(), style)); |
| list->append(zoomAdjustedPixelValueForLength(fillSize.size.height(), style)); |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSValue> contentToCSSValue(const RenderStyle* style) |
| { |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); |
| for (const ContentData* contentData = style->contentData(); contentData; contentData = contentData->next()) { |
| if (contentData->isCounter()) { |
| const CounterContent* counter = static_cast<const CounterContentData*>(contentData)->counter(); |
| ASSERT(counter); |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createValue(counter->identifier(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_COUNTER_NAME)); |
| } else if (contentData->isImage()) { |
| const StyleImage* image = static_cast<const ImageContentData*>(contentData)->image(); |
| ASSERT(image); |
| list->append(image->cssValue()); |
| } else if (contentData->isText()) |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createValue(static_cast<const TextContentData*>(contentData)->text(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING)); |
| } |
| if (!style->regionThread().isNull()) |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createValue(style->regionThread(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING)); |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSValue> counterToCSSValue(const RenderStyle* style, CSSPropertyID propertyID) |
| { |
| const CounterDirectiveMap* map = style->counterDirectives(); |
| if (!map) |
| return 0; |
| |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); |
| for (CounterDirectiveMap::const_iterator it = map->begin(); it != map->end(); ++it) { |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createValue(it->key, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING)); |
| short number = propertyID == CSSPropertyCounterIncrement ? it->value.incrementValue() : it->value.resetValue(); |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createValue((double)number, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)); |
| } |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| |
| static void logUnimplementedPropertyID(CSSPropertyID propertyID) |
| { |
| DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(HashSet<CSSPropertyID>, propertyIDSet, ()); |
| if (!propertyIDSet.add(propertyID).isNewEntry) |
| return; |
| |
| LOG_ERROR("WebKit does not yet implement getComputedStyle for '%s'.", getPropertyName(propertyID)); |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSValueList> fontFamilyFromStyle(RenderStyle* style) |
| { |
| const FontFamily& firstFamily = style->fontDescription().family(); |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); |
| for (const FontFamily* family = &firstFamily; family; family = family->next()) |
| list->append(valueForFamily(family->family())); |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue> lineHeightFromStyle(RenderStyle* style, RenderView* renderView) |
| { |
| Length length = style->lineHeight(); |
| if (length.isNegative()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNormal); |
| if (length.isPercent()) |
| // This is imperfect, because it doesn't include the zoom factor and the real computation |
| // for how high to be in pixels does include things like minimum font size and the zoom factor. |
| // On the other hand, since font-size doesn't include the zoom factor, we really can't do |
| // that here either. |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(static_cast<int>(length.percent() * style->fontDescription().specifiedSize()) / 100, style); |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(valueForLength(length, 0, renderView), style); |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue> fontSizeFromStyle(RenderStyle* style) |
| { |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(style->fontDescription().computedPixelSize(), style); |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue> fontStyleFromStyle(RenderStyle* style) |
| { |
| if (style->fontDescription().italic()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueItalic); |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNormal); |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue> fontVariantFromStyle(RenderStyle* style) |
| { |
| if (style->fontDescription().smallCaps()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueSmallCaps); |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNormal); |
| } |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue> fontWeightFromStyle(RenderStyle* style) |
| { |
| switch (style->fontDescription().weight()) { |
| case FontWeight100: |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValue100); |
| case FontWeight200: |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValue200); |
| case FontWeight300: |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValue300); |
| case FontWeightNormal: |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNormal); |
| case FontWeight500: |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValue500); |
| case FontWeight600: |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValue600); |
| case FontWeightBold: |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueBold); |
| case FontWeight800: |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValue800); |
| case FontWeight900: |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValue900); |
| } |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNormal); |
| } |
| |
| static bool isLayoutDependentProperty(CSSPropertyID propertyID) |
| { |
| switch (propertyID) { |
| case CSSPropertyWidth: |
| case CSSPropertyHeight: |
| case CSSPropertyMargin: |
| case CSSPropertyMarginTop: |
| case CSSPropertyMarginBottom: |
| case CSSPropertyMarginLeft: |
| case CSSPropertyMarginRight: |
| case CSSPropertyPadding: |
| case CSSPropertyPaddingTop: |
| case CSSPropertyPaddingBottom: |
| case CSSPropertyPaddingLeft: |
| case CSSPropertyPaddingRight: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitPerspectiveOrigin: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitTransformOrigin: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitTransform: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitFilter: |
| #endif |
| return true; |
| default: |
| return false; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| PassRefPtr<CSSValue> CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::getPropertyCSSValue(CSSPropertyID propertyID, EUpdateLayout updateLayout) const |
| { |
| Node* node = m_node.get(); |
| if (!node) |
| return 0; |
| |
| if (updateLayout) { |
| Document* document = m_node->document(); |
| // FIXME: Some of these cases could be narrowed down or optimized better. |
| bool forceFullLayout = isLayoutDependentProperty(propertyID) |
| || node->isInShadowTree() |
| || (document->styleResolverIfExists() && document->styleResolverIfExists()->hasViewportDependentMediaQueries() && document->ownerElement()) |
| || document->seamlessParentIFrame(); |
| |
| if (forceFullLayout) |
| document->updateLayoutIgnorePendingStylesheets(); |
| else { |
| bool needsStyleRecalc = document->hasPendingForcedStyleRecalc(); |
| for (Node* n = m_node.get(); n && !needsStyleRecalc; n = n->parentNode()) |
| needsStyleRecalc = n->needsStyleRecalc(); |
| if (needsStyleRecalc) |
| document->updateStyleIfNeeded(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| RenderObject* renderer = node->renderer(); |
| |
| RefPtr<RenderStyle> style; |
| if (renderer && renderer->isComposited() && AnimationController::supportsAcceleratedAnimationOfProperty(propertyID)) { |
| AnimationUpdateBlock animationUpdateBlock(renderer->animation()); |
| style = renderer->animation()->getAnimatedStyleForRenderer(renderer); |
| if (m_pseudoElementSpecifier) { |
| // FIXME: This cached pseudo style will only exist if the animation has been run at least once. |
| style = style->getCachedPseudoStyle(m_pseudoElementSpecifier); |
| } |
| } else |
| style = node->computedStyle(m_pseudoElementSpecifier); |
| |
| if (!style) |
| return 0; |
| |
| if (node->isElementNode() && (m_pseudoElementSpecifier == BEFORE || m_pseudoElementSpecifier == AFTER)) |
| renderer = toElement(node)->pseudoElementRenderer(m_pseudoElementSpecifier); |
| |
| propertyID = CSSProperty::resolveDirectionAwareProperty(propertyID, style->direction(), style->writingMode()); |
| |
| switch (propertyID) { |
| case CSSPropertyInvalid: |
| case CSSPropertyVariable: |
| #endif |
| break; |
| |
| case CSSPropertyBackgroundColor: |
| return cssValuePool().createColorValue(m_allowVisitedStyle? style->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor).rgb() : style->backgroundColor().rgb()); |
| case CSSPropertyBackgroundImage: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskImage: { |
| const FillLayer* layers = propertyID == CSSPropertyWebkitMaskImage ? style->maskLayers() : style->backgroundLayers(); |
| if (!layers) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone); |
| |
| if (!layers->next()) { |
| if (layers->image()) |
| return layers->image()->cssValue(); |
| |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone); |
| } |
| |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); |
| for (const FillLayer* currLayer = layers; currLayer; currLayer = currLayer->next()) { |
| if (currLayer->image()) |
| list->append(currLayer->image()->cssValue()); |
| else |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone)); |
| } |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| case CSSPropertyBackgroundSize: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBackgroundSize: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskSize: { |
| const FillLayer* layers = propertyID == CSSPropertyWebkitMaskSize ? style->maskLayers() : style->backgroundLayers(); |
| if (!layers->next()) |
| return fillSizeToCSSValue(layers->size(), style.get()); |
| |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); |
| for (const FillLayer* currLayer = layers; currLayer; currLayer = currLayer->next()) |
| list->append(fillSizeToCSSValue(currLayer->size(), style.get())); |
| |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| case CSSPropertyBackgroundRepeat: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskRepeat: { |
| const FillLayer* layers = propertyID == CSSPropertyWebkitMaskRepeat ? style->maskLayers() : style->backgroundLayers(); |
| if (!layers->next()) |
| return fillRepeatToCSSValue(layers->repeatX(), layers->repeatY()); |
| |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); |
| for (const FillLayer* currLayer = layers; currLayer; currLayer = currLayer->next()) |
| list->append(fillRepeatToCSSValue(currLayer->repeatX(), currLayer->repeatY())); |
| |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBackgroundComposite: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskComposite: { |
| const FillLayer* layers = propertyID == CSSPropertyWebkitMaskComposite ? style->maskLayers() : style->backgroundLayers(); |
| if (!layers->next()) |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(layers->composite()); |
| |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); |
| for (const FillLayer* currLayer = layers; currLayer; currLayer = currLayer->next()) |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createValue(currLayer->composite())); |
| |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| case CSSPropertyBackgroundAttachment: { |
| const FillLayer* layers = style->backgroundLayers(); |
| if (!layers->next()) |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(layers->attachment()); |
| |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); |
| for (const FillLayer* currLayer = layers; currLayer; currLayer = currLayer->next()) |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createValue(currLayer->attachment())); |
| |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| case CSSPropertyBackgroundClip: |
| case CSSPropertyBackgroundOrigin: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBackgroundClip: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBackgroundOrigin: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskClip: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskOrigin: { |
| const FillLayer* layers = (propertyID == CSSPropertyWebkitMaskClip || propertyID == CSSPropertyWebkitMaskOrigin) ? style->maskLayers() : style->backgroundLayers(); |
| bool isClip = propertyID == CSSPropertyBackgroundClip || propertyID == CSSPropertyWebkitBackgroundClip || propertyID == CSSPropertyWebkitMaskClip; |
| if (!layers->next()) { |
| EFillBox box = isClip ? layers->clip() : layers->origin(); |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(box); |
| } |
| |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); |
| for (const FillLayer* currLayer = layers; currLayer; currLayer = currLayer->next()) { |
| EFillBox box = isClip ? currLayer->clip() : currLayer->origin(); |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createValue(box)); |
| } |
| |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| case CSSPropertyBackgroundPosition: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskPosition: { |
| const FillLayer* layers = propertyID == CSSPropertyWebkitMaskPosition ? style->maskLayers() : style->backgroundLayers(); |
| if (!layers->next()) |
| return createPositionListForLayer(propertyID, layers, style.get()); |
| |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); |
| for (const FillLayer* currLayer = layers; currLayer; currLayer = currLayer->next()) |
| list->append(createPositionListForLayer(propertyID, currLayer, style.get())); |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| case CSSPropertyBackgroundPositionX: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskPositionX: { |
| const FillLayer* layers = propertyID == CSSPropertyWebkitMaskPositionX ? style->maskLayers() : style->backgroundLayers(); |
| if (!layers->next()) |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(layers->xPosition()); |
| |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); |
| for (const FillLayer* currLayer = layers; currLayer; currLayer = currLayer->next()) |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createValue(currLayer->xPosition())); |
| |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| case CSSPropertyBackgroundPositionY: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskPositionY: { |
| const FillLayer* layers = propertyID == CSSPropertyWebkitMaskPositionY ? style->maskLayers() : style->backgroundLayers(); |
| if (!layers->next()) |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(layers->yPosition()); |
| |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); |
| for (const FillLayer* currLayer = layers; currLayer; currLayer = currLayer->next()) |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createValue(currLayer->yPosition())); |
| |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| case CSSPropertyBorderCollapse: |
| if (style->borderCollapse()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueCollapse); |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueSeparate); |
| case CSSPropertyBorderSpacing: { |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); |
| list->append(zoomAdjustedPixelValue(style->horizontalBorderSpacing(), style.get())); |
| list->append(zoomAdjustedPixelValue(style->verticalBorderSpacing(), style.get())); |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderHorizontalSpacing: |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(style->horizontalBorderSpacing(), style.get()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderVerticalSpacing: |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(style->verticalBorderSpacing(), style.get()); |
| case CSSPropertyBorderImageSource: |
| if (style->borderImageSource()) |
| return style->borderImageSource()->cssValue(); |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone); |
| case CSSPropertyBorderTopColor: |
| return m_allowVisitedStyle ? cssValuePool().createColorValue(style->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyBorderTopColor).rgb()) : currentColorOrValidColor(style.get(), style->borderTopColor()); |
| case CSSPropertyBorderRightColor: |
| return m_allowVisitedStyle ? cssValuePool().createColorValue(style->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyBorderRightColor).rgb()) : currentColorOrValidColor(style.get(), style->borderRightColor()); |
| case CSSPropertyBorderBottomColor: |
| return m_allowVisitedStyle ? cssValuePool().createColorValue(style->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyBorderBottomColor).rgb()) : currentColorOrValidColor(style.get(), style->borderBottomColor()); |
| case CSSPropertyBorderLeftColor: |
| return m_allowVisitedStyle ? cssValuePool().createColorValue(style->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyBorderLeftColor).rgb()) : currentColorOrValidColor(style.get(), style->borderLeftColor()); |
| case CSSPropertyBorderTopStyle: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->borderTopStyle()); |
| case CSSPropertyBorderRightStyle: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->borderRightStyle()); |
| case CSSPropertyBorderBottomStyle: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->borderBottomStyle()); |
| case CSSPropertyBorderLeftStyle: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->borderLeftStyle()); |
| case CSSPropertyBorderTopWidth: |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(style->borderTopWidth(), style.get()); |
| case CSSPropertyBorderRightWidth: |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(style->borderRightWidth(), style.get()); |
| case CSSPropertyBorderBottomWidth: |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(style->borderBottomWidth(), style.get()); |
| case CSSPropertyBorderLeftWidth: |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(style->borderLeftWidth(), style.get()); |
| case CSSPropertyBottom: |
| return getPositionOffsetValue(style.get(), CSSPropertyBottom, m_node->document()->renderView()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxAlign: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->boxAlign()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxDecorationBreak: |
| if (style->boxDecorationBreak() == DSLICE) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueSlice); |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueClone); |
| #endif |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxDirection: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->boxDirection()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxFlex: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->boxFlex(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxFlexGroup: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->boxFlexGroup(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxLines: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->boxLines()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxOrdinalGroup: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->boxOrdinalGroup(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxOrient: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->boxOrient()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxPack: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->boxPack()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxReflect: |
| return valueForReflection(style->boxReflect(), style.get()); |
| case CSSPropertyBoxShadow: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxShadow: |
| return valueForShadow(style->boxShadow(), propertyID, style.get()); |
| case CSSPropertyCaptionSide: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->captionSide()); |
| case CSSPropertyClear: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->clear()); |
| case CSSPropertyColor: |
| return cssValuePool().createColorValue(m_allowVisitedStyle ? style->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyColor).rgb() : style->color().rgb()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitPrintColorAdjust: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->printColorAdjust()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitColumnAxis: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->columnAxis()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitColumnCount: |
| if (style->hasAutoColumnCount()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAuto); |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->columnCount(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitColumnGap: |
| if (style->hasNormalColumnGap()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNormal); |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(style->columnGap(), style.get()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitColumnProgression: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->columnProgression()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitColumnRuleColor: |
| return m_allowVisitedStyle ? cssValuePool().createColorValue(style->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyOutlineColor).rgb()) : currentColorOrValidColor(style.get(), style->columnRuleColor()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitColumnRuleStyle: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->columnRuleStyle()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitColumnRuleWidth: |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(style->columnRuleWidth(), style.get()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitColumnSpan: |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(style->columnSpan() ? CSSValueAll : CSSValueNone); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitColumnBreakAfter: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->columnBreakAfter()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitColumnBreakBefore: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->columnBreakBefore()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitColumnBreakInside: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->columnBreakInside()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitColumnWidth: |
| if (style->hasAutoColumnWidth()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAuto); |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(style->columnWidth(), style.get()); |
| case CSSPropertyTabSize: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->tabSize(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitRegionBreakAfter: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->regionBreakAfter()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitRegionBreakBefore: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->regionBreakBefore()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitRegionBreakInside: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->regionBreakInside()); |
| #endif |
| case CSSPropertyCursor: { |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list; |
| CursorList* cursors = style->cursors(); |
| if (cursors && cursors->size() > 0) { |
| list = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); |
| for (unsigned i = 0; i < cursors->size(); ++i) |
| if (StyleImage* image = cursors->at(i).image()) |
| list->append(image->cssValue()); |
| } |
| RefPtr<CSSValue> value = cssValuePool().createValue(style->cursor()); |
| if (list) { |
| list->append(value); |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| return value.release(); |
| } |
| case CSSPropertyDirection: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->direction()); |
| case CSSPropertyDisplay: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->display()); |
| case CSSPropertyEmptyCells: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->emptyCells()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitAlignContent: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->alignContent()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitAlignItems: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->alignItems()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitAlignSelf: |
| if (style->alignSelf() == AlignAuto) { |
| if (m_node && m_node->parentNode() && m_node->parentNode()->computedStyle()) |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(m_node->parentNode()->computedStyle()->alignItems()); |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(AlignStretch); |
| } |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->alignSelf()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitFlex: |
| return getCSSPropertyValuesForShorthandProperties(webkitFlexShorthand()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitFlexBasis: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->flexBasis()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitFlexDirection: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->flexDirection()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitFlexFlow: |
| return getCSSPropertyValuesForShorthandProperties(webkitFlexFlowShorthand()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitFlexGrow: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->flexGrow()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitFlexShrink: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->flexShrink()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitFlexWrap: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->flexWrap()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitJustifyContent: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->justifyContent()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitOrder: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->order(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); |
| case CSSPropertyFloat: |
| if (style->display() != NONE && style->hasOutOfFlowPosition()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone); |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->floating()); |
| case CSSPropertyFont: { |
| RefPtr<FontValue> computedFont = FontValue::create(); |
| computedFont->style = fontStyleFromStyle(style.get()); |
| computedFont->variant = fontVariantFromStyle(style.get()); |
| computedFont->weight = fontWeightFromStyle(style.get()); |
| computedFont->size = fontSizeFromStyle(style.get()); |
| computedFont->lineHeight = lineHeightFromStyle(style.get(), m_node->document()->renderView()); |
| computedFont->family = fontFamilyFromStyle(style.get()); |
| return computedFont.release(); |
| } |
| case CSSPropertyFontFamily: { |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> fontFamilyList = fontFamilyFromStyle(style.get()); |
| // If there's only a single family, return that as a CSSPrimitiveValue. |
| // NOTE: Gecko always returns this as a comma-separated CSSPrimitiveValue string. |
| if (fontFamilyList->length() == 1) |
| return fontFamilyList->item(0); |
| return fontFamilyList.release(); |
| } |
| case CSSPropertyFontSize: |
| return fontSizeFromStyle(style.get()); |
| case CSSPropertyFontStyle: |
| return fontStyleFromStyle(style.get()); |
| case CSSPropertyFontVariant: |
| return fontVariantFromStyle(style.get()); |
| case CSSPropertyFontWeight: |
| return fontWeightFromStyle(style.get()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitFontFeatureSettings: { |
| const FontFeatureSettings* featureSettings = style->fontDescription().featureSettings(); |
| if (!featureSettings || !featureSettings->size()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNormal); |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); |
| for (unsigned i = 0; i < featureSettings->size(); ++i) { |
| const FontFeature& feature = featureSettings->at(i); |
| RefPtr<FontFeatureValue> featureValue = FontFeatureValue::create(feature.tag(), feature.value()); |
| list->append(featureValue.release()); |
| } |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitGridColumns: { |
| return valueForGridTrackList(style->gridColumns(), style.get(), m_node->document()->renderView()); |
| } |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitGridRows: { |
| return valueForGridTrackList(style->gridRows(), style.get(), m_node->document()->renderView()); |
| } |
| |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitGridColumn: |
| return valueForGridPosition(style->gridItemColumn()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitGridRow: |
| return valueForGridPosition(style->gridItemRow()); |
| |
| case CSSPropertyHeight: |
| if (renderer) { |
| // According to http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/visudet.html#the-height-property, |
| // the "height" property does not apply for non-replaced inline elements. |
| if (!renderer->isReplaced() && renderer->isInline()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAuto); |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(sizingBox(renderer).height(), style.get()); |
| } |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValueForLength(style->height(), style.get()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitHighlight: |
| if (style->highlight() == nullAtom) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone); |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->highlight(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitHyphens: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->hyphens()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitHyphenateCharacter: |
| if (style->hyphenationString().isNull()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAuto); |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->hyphenationString(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitHyphenateLimitAfter: |
| if (style->hyphenationLimitAfter() < 0) |
| return CSSPrimitiveValue::createIdentifier(CSSValueAuto); |
| return CSSPrimitiveValue::create(style->hyphenationLimitAfter(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitHyphenateLimitBefore: |
| if (style->hyphenationLimitBefore() < 0) |
| return CSSPrimitiveValue::createIdentifier(CSSValueAuto); |
| return CSSPrimitiveValue::create(style->hyphenationLimitBefore(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitHyphenateLimitLines: |
| if (style->hyphenationLimitLines() < 0) |
| return CSSPrimitiveValue::createIdentifier(CSSValueNoLimit); |
| return CSSPrimitiveValue::create(style->hyphenationLimitLines(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderFit: |
| if (style->borderFit() == BorderFitBorder) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueBorder); |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueLines); |
| case CSSPropertyImageOrientation: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->imageOrientation()); |
| #endif |
| case CSSPropertyImageRendering: |
| return CSSPrimitiveValue::create(style->imageRendering()); |
| case CSSPropertyImageResolution: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->imageResolution(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_DPPX); |
| #endif |
| case CSSPropertyLeft: |
| return getPositionOffsetValue(style.get(), CSSPropertyLeft, m_node->document()->renderView()); |
| case CSSPropertyLetterSpacing: |
| if (!style->letterSpacing()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNormal); |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(style->letterSpacing(), style.get()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitLineClamp: |
| if (style->lineClamp().isNone()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone); |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->lineClamp().value(), style->lineClamp().isPercentage() ? CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE : CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); |
| case CSSPropertyLineHeight: |
| return lineHeightFromStyle(style.get(), m_node->document()->renderView()); |
| case CSSPropertyListStyleImage: |
| if (style->listStyleImage()) |
| return style->listStyleImage()->cssValue(); |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone); |
| case CSSPropertyListStylePosition: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->listStylePosition()); |
| case CSSPropertyListStyleType: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->listStyleType()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitLocale: |
| if (style->locale().isNull()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAuto); |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->locale(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING); |
| case CSSPropertyMarginTop: { |
| Length marginTop = style->marginTop(); |
| if (marginTop.isFixed() || !renderer || !renderer->isBox()) |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValueForLength(marginTop, style.get()); |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(toRenderBox(renderer)->marginTop(), style.get()); |
| } |
| case CSSPropertyMarginRight: { |
| Length marginRight = style->marginRight(); |
| if (marginRight.isFixed() || !renderer || !renderer->isBox()) |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValueForLength(marginRight, style.get()); |
| int value; |
| if (marginRight.isPercent() || marginRight.isViewportPercentage()) |
| // RenderBox gives a marginRight() that is the distance between the right-edge of the child box |
| // and the right-edge of the containing box, when display == BLOCK. Let's calculate the absolute |
| // value of the specified margin-right % instead of relying on RenderBox's marginRight() value. |
| value = minimumValueForLength(marginRight, toRenderBox(renderer)->containingBlockLogicalWidthForContent(), m_node->document()->renderView()); |
| else |
| value = toRenderBox(renderer)->marginRight(); |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(value, style.get()); |
| } |
| case CSSPropertyMarginBottom: { |
| Length marginBottom = style->marginBottom(); |
| if (marginBottom.isFixed() || !renderer || !renderer->isBox()) |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValueForLength(marginBottom, style.get()); |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(toRenderBox(renderer)->marginBottom(), style.get()); |
| } |
| case CSSPropertyMarginLeft: { |
| Length marginLeft = style->marginLeft(); |
| if (marginLeft.isFixed() || !renderer || !renderer->isBox()) |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValueForLength(marginLeft, style.get()); |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(toRenderBox(renderer)->marginLeft(), style.get()); |
| } |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMarqueeDirection: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->marqueeDirection()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMarqueeIncrement: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->marqueeIncrement()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMarqueeRepetition: |
| if (style->marqueeLoopCount() < 0) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueInfinite); |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->marqueeLoopCount(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMarqueeStyle: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->marqueeBehavior()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitUserModify: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->userModify()); |
| case CSSPropertyMaxHeight: { |
| const Length& maxHeight = style->maxHeight(); |
| if (maxHeight.isUndefined()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone); |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValueForLength(maxHeight, style.get()); |
| } |
| case CSSPropertyMaxWidth: { |
| const Length& maxWidth = style->maxWidth(); |
| if (maxWidth.isUndefined()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone); |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValueForLength(maxWidth, style.get()); |
| } |
| case CSSPropertyMinHeight: |
| // FIXME: For flex-items, min-height:auto should compute to min-content. |
| if (style->minHeight().isAuto()) |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(0, style.get()); |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValueForLength(style->minHeight(), style.get()); |
| case CSSPropertyMinWidth: |
| // FIXME: For flex-items, min-width:auto should compute to min-content. |
| if (style->minWidth().isAuto()) |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(0, style.get()); |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValueForLength(style->minWidth(), style.get()); |
| case CSSPropertyOpacity: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->opacity(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); |
| case CSSPropertyOrphans: |
| if (style->hasAutoOrphans()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAuto); |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->orphans(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); |
| case CSSPropertyOutlineColor: |
| return m_allowVisitedStyle ? cssValuePool().createColorValue(style->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyOutlineColor).rgb()) : currentColorOrValidColor(style.get(), style->outlineColor()); |
| case CSSPropertyOutlineOffset: |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(style->outlineOffset(), style.get()); |
| case CSSPropertyOutlineStyle: |
| if (style->outlineStyleIsAuto()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAuto); |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->outlineStyle()); |
| case CSSPropertyOutlineWidth: |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(style->outlineWidth(), style.get()); |
| case CSSPropertyOverflow: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(max(style->overflowX(), style->overflowY())); |
| case CSSPropertyOverflowWrap: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->overflowWrap()); |
| case CSSPropertyOverflowX: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->overflowX()); |
| case CSSPropertyOverflowY: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->overflowY()); |
| case CSSPropertyPaddingTop: |
| if (renderer && renderer->isBox()) |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(toRenderBox(renderer)->computedCSSPaddingTop(), style.get()); |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValueForLength(style->paddingTop(), style.get()); |
| case CSSPropertyPaddingRight: |
| if (renderer && renderer->isBox()) |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(toRenderBox(renderer)->computedCSSPaddingRight(), style.get()); |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValueForLength(style->paddingRight(), style.get()); |
| case CSSPropertyPaddingBottom: |
| if (renderer && renderer->isBox()) |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(toRenderBox(renderer)->computedCSSPaddingBottom(), style.get()); |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValueForLength(style->paddingBottom(), style.get()); |
| case CSSPropertyPaddingLeft: |
| if (renderer && renderer->isBox()) |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(toRenderBox(renderer)->computedCSSPaddingLeft(), style.get()); |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValueForLength(style->paddingLeft(), style.get()); |
| case CSSPropertyPageBreakAfter: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->pageBreakAfter()); |
| case CSSPropertyPageBreakBefore: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->pageBreakBefore()); |
| case CSSPropertyPageBreakInside: { |
| EPageBreak pageBreak = style->pageBreakInside(); |
| ASSERT(pageBreak != PBALWAYS); |
| if (pageBreak == PBALWAYS) |
| return 0; |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->pageBreakInside()); |
| } |
| case CSSPropertyPosition: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->position()); |
| case CSSPropertyRight: |
| return getPositionOffsetValue(style.get(), CSSPropertyRight, m_node->document()->renderView()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitRubyPosition: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->rubyPosition()); |
| case CSSPropertyTableLayout: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->tableLayout()); |
| case CSSPropertyTextAlign: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->textAlign()); |
| case CSSPropertyTextDecoration: |
| return renderTextDecorationFlagsToCSSValue(style->textDecoration()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitTextDecorationLine: |
| return renderTextDecorationFlagsToCSSValue(style->textDecoration()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitTextDecorationStyle: |
| return renderTextDecorationStyleFlagsToCSSValue(style->textDecorationStyle()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitTextAlignLast: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->textAlignLast()); |
| #endif // CSS3_TEXT |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitTextDecorationsInEffect: |
| return renderTextDecorationFlagsToCSSValue(style->textDecorationsInEffect()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitTextFillColor: |
| return currentColorOrValidColor(style.get(), style->textFillColor()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitTextEmphasisColor: |
| return currentColorOrValidColor(style.get(), style->textEmphasisColor()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitTextEmphasisPosition: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->textEmphasisPosition()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitTextEmphasisStyle: |
| switch (style->textEmphasisMark()) { |
| case TextEmphasisMarkNone: |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone); |
| case TextEmphasisMarkCustom: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->textEmphasisCustomMark(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING); |
| case TextEmphasisMarkAuto: |
| // Fall through |
| case TextEmphasisMarkDot: |
| case TextEmphasisMarkCircle: |
| case TextEmphasisMarkDoubleCircle: |
| case TextEmphasisMarkTriangle: |
| case TextEmphasisMarkSesame: { |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createValue(style->textEmphasisFill())); |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createValue(style->textEmphasisMark())); |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| } |
| case CSSPropertyTextIndent: |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValueForLength(style->textIndent(), style.get()); |
| case CSSPropertyTextShadow: |
| return valueForShadow(style->textShadow(), propertyID, style.get()); |
| case CSSPropertyTextRendering: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->fontDescription().textRenderingMode()); |
| case CSSPropertyTextOverflow: |
| if (style->textOverflow()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueEllipsis); |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueClip); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitTextSecurity: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->textSecurity()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitTextSizeAdjust: |
| if (style->textSizeAdjust()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAuto); |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitTextStrokeColor: |
| return currentColorOrValidColor(style.get(), style->textStrokeColor()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitTextStrokeWidth: |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(style->textStrokeWidth(), style.get()); |
| case CSSPropertyTextTransform: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->textTransform()); |
| case CSSPropertyTop: |
| return getPositionOffsetValue(style.get(), CSSPropertyTop, m_node->document()->renderView()); |
| case CSSPropertyUnicodeBidi: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->unicodeBidi()); |
| case CSSPropertyVerticalAlign: |
| switch (style->verticalAlign()) { |
| case BASELINE: |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueBaseline); |
| case MIDDLE: |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueMiddle); |
| case SUB: |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueSub); |
| case SUPER: |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueSuper); |
| case TEXT_TOP: |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueTextTop); |
| case TEXT_BOTTOM: |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueTextBottom); |
| case TOP: |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueTop); |
| case BOTTOM: |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueBottom); |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueWebkitBaselineMiddle); |
| case LENGTH: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->verticalAlignLength()); |
| } |
| return 0; |
| case CSSPropertyVisibility: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->visibility()); |
| case CSSPropertyWhiteSpace: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->whiteSpace()); |
| case CSSPropertyWidows: |
| if (style->hasAutoWidows()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAuto); |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->widows(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); |
| case CSSPropertyWidth: |
| if (renderer) { |
| // According to http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/visudet.html#the-width-property, |
| // the "width" property does not apply for non-replaced inline elements. |
| if (!renderer->isReplaced() && renderer->isInline()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAuto); |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(sizingBox(renderer).width(), style.get()); |
| } |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValueForLength(style->width(), style.get()); |
| case CSSPropertyWordBreak: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->wordBreak()); |
| case CSSPropertyWordSpacing: |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(style->wordSpacing(), style.get()); |
| case CSSPropertyWordWrap: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->overflowWrap()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitLineBreak: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->lineBreak()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitNbspMode: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->nbspMode()); |
| case CSSPropertyResize: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->resize()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitFontKerning: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->fontDescription().kerning()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitFontSmoothing: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->fontDescription().fontSmoothing()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitFontVariantLigatures: { |
| FontDescription::LigaturesState commonLigaturesState = style->fontDescription().commonLigaturesState(); |
| FontDescription::LigaturesState discretionaryLigaturesState = style->fontDescription().discretionaryLigaturesState(); |
| FontDescription::LigaturesState historicalLigaturesState = style->fontDescription().historicalLigaturesState(); |
| if (commonLigaturesState == FontDescription::NormalLigaturesState && discretionaryLigaturesState == FontDescription::NormalLigaturesState |
| && historicalLigaturesState == FontDescription::NormalLigaturesState) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNormal); |
| |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> valueList = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); |
| if (commonLigaturesState != FontDescription::NormalLigaturesState) |
| valueList->append(cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(commonLigaturesState == FontDescription::DisabledLigaturesState ? CSSValueNoCommonLigatures : CSSValueCommonLigatures)); |
| if (discretionaryLigaturesState != FontDescription::NormalLigaturesState) |
| valueList->append(cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(discretionaryLigaturesState == FontDescription::DisabledLigaturesState ? CSSValueNoDiscretionaryLigatures : CSSValueDiscretionaryLigatures)); |
| if (historicalLigaturesState != FontDescription::NormalLigaturesState) |
| valueList->append(cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(historicalLigaturesState == FontDescription::DisabledLigaturesState ? CSSValueNoHistoricalLigatures : CSSValueHistoricalLigatures)); |
| return valueList; |
| } |
| case CSSPropertyZIndex: |
| if (style->hasAutoZIndex()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAuto); |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->zIndex(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); |
| case CSSPropertyZoom: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->zoom(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); |
| case CSSPropertyBoxSizing: |
| if (style->boxSizing() == CONTENT_BOX) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueContentBox); |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueBorderBox); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitDashboardRegion: |
| { |
| const Vector<StyleDashboardRegion>& regions = style->dashboardRegions(); |
| unsigned count = regions.size(); |
| if (count == 1 && regions[0].type == StyleDashboardRegion::None) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone); |
| |
| RefPtr<DashboardRegion> firstRegion; |
| DashboardRegion* previousRegion = 0; |
| for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
| RefPtr<DashboardRegion> region = DashboardRegion::create(); |
| StyleDashboardRegion styleRegion = regions[i]; |
| |
| region->m_label = styleRegion.label; |
| LengthBox offset = styleRegion.offset; |
| region->setTop(zoomAdjustedPixelValue(offset.top().value(), style.get())); |
| region->setRight(zoomAdjustedPixelValue(offset.right().value(), style.get())); |
| region->setBottom(zoomAdjustedPixelValue(offset.bottom().value(), style.get())); |
| region->setLeft(zoomAdjustedPixelValue(offset.left().value(), style.get())); |
| region->m_isRectangle = (styleRegion.type == StyleDashboardRegion::Rectangle); |
| region->m_isCircle = (styleRegion.type == StyleDashboardRegion::Circle); |
| |
| if (previousRegion) |
| previousRegion->m_next = region; |
| else |
| firstRegion = region; |
| previousRegion = region.get(); |
| } |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(firstRegion.release()); |
| } |
| #endif |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitAppRegion: |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(style->getDraggableRegionMode() == DraggableRegionDrag ? CSSValueDrag : CSSValueNoDrag); |
| #endif |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationDelay: |
| return getDelayValue(style->animations()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationDirection: { |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); |
| const AnimationList* t = style->animations(); |
| if (t) { |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < t->size(); ++i) { |
| if (t->animation(i)->direction()) |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAlternate)); |
| else |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNormal)); |
| } |
| } else |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNormal)); |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationDuration: |
| return getDurationValue(style->animations()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationFillMode: { |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); |
| const AnimationList* t = style->animations(); |
| if (t) { |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < t->size(); ++i) { |
| switch (t->animation(i)->fillMode()) { |
| case AnimationFillModeNone: |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone)); |
| break; |
| case AnimationFillModeForwards: |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueForwards)); |
| break; |
| case AnimationFillModeBackwards: |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueBackwards)); |
| break; |
| case AnimationFillModeBoth: |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueBoth)); |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| } else |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone)); |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationIterationCount: { |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); |
| const AnimationList* t = style->animations(); |
| if (t) { |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < t->size(); ++i) { |
| double iterationCount = t->animation(i)->iterationCount(); |
| if (iterationCount == Animation::IterationCountInfinite) |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueInfinite)); |
| else |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createValue(iterationCount, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)); |
| } |
| } else |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createValue(Animation::initialAnimationIterationCount(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)); |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationName: { |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); |
| const AnimationList* t = style->animations(); |
| if (t) { |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < t->size(); ++i) |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createValue(t->animation(i)->name(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING)); |
| } else |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone)); |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationPlayState: { |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); |
| const AnimationList* t = style->animations(); |
| if (t) { |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < t->size(); ++i) { |
| int prop = t->animation(i)->playState(); |
| if (prop == AnimPlayStatePlaying) |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueRunning)); |
| else |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValuePaused)); |
| } |
| } else |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueRunning)); |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationTimingFunction: |
| return getTimingFunctionValue(style->animations()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitAppearance: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->appearance()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitAspectRatio: |
| if (!style->hasAspectRatio()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone); |
| return CSSAspectRatioValue::create(style->aspectRatioNumerator(), style->aspectRatioDenominator()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBackfaceVisibility: |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue((style->backfaceVisibility() == BackfaceVisibilityHidden) ? CSSValueHidden : CSSValueVisible); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderImage: |
| return valueForNinePieceImage(style->borderImage()); |
| case CSSPropertyBorderImageOutset: |
| return valueForNinePieceImageQuad(style->borderImage().outset()); |
| case CSSPropertyBorderImageRepeat: |
| return valueForNinePieceImageRepeat(style->borderImage()); |
| case CSSPropertyBorderImageSlice: |
| return valueForNinePieceImageSlice(style->borderImage()); |
| case CSSPropertyBorderImageWidth: |
| return valueForNinePieceImageQuad(style->borderImage().borderSlices()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskBoxImage: |
| return valueForNinePieceImage(style->maskBoxImage()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskBoxImageOutset: |
| return valueForNinePieceImageQuad(style->maskBoxImage().outset()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskBoxImageRepeat: |
| return valueForNinePieceImageRepeat(style->maskBoxImage()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskBoxImageSlice: |
| return valueForNinePieceImageSlice(style->maskBoxImage()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskBoxImageWidth: |
| return valueForNinePieceImageQuad(style->maskBoxImage().borderSlices()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskBoxImageSource: |
| if (style->maskBoxImageSource()) |
| return style->maskBoxImageSource()->cssValue(); |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitFontSizeDelta: |
| // Not a real style property -- used by the editing engine -- so has no computed value. |
| break; |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMarginBottomCollapse: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMarginAfterCollapse: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->marginAfterCollapse()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMarginTopCollapse: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMarginBeforeCollapse: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->marginBeforeCollapse()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitOverflowScrolling: |
| if (!style->useTouchOverflowScrolling()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAuto); |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueTouch); |
| #endif |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitPerspective: |
| if (!style->hasPerspective()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone); |
| return zoomAdjustedPixelValue(style->perspective(), style.get()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitPerspectiveOrigin: { |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); |
| if (renderer) { |
| LayoutRect box; |
| if (renderer->isBox()) |
| box = toRenderBox(renderer)->borderBoxRect(); |
| |
| RenderView* renderView = m_node->document()->renderView(); |
| list->append(zoomAdjustedPixelValue(minimumValueForLength(style->perspectiveOriginX(), box.width(), renderView), style.get())); |
| list->append(zoomAdjustedPixelValue(minimumValueForLength(style->perspectiveOriginY(), box.height(), renderView), style.get())); |
| } |
| else { |
| list->append(zoomAdjustedPixelValueForLength(style->perspectiveOriginX(), style.get())); |
| list->append(zoomAdjustedPixelValueForLength(style->perspectiveOriginY(), style.get())); |
| |
| } |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitRtlOrdering: |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(style->rtlOrdering() ? CSSValueVisual : CSSValueLogical); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitTapHighlightColor: |
| return currentColorOrValidColor(style.get(), style->tapHighlightColor()); |
| #endif |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitUserDrag: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->userDrag()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitUserSelect: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->userSelect()); |
| case CSSPropertyBorderBottomLeftRadius: |
| return getBorderRadiusCornerValue(style->borderBottomLeftRadius(), style.get(), m_node->document()->renderView()); |
| case CSSPropertyBorderBottomRightRadius: |
| return getBorderRadiusCornerValue(style->borderBottomRightRadius(), style.get(), m_node->document()->renderView()); |
| case CSSPropertyBorderTopLeftRadius: |
| return getBorderRadiusCornerValue(style->borderTopLeftRadius(), style.get(), m_node->document()->renderView()); |
| case CSSPropertyBorderTopRightRadius: |
| return getBorderRadiusCornerValue(style->borderTopRightRadius(), style.get(), m_node->document()->renderView()); |
| case CSSPropertyClip: { |
| if (!style->hasClip()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAuto); |
| RefPtr<Rect> rect = Rect::create(); |
| rect->setTop(zoomAdjustedPixelValue(style->clip().top().value(), style.get())); |
| rect->setRight(zoomAdjustedPixelValue(style->clip().right().value(), style.get())); |
| rect->setBottom(zoomAdjustedPixelValue(style->clip().bottom().value(), style.get())); |
| rect->setLeft(zoomAdjustedPixelValue(style->clip().left().value(), style.get())); |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(rect.release()); |
| } |
| case CSSPropertySpeak: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->speak()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitTransform: |
| return computedTransform(renderer, style.get()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitTransformOrigin: { |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); |
| if (renderer) { |
| LayoutRect box; |
| if (renderer->isBox()) |
| box = toRenderBox(renderer)->borderBoxRect(); |
| |
| RenderView* renderView = m_node->document()->renderView(); |
| list->append(zoomAdjustedPixelValue(minimumValueForLength(style->transformOriginX(), box.width(), renderView), style.get())); |
| list->append(zoomAdjustedPixelValue(minimumValueForLength(style->transformOriginY(), box.height(), renderView), style.get())); |
| if (style->transformOriginZ() != 0) |
| list->append(zoomAdjustedPixelValue(style->transformOriginZ(), style.get())); |
| } else { |
| list->append(zoomAdjustedPixelValueForLength(style->transformOriginX(), style.get())); |
| list->append(zoomAdjustedPixelValueForLength(style->transformOriginY(), style.get())); |
| if (style->transformOriginZ() != 0) |
| list->append(zoomAdjustedPixelValue(style->transformOriginZ(), style.get())); |
| } |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitTransformStyle: |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue((style->transformStyle3D() == TransformStyle3DPreserve3D) ? CSSValuePreserve3d : CSSValueFlat); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitTransitionDelay: |
| return getDelayValue(style->transitions()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitTransitionDuration: |
| return getDurationValue(style->transitions()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitTransitionProperty: |
| return getTransitionPropertyValue(style->transitions()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitTransitionTimingFunction: |
| return getTimingFunctionValue(style->transitions()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitTransition: { |
| const AnimationList* animList = style->transitions(); |
| if (animList) { |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> transitionsList = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < animList->size(); ++i) { |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); |
| const Animation* animation = animList->animation(i); |
| list->append(createTransitionPropertyValue(animation)); |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createValue(animation->duration(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_S)); |
| list->append(createTimingFunctionValue(animation->timingFunction().get())); |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createValue(animation->delay(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_S)); |
| transitionsList->append(list); |
| } |
| return transitionsList.release(); |
| } |
| |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); |
| // transition-property default value. |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAll)); |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createValue(Animation::initialAnimationDuration(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_S)); |
| list->append(createTimingFunctionValue(Animation::initialAnimationTimingFunction().get())); |
| list->append(cssValuePool().createValue(Animation::initialAnimationDelay(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_S)); |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| case CSSPropertyPointerEvents: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->pointerEvents()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitColorCorrection: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->colorSpace()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitLineGrid: |
| if (style->lineGrid().isNull()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone); |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->lineGrid(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitLineSnap: |
| return CSSPrimitiveValue::create(style->lineSnap()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitLineAlign: |
| return CSSPrimitiveValue::create(style->lineAlign()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitWritingMode: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->writingMode()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitTextCombine: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->textCombine()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitTextOrientation: |
| return CSSPrimitiveValue::create(style->textOrientation()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitLineBoxContain: |
| return createLineBoxContainValue(style->lineBoxContain()); |
| case CSSPropertyContent: |
| return contentToCSSValue(style.get()); |
| case CSSPropertyCounterIncrement: |
| return counterToCSSValue(style.get(), propertyID); |
| case CSSPropertyCounterReset: |
| return counterToCSSValue(style.get(), propertyID); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitClipPath: |
| if (ClipPathOperation* operation = style->clipPath()) { |
| if (operation->getOperationType() == ClipPathOperation::SHAPE) |
| return valueForBasicShape(static_cast<ShapeClipPathOperation*>(operation)->basicShape()); |
| #if ENABLE(SVG) |
| else if (operation->getOperationType() == ClipPathOperation::REFERENCE) { |
| ReferenceClipPathOperation* referenceOperation = static_cast<ReferenceClipPathOperation*>(operation); |
| return CSSPrimitiveValue::create(referenceOperation->url(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_URI); |
| } |
| #endif |
| } |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitFlowInto: |
| if (style->flowThread().isNull()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone); |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->flowThread(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitFlowFrom: |
| if (style->regionThread().isNull()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone); |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->regionThread(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitRegionOverflow: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->regionOverflow()); |
| #endif |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitWrapFlow: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->wrapFlow()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitShapeMargin: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->shapeMargin()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitShapePadding: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->shapePadding()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitShapeInside: |
| if (!style->shapeInside()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAuto); |
| else if (style->shapeInside()->type() == ExclusionShapeValue::OUTSIDE) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueOutsideShape); |
| ASSERT(style->shapeInside()->type() == ExclusionShapeValue::SHAPE); |
| return valueForBasicShape(style->shapeInside()->shape()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitShapeOutside: |
| if (!style->shapeOutside()) |
| return cssValuePool().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAuto); |
| ASSERT(style->shapeOutside()->type() == ExclusionShapeValue::SHAPE); |
| return valueForBasicShape(style->shapeOutside()->shape()); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitWrapThrough: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->wrapThrough()); |
| #endif |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitFilter: |
| return valueForFilter(renderer, style.get()); |
| #endif |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBlendMode: |
| return cssValuePool().createValue(style->blendMode()); |
| #endif |
| case CSSPropertyBackground: |
| return getBackgroundShorthandValue(); |
| case CSSPropertyBorder: { |
| RefPtr<CSSValue> value = getPropertyCSSValue(CSSPropertyBorderTop, DoNotUpdateLayout); |
| const CSSPropertyID properties[3] = { CSSPropertyBorderRight, CSSPropertyBorderBottom, |
| CSSPropertyBorderLeft }; |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(properties); ++i) { |
| if (value->cssText() != getPropertyCSSValue(properties[i], DoNotUpdateLayout)->cssText()) |
| return 0; |
| } |
| return value.release(); |
| } |
| case CSSPropertyBorderBottom: |
| return getCSSPropertyValuesForShorthandProperties(borderBottomShorthand()); |
| case CSSPropertyBorderColor: |
| return getCSSPropertyValuesForSidesShorthand(borderColorShorthand()); |
| case CSSPropertyBorderLeft: |
| return getCSSPropertyValuesForShorthandProperties(borderLeftShorthand()); |
| case CSSPropertyBorderImage: |
| return valueForNinePieceImage(style->borderImage()); |
| case CSSPropertyBorderRadius: |
| return getBorderRadiusShorthandValue(style.get(), m_node->document()->renderView()); |
| case CSSPropertyBorderRight: |
| return getCSSPropertyValuesForShorthandProperties(borderRightShorthand()); |
| case CSSPropertyBorderStyle: |
| return getCSSPropertyValuesForSidesShorthand(borderStyleShorthand()); |
| case CSSPropertyBorderTop: |
| return getCSSPropertyValuesForShorthandProperties(borderTopShorthand()); |
| case CSSPropertyBorderWidth: |
| return getCSSPropertyValuesForSidesShorthand(borderWidthShorthand()); |
| case CSSPropertyListStyle: |
| return getCSSPropertyValuesForShorthandProperties(listStyleShorthand()); |
| case CSSPropertyMargin: |
| return getCSSPropertyValuesForSidesShorthand(marginShorthand()); |
| case CSSPropertyOutline: |
| return getCSSPropertyValuesForShorthandProperties(outlineShorthand()); |
| case CSSPropertyPadding: |
| return getCSSPropertyValuesForSidesShorthand(paddingShorthand()); |
| /* Individual properties not part of the spec */ |
| case CSSPropertyBackgroundRepeatX: |
| case CSSPropertyBackgroundRepeatY: |
| break; |
| |
| /* Unimplemented CSS 3 properties (including CSS3 shorthand properties) */ |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitTextEmphasis: |
| case CSSPropertyTextLineThrough: |
| case CSSPropertyTextLineThroughColor: |
| case CSSPropertyTextLineThroughMode: |
| case CSSPropertyTextLineThroughStyle: |
| case CSSPropertyTextLineThroughWidth: |
| case CSSPropertyTextOverline: |
| case CSSPropertyTextOverlineColor: |
| case CSSPropertyTextOverlineMode: |
| case CSSPropertyTextOverlineStyle: |
| case CSSPropertyTextOverlineWidth: |
| case CSSPropertyTextUnderline: |
| case CSSPropertyTextUnderlineColor: |
| case CSSPropertyTextUnderlineMode: |
| case CSSPropertyTextUnderlineStyle: |
| case CSSPropertyTextUnderlineWidth: |
| break; |
| |
| /* Directional properties are resolved by resolveDirectionAwareProperty() before the switch. */ |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderEnd: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderEndColor: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderEndStyle: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderEndWidth: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderStart: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderStartColor: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderStartStyle: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderStartWidth: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderAfter: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderAfterColor: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderAfterStyle: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderAfterWidth: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderBefore: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderBeforeColor: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderBeforeStyle: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderBeforeWidth: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMarginEnd: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMarginStart: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMarginAfter: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMarginBefore: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitPaddingEnd: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitPaddingStart: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitPaddingAfter: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitPaddingBefore: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitLogicalWidth: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitLogicalHeight: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMinLogicalWidth: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMinLogicalHeight: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMaxLogicalWidth: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMaxLogicalHeight: |
| break; |
| |
| /* Unimplemented @font-face properties */ |
| case CSSPropertyFontStretch: |
| case CSSPropertySrc: |
| case CSSPropertyUnicodeRange: |
| break; |
| |
| /* Other unimplemented properties */ |
| case CSSPropertyPage: // for @page |
| case CSSPropertyQuotes: // FIXME: needs implementation |
| case CSSPropertySize: // for @page |
| break; |
| |
| /* Unimplemented -webkit- properties */ |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimation: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderRadius: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitColumns: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitColumnRule: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMarginCollapse: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMarquee: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMarqueeSpeed: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMask: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskRepeatX: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskRepeatY: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitPerspectiveOriginX: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitPerspectiveOriginY: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitTextStroke: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitTransformOriginX: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitTransformOriginY: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitTransformOriginZ: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitWrap: |
| #endif |
| break; |
| |
| case CSSPropertyMaxZoom: |
| case CSSPropertyMinZoom: |
| case CSSPropertyOrientation: |
| case CSSPropertyUserZoom: |
| break; |
| #endif |
| |
| #if ENABLE(SVG) |
| case CSSPropertyClipPath: |
| case CSSPropertyClipRule: |
| case CSSPropertyMask: |
| case CSSPropertyEnableBackground: |
| case CSSPropertyFilter: |
| case CSSPropertyFloodColor: |
| case CSSPropertyFloodOpacity: |
| case CSSPropertyLightingColor: |
| case CSSPropertyStopColor: |
| case CSSPropertyStopOpacity: |
| case CSSPropertyColorInterpolation: |
| case CSSPropertyColorInterpolationFilters: |
| case CSSPropertyColorProfile: |
| case CSSPropertyColorRendering: |
| case CSSPropertyFill: |
| case CSSPropertyFillOpacity: |
| case CSSPropertyFillRule: |
| case CSSPropertyMarker: |
| case CSSPropertyMarkerEnd: |
| case CSSPropertyMarkerMid: |
| case CSSPropertyMarkerStart: |
| case CSSPropertyMaskType: |
| case CSSPropertyShapeRendering: |
| case CSSPropertyStroke: |
| case CSSPropertyStrokeDasharray: |
| case CSSPropertyStrokeDashoffset: |
| case CSSPropertyStrokeLinecap: |
| case CSSPropertyStrokeLinejoin: |
| case CSSPropertyStrokeMiterlimit: |
| case CSSPropertyStrokeOpacity: |
| case CSSPropertyStrokeWidth: |
| case CSSPropertyAlignmentBaseline: |
| case CSSPropertyBaselineShift: |
| case CSSPropertyDominantBaseline: |
| case CSSPropertyGlyphOrientationHorizontal: |
| case CSSPropertyGlyphOrientationVertical: |
| case CSSPropertyKerning: |
| case CSSPropertyTextAnchor: |
| case CSSPropertyVectorEffect: |
| case CSSPropertyWritingMode: |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitSvgShadow: |
| return getSVGPropertyCSSValue(propertyID, DoNotUpdateLayout); |
| #endif |
| } |
| |
| logUnimplementedPropertyID(propertyID); |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| String CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::getPropertyValue(CSSPropertyID propertyID) const |
| { |
| RefPtr<CSSValue> value = getPropertyCSSValue(propertyID); |
| if (value) |
| return value->cssText(); |
| return ""; |
| } |
| |
| |
| unsigned CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::length() const |
| { |
| Node* node = m_node.get(); |
| if (!node) |
| return 0; |
| |
| RenderStyle* style = node->computedStyle(m_pseudoElementSpecifier); |
| if (!style) |
| return 0; |
| |
| return numComputedProperties; |
| } |
| |
| String CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::item(unsigned i) const |
| { |
| if (i >= length()) |
| return ""; |
| |
| return getPropertyNameString(computedProperties[i]); |
| } |
| |
| bool CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::cssPropertyMatches(const StylePropertySet::PropertyReference& property) const |
| { |
| if (property.id() == CSSPropertyFontSize && property.value()->isPrimitiveValue() && m_node) { |
| m_node->document()->updateLayoutIgnorePendingStylesheets(); |
| RenderStyle* style = m_node->computedStyle(m_pseudoElementSpecifier); |
| if (style && style->fontDescription().keywordSize()) { |
| int sizeValue = cssIdentifierForFontSizeKeyword(style->fontDescription().keywordSize()); |
| const CSSPrimitiveValue* primitiveValue = static_cast<const CSSPrimitiveValue*>(property.value()); |
| if (primitiveValue->isIdent() && primitiveValue->getIdent() == sizeValue) |
| return true; |
| } |
| } |
| RefPtr<CSSValue> value = getPropertyCSSValue(property.id()); |
| return value && value->cssText() == property.value()->cssText(); |
| } |
| |
| PassRefPtr<StylePropertySet> CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::copy() const |
| { |
| return copyPropertiesInSet(computedProperties, numComputedProperties); |
| } |
| |
| PassRefPtr<StylePropertySet> CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::makeMutable() |
| { |
| return copy(); |
| } |
| |
| PassRefPtr<CSSValueList> CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::getCSSPropertyValuesForShorthandProperties(const StylePropertyShorthand& shorthand) const |
| { |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < shorthand.length(); ++i) { |
| RefPtr<CSSValue> value = getPropertyCSSValue(shorthand.properties()[i], DoNotUpdateLayout); |
| list->append(value); |
| } |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| |
| PassRefPtr<CSSValueList> CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::getCSSPropertyValuesForSidesShorthand(const StylePropertyShorthand& shorthand) const |
| { |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); |
| // Assume the properties are in the usual order top, right, bottom, left. |
| RefPtr<CSSValue> topValue = getPropertyCSSValue(shorthand.properties()[0], DoNotUpdateLayout); |
| RefPtr<CSSValue> rightValue = getPropertyCSSValue(shorthand.properties()[1], DoNotUpdateLayout); |
| RefPtr<CSSValue> bottomValue = getPropertyCSSValue(shorthand.properties()[2], DoNotUpdateLayout); |
| RefPtr<CSSValue> leftValue = getPropertyCSSValue(shorthand.properties()[3], DoNotUpdateLayout); |
| |
| // All 4 properties must be specified. |
| if (!topValue || !rightValue || !bottomValue || !leftValue) |
| return 0; |
| |
| bool showLeft = rightValue->cssText() != leftValue->cssText(); |
| bool showBottom = (topValue->cssText() != bottomValue->cssText()) || showLeft; |
| bool showRight = (topValue->cssText() != rightValue->cssText()) || showBottom; |
| |
| list->append(topValue); |
| if (showRight) |
| list->append(rightValue); |
| if (showBottom) |
| list->append(bottomValue); |
| if (showLeft) |
| list->append(leftValue); |
| |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| |
| PassRefPtr<StylePropertySet> CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::copyPropertiesInSet(const CSSPropertyID* set, unsigned length) const |
| { |
| Vector<CSSProperty, 256> list; |
| list.reserveInitialCapacity(length); |
| for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) { |
| RefPtr<CSSValue> value = getPropertyCSSValue(set[i]); |
| if (value) |
| list.append(CSSProperty(set[i], value.release(), false)); |
| } |
| return StylePropertySet::create(list.data(), list.size()); |
| } |
| |
| void CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::reportMemoryUsage(MemoryObjectInfo* memoryObjectInfo) const |
| { |
| MemoryClassInfo info(memoryObjectInfo, this, WebCoreMemoryTypes::CSS); |
| info.addMember(m_node); |
| } |
| |
| CSSRule* CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::parentRule() const |
| { |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| PassRefPtr<CSSValue> CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::getPropertyCSSValue(const String& propertyName) |
| { |
| CSSPropertyID propertyID = cssPropertyID(propertyName); |
| if (!propertyID) |
| return 0; |
| RefPtr<CSSValue> value = getPropertyCSSValue(propertyID); |
| return value ? value->cloneForCSSOM() : 0; |
| } |
| |
| String CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::getPropertyValue(const String &propertyName) |
| { |
| CSSPropertyID propertyID = cssPropertyID(propertyName); |
| if (!propertyID) |
| return String(); |
| return getPropertyValue(propertyID); |
| } |
| |
| String CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::getPropertyPriority(const String&) |
| { |
| // All computed styles have a priority of not "important". |
| return ""; |
| } |
| |
| String CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::getPropertyShorthand(const String&) |
| { |
| return ""; |
| } |
| |
| bool CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::isPropertyImplicit(const String&) |
| { |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| void CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::setProperty(const String&, const String&, const String&, ExceptionCode& ec) |
| { |
| } |
| |
| String CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::removeProperty(const String&, ExceptionCode& ec) |
| { |
| return String(); |
| } |
| |
| PassRefPtr<CSSValue> CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::getPropertyCSSValueInternal(CSSPropertyID propertyID) |
| { |
| return getPropertyCSSValue(propertyID); |
| } |
| |
| String CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::getPropertyValueInternal(CSSPropertyID propertyID) |
| { |
| return getPropertyValue(propertyID); |
| } |
| |
| void CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::setPropertyInternal(CSSPropertyID, const String&, bool, ExceptionCode& ec) |
| { |
| } |
| |
| PassRefPtr<CSSValueList> CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::getBackgroundShorthandValue() const |
| { |
| static const CSSPropertyID propertiesBeforeSlashSeperator[5] = { CSSPropertyBackgroundColor, CSSPropertyBackgroundImage, |
| CSSPropertyBackgroundRepeat, CSSPropertyBackgroundAttachment, |
| CSSPropertyBackgroundPosition }; |
| static const CSSPropertyID propertiesAfterSlashSeperator[3] = { CSSPropertyBackgroundSize, CSSPropertyBackgroundOrigin, |
| CSSPropertyBackgroundClip }; |
| |
| RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createSlashSeparated(); |
| list->append(getCSSPropertyValuesForShorthandProperties(StylePropertyShorthand(propertiesBeforeSlashSeperator, WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(propertiesBeforeSlashSeperator)))); |
| list->append(getCSSPropertyValuesForShorthandProperties(StylePropertyShorthand(propertiesAfterSlashSeperator, WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(propertiesAfterSlashSeperator)))); |
| return list.release(); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace WebCore |