| if (window.testRunner) testRunner.dumpAsText(); |
| var node = document.createElement("div"); |
| document.getElementById("replace").parentNode.replaceChild(node, document.getElementById("replace")); |
| document.getElementById("result").appendChild(document.createTextNode(node.parentNode)); |
| <p>This tests for a bug in replaceChild where it would fail to replace an element if it was the first child of its container. |
| See <a href="https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6782">bug 6782</a> for details. |
| If the test is successful you will see an object description below, and if it fails you will see "null".</p> |
| <div><div id="replace"></div></div> |
| <div id="result"></div></body> |