blob: 13732c5edb4809d72ac4c4f5743b26b5198ce8b3 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Calling send() when data channel is in connecting state should throw InvalidStateError
PASS Data channel should be able to send simple string and receive as string
PASS Data channel should be able to send unicode string and receive as unicode string
PASS Data channel should ignore binaryType and always receive string message as string
PASS Data channel should be able to send Uint8Array message and receive as ArrayBuffer
PASS Data channel should be able to send ArrayBuffer message and receive as ArrayBuffer
FAIL Data channel should be able to send Blob message and receive as ArrayBuffer promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "NotSupportedError: The operation is not supported."
PASS Data channel should be able to send ArrayBuffer message and receive as Blob
FAIL Data channel binaryType should receive message as Blob by default assert_equals: Expect initial binaryType value to be blob expected "blob" but got "arraybuffer"
FAIL Sending multiple messages with different types should succeed and be received assert_unreached: Unexpected promise rejection: NotSupportedError: The operation is not supported. Reached unreachable code