blob: ed3b1c1861e6dfef91717f7fda9b98afe01f06f1 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS CredentialsContainer interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS CredentialsContainer interface object length
PASS CredentialsContainer interface object name
PASS CredentialsContainer interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS CredentialsContainer interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS CredentialsContainer interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS CredentialsContainer interface: operation get(CredentialRequestOptions)
PASS CredentialsContainer interface: operation store(Credential)
PASS CredentialsContainer interface: operation create(CredentialCreationOptions)
PASS CredentialsContainer interface: operation preventSilentAccess()
PASS CredentialsContainer must be primary interface of navigator.credentials
PASS Stringification of navigator.credentials
PASS CredentialsContainer interface: navigator.credentials must inherit property "get(CredentialRequestOptions)" with the proper type
PASS CredentialsContainer interface: calling get(CredentialRequestOptions) on navigator.credentials with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS CredentialsContainer interface: navigator.credentials must inherit property "store(Credential)" with the proper type
PASS CredentialsContainer interface: calling store(Credential) on navigator.credentials with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS CredentialsContainer interface: navigator.credentials must inherit property "create(CredentialCreationOptions)" with the proper type
PASS CredentialsContainer interface: calling create(CredentialCreationOptions) on navigator.credentials with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS CredentialsContainer interface: navigator.credentials must inherit property "preventSilentAccess()" with the proper type
FAIL PasswordCredential interface: existence and properties of interface object assert_own_property: self does not have own property "PasswordCredential" expected property "PasswordCredential" missing
FAIL PasswordCredential interface object length assert_own_property: self does not have own property "PasswordCredential" expected property "PasswordCredential" missing
FAIL PasswordCredential interface object name assert_own_property: self does not have own property "PasswordCredential" expected property "PasswordCredential" missing
FAIL PasswordCredential interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_own_property: self does not have own property "PasswordCredential" expected property "PasswordCredential" missing
FAIL PasswordCredential interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property assert_own_property: self does not have own property "PasswordCredential" expected property "PasswordCredential" missing
FAIL PasswordCredential interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property assert_own_property: self does not have own property "PasswordCredential" expected property "PasswordCredential" missing
FAIL PasswordCredential interface: attribute password assert_own_property: self does not have own property "PasswordCredential" expected property "PasswordCredential" missing
FAIL PasswordCredential must be primary interface of new PasswordCredential({ id: "id", password: "pencil", iconURL: "", name: "name" }) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "ReferenceError: Can't find variable: PasswordCredential"
FAIL Stringification of new PasswordCredential({ id: "id", password: "pencil", iconURL: "", name: "name" }) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "ReferenceError: Can't find variable: PasswordCredential"
FAIL PasswordCredential interface: new PasswordCredential({ id: "id", password: "pencil", iconURL: "", name: "name" }) must inherit property "password" with the proper type assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "ReferenceError: Can't find variable: PasswordCredential"
FAIL FederatedCredential interface: existence and properties of interface object assert_own_property: self does not have own property "FederatedCredential" expected property "FederatedCredential" missing
FAIL FederatedCredential interface object length assert_own_property: self does not have own property "FederatedCredential" expected property "FederatedCredential" missing
FAIL FederatedCredential interface object name assert_own_property: self does not have own property "FederatedCredential" expected property "FederatedCredential" missing
FAIL FederatedCredential interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_own_property: self does not have own property "FederatedCredential" expected property "FederatedCredential" missing
FAIL FederatedCredential interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property assert_own_property: self does not have own property "FederatedCredential" expected property "FederatedCredential" missing
FAIL FederatedCredential interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property assert_own_property: self does not have own property "FederatedCredential" expected property "FederatedCredential" missing
FAIL FederatedCredential interface: attribute provider assert_own_property: self does not have own property "FederatedCredential" expected property "FederatedCredential" missing
FAIL FederatedCredential interface: attribute protocol assert_own_property: self does not have own property "FederatedCredential" expected property "FederatedCredential" missing
FAIL FederatedCredential must be primary interface of new FederatedCredential({ id: "id", provider: "", iconURL: "", name: "name" }) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "ReferenceError: Can't find variable: FederatedCredential"
FAIL Stringification of new FederatedCredential({ id: "id", provider: "", iconURL: "", name: "name" }) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "ReferenceError: Can't find variable: FederatedCredential"
FAIL FederatedCredential interface: new FederatedCredential({ id: "id", provider: "", iconURL: "", name: "name" }) must inherit property "provider" with the proper type assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "ReferenceError: Can't find variable: FederatedCredential"
FAIL FederatedCredential interface: new FederatedCredential({ id: "id", provider: "", iconURL: "", name: "name" }) must inherit property "protocol" with the proper type assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "ReferenceError: Can't find variable: FederatedCredential"