| <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script> |
| <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script> |
| var t = async_test("Test that the parent can't navigate the child because the relevant policy belongs to the navigation initiator (in this case the parent, which has the policy `navigate-to support/wait_for_navigation.html;`)"); |
| window.onmessage = t.unreached_func("Should not have received a message as the navigation should not have been successful"); |
| window.addEventListener('securitypolicyviolation', t.step_func_done(function(e) { |
| assert_equals(e.violatedDirective, 'navigate-to'); |
| var i = document.createElement('iframe'); |
| i.src = "support/post_message_to_frame_owner.html"; |
| i.src = "support/wait_for_navigation.html?csp=navigate-to%20%27self%27"; |
| document.body.appendChild(i); |
| <script async defer src='../support/checkReport.sub.js?reportField=violated-directive&reportValue=navigate-to%20support%2Fwait_for_navigation.html'></script> |