blob: bb69638e2a19534fb8bb4b2481214f297ca41597 [file] [log] [blame]
<html style="-webkit-writing-mode:vertical-rl">
<div style="-webkit-column-count:2; border:5px solid blue">
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
<div style="-webkit-column-break-before: always">
This text should be in the second column.<br>
This text should be in the second column.<br>
This text should be in the second column.<br>
This text should be in the second column.<br>
<div style="margin-block-start:1em; -webkit-column-count:2; border:5px solid blue">
This text should be in the first column.<br>
This text should be in the first column.<br>
This text should be in the first column.<br>
This text should be in the first column.<br>
<div style="-webkit-column-break-before: always">
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>
This is some text.<br>