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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Cache Storage: testing Cache persistency</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
function assert_header_equals(actual, expected, description) {
assert_class_string(actual, "Headers", description);
var header;
var actual_headers = [];
var expected_headers = [];
for (header of actual)
actual_headers.push(header[0] + ": " + header[1]);
for (header of expected)
expected_headers.push(header[0] + ": " + header[1]);
assert_array_equals(actual_headers, expected_headers,
description + " Headers differ.");
function assert_response_equals(actual, expected, description) {
assert_class_string(actual, "Response", description);
["type", "url", "status", "ok", "statusText"].forEach(function(attribute) {
assert_equals(actual[attribute], expected[attribute],
description + " Attributes differ: " + attribute + ".");
assert_header_equals(actual.headers, expected.headers, description);
function assert_request_equals(actual, expected, description) {
assert_class_string(actual, "Request", description);
["url"].forEach(function(attribute) {
assert_equals(actual[attribute], expected[attribute],
description + " Attributes differ: " + attribute + ".");
assert_header_equals(actual.headers, expected.headers, description);
function assert_request_array_equals(actual, expected, description) {
assert_true(Array.isArray(actual), description);
assert_equals(actual.length, expected.length, description);
actual.forEach(function(value, index) {
assert_request_equals(value, expected[index],
description + " : object[" + index + "]");
promise_test(test => {
return self.caches.keys().then(keys => {
var pending = [];
for (key of keys)
return Promise.all(pending);
}, "Cleaning existing caches");
var test_url = '';
var test_body = 'Hello world!';
promise_test(() => {
var cache;
var cache_keys;
var first_response = new Response("Old body", { statusText: 'Old status' });
var alternate_response = new Response("New body", { statusText: 'New status' });
return"test-cache-records-persistency").then(c => {
cache = c;
}).then(() => {
return cache.put(test_url, first_response);
}).then(() => {
return cache.keys();
}).then(keys => {
cache_keys = keys;
if (window.internals)
return internals.clearCacheStorageMemoryRepresentation();
}).then(() => {
}).then(c => {
cache = c;
return cache.keys().then((keys) => {
test(() => {
assert_request_array_equals(keys, cache_keys);
}, "Checking persistency of cache keys");
return cache.match(test_url);
}).then((result) => {
test(() => {
assert_response_equals(result, first_response, "Cache.put should store the response persistently");
}, "Checking persistency of response");
return result.text();
}).then((body) => {
test(() => {
assert_equals(body, "Old body", "Cache put should store the response body persistently.");
}, "Checking persistency of response body");
}).then(() => {
return cache.put(test_url, alternate_response);
}).then(() => {
return cache.keys();
}).then(keys => {
cache_keys = keys;
if (window.internals)
return internals.clearCacheStorageMemoryRepresentation();
}).then(() => {
}).then(c => {
cache = c;
return cache.keys();
}).then((keys) => {
assert_request_array_equals(keys, cache_keys);
}).then(() => {
promise_test(() => {
return cache.match(test_url).then((result) => {
assert_response_equals(result, alternate_response, 'Cache.put should replace existing ' + 'response with new response.');
return result.text();
}).then((body) => {
assert_equals(body, "New body", 'Cache put should store new response body.');
}, 'Testing overriding of an existing cached record that is not in memory');
}, 'Cache.put called twice with matching Requests - keys should remain the same - testing persistency');
promise_test(test => {
return self.caches.keys().then(keys => {
var pending = [];
for (key of keys)
return Promise.all(pending);
}, "Cleaning created caches");