blob: f40c87c72ed33d23eccf051c3bee1a519d25553a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Harri Porten (
* Copyright (C) 2001 Peter Kelly (
* Copyright (C) 2003-2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2007 Cameron Zwarich (
* Copyright (C) 2007 Maks Orlovich
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "JSGlobalObjectFunctions.h"
#include "CallFrame.h"
#include "CatchScope.h"
#include "Exception.h"
#include "IndirectEvalExecutable.h"
#include "Interpreter.h"
#include "IntlDateTimeFormat.h"
#include "JSGlobalObject.h"
#include "JSInternalPromise.h"
#include "JSModuleLoader.h"
#include "JSPromise.h"
#include "JSString.h"
#include "Lexer.h"
#include "LiteralParser.h"
#include "ObjectConstructor.h"
#include "ParseInt.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <wtf/ASCIICType.h>
#include <wtf/Assertions.h>
#include <wtf/HexNumber.h>
#include <wtf/dtoa.h>
#include <wtf/text/StringBuilder.h>
namespace JSC {
const ASCIILiteral ObjectProtoCalledOnNullOrUndefinedError { "Object.prototype.__proto__ called on null or undefined"_s };
template<unsigned charactersCount>
static Bitmap<256> makeCharacterBitmap(const char (&characters)[charactersCount])
static_assert(charactersCount > 0, "Since string literal is null terminated, characterCount is always larger than 0");
Bitmap<256> bitmap;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < charactersCount - 1; ++i)
return bitmap;
template<typename CharacterType>
static JSValue encode(JSGlobalObject* globalObject, const Bitmap<256>& doNotEscape, const CharacterType* characters, unsigned length)
VM& vm = globalObject->vm();
auto scope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm);
// Runtime Semantics: Encode ( string, unescapedSet )
auto throwException = [&scope, globalObject] {
return JSC::throwException(globalObject, scope, createURIError(globalObject, "String contained an illegal UTF-16 sequence."_s));
StringBuilder builder(StringBuilder::OverflowHandler::RecordOverflow);
// 4. Repeat
auto* end = characters + length;
for (auto* cursor = characters; cursor != end; ++cursor) {
auto character = *cursor;
// 4-c. If C is in unescapedSet, then
if (character < doNotEscape.size() && doNotEscape.get(character)) {
// 4-c-i. Let S be a String containing only the code unit C.
// 4-c-ii. Let R be a new String value computed by concatenating the previous value of R and S.
// 4-d-i. If the code unit value of C is not less than 0xDC00 and not greater than 0xDFFF, throw a URIError exception.
if (U16_IS_TRAIL(character))
return throwException();
// 4-d-ii. If the code unit value of C is less than 0xD800 or greater than 0xDBFF, then
// 4-d-ii-1. Let V be the code unit value of C.
UChar32 codePoint;
if (!U16_IS_LEAD(character))
codePoint = character;
else {
// 4-d-iii. Else,
// 4-d-iii-1. Increase k by 1.
// 4-d-iii-2. If k equals strLen, throw a URIError exception.
if (cursor == end)
return throwException();
// 4-d-iii-3. Let kChar be the code unit value of the code unit at index k within string.
auto trail = *cursor;
// 4-d-iii-4. If kChar is less than 0xDC00 or greater than 0xDFFF, throw a URIError exception.
if (!U16_IS_TRAIL(trail))
return throwException();
// 4-d-iii-5. Let V be UTF16Decode(C, kChar).
codePoint = U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(character, trail);
// 4-d-iv. Let Octets be the array of octets resulting by applying the UTF-8 transformation to V, and let L be the array size.
LChar utf8OctetsBuffer[U8_MAX_LENGTH];
unsigned utf8Length = 0;
// We can use U8_APPEND_UNSAFE here since codePoint is either
// 1. non surrogate one, correct code point.
// 2. correct code point generated from validated lead and trail surrogates.
U8_APPEND_UNSAFE(utf8OctetsBuffer, utf8Length, codePoint);
// 4-d-v. Let j be 0.
// 4-d-vi. Repeat, while j < L
for (unsigned index = 0; index < utf8Length; ++index) {
// 4-d-vi-1. Let jOctet be the value at index j within Octets.
// 4-d-vi-2. Let S be a String containing three code units "%XY" where XY are two uppercase hexadecimal digits encoding the value of jOctet.
// 4-d-vi-3. Let R be a new String value computed by concatenating the previous value of R and S.
builder.append(hex(utf8OctetsBuffer[index], 2));
if (UNLIKELY(builder.hasOverflowed()))
return throwOutOfMemoryError(globalObject, scope);
return jsString(vm, builder.toString());
static JSValue encode(JSGlobalObject* globalObject, JSValue argument, const Bitmap<256>& doNotEscape)
return toStringView(globalObject, argument, [&] (StringView view) {
if (view.is8Bit())
return encode(globalObject, doNotEscape, view.characters8(), view.length());
return encode(globalObject, doNotEscape, view.characters16(), view.length());
template <typename CharType>
static JSValue decode(JSGlobalObject* globalObject, const CharType* characters, int length, const Bitmap<256>& doNotUnescape, bool strict)
VM& vm = globalObject->vm();
auto scope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm);
StringBuilder builder(StringBuilder::OverflowHandler::RecordOverflow);
int k = 0;
UChar u = 0;
while (k < length) {
const CharType* p = characters + k;
CharType c = *p;
if (c == '%') {
int charLen = 0;
if (k <= length - 3 && isASCIIHexDigit(p[1]) && isASCIIHexDigit(p[2])) {
const char b0 = Lexer<CharType>::convertHex(p[1], p[2]);
const int sequenceLen = 1 + U8_COUNT_TRAIL_BYTES(b0);
if (k <= length - sequenceLen * 3) {
charLen = sequenceLen * 3;
uint8_t sequence[U8_MAX_LENGTH];
sequence[0] = b0;
for (int i = 1; i < sequenceLen; ++i) {
const CharType* q = p + i * 3;
if (q[0] == '%' && isASCIIHexDigit(q[1]) && isASCIIHexDigit(q[2]))
sequence[i] = Lexer<CharType>::convertHex(q[1], q[2]);
else {
charLen = 0;
if (charLen != 0) {
UChar32 character;
int32_t offset = 0;
U8_NEXT(sequence, offset, sequenceLen, character);
if (character < 0)
charLen = 0;
else if (!U_IS_BMP(character)) {
// Convert to surrogate pair.
u = U16_TRAIL(character);
} else {
u = static_cast<UChar>(character);
if (charLen == 0) {
if (strict)
return throwException(globalObject, scope, createURIError(globalObject, "URI error"_s));
// The only case where we don't use "strict" mode is the "unescape" function.
// For that, it's good to support the wonky "%u" syntax for compatibility with WinIE.
if (k <= length - 6 && p[1] == 'u'
&& isASCIIHexDigit(p[2]) && isASCIIHexDigit(p[3])
&& isASCIIHexDigit(p[4]) && isASCIIHexDigit(p[5])) {
charLen = 6;
u = Lexer<UChar>::convertUnicode(p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5]);
if (charLen && (u >= 128 || !doNotUnescape.get(static_cast<LChar>(u)))) {
k += charLen;
if (UNLIKELY(builder.hasOverflowed()))
return throwOutOfMemoryError(globalObject, scope);
RELEASE_AND_RETURN(scope, jsString(vm, builder.toString()));
static JSValue decode(JSGlobalObject* globalObject, JSValue argument, const Bitmap<256>& doNotUnescape, bool strict)
return toStringView(globalObject, argument, [&] (StringView view) {
if (view.is8Bit())
return decode(globalObject, view.characters8(), view.length(), doNotUnescape, strict);
return decode(globalObject, view.characters16(), view.length(), doNotUnescape, strict);
static const int SizeOfInfinity = 8;
template <typename CharType>
static bool isInfinity(const CharType* data, const CharType* end)
return (end - data) >= SizeOfInfinity
&& data[0] == 'I'
&& data[1] == 'n'
&& data[2] == 'f'
&& data[3] == 'i'
&& data[4] == 'n'
&& data[5] == 'i'
&& data[6] == 't'
&& data[7] == 'y';
// See ecma-262 6th 11.8.3
template <typename CharType>
static double jsBinaryIntegerLiteral(const CharType*& data, const CharType* end)
// Binary number.
data += 2;
const CharType* firstDigitPosition = data;
double number = 0;
while (true) {
number = number * 2 + (*data - '0');
if (data == end)
if (!isASCIIBinaryDigit(*data))
if (number >= mantissaOverflowLowerBound)
number = parseIntOverflow(firstDigitPosition, data - firstDigitPosition, 2);
return number;
// See ecma-262 6th 11.8.3
template <typename CharType>
static double jsOctalIntegerLiteral(const CharType*& data, const CharType* end)
// Octal number.
data += 2;
const CharType* firstDigitPosition = data;
double number = 0;
while (true) {
number = number * 8 + (*data - '0');
if (data == end)
if (!isASCIIOctalDigit(*data))
if (number >= mantissaOverflowLowerBound)
number = parseIntOverflow(firstDigitPosition, data - firstDigitPosition, 8);
return number;
// See ecma-262 6th 11.8.3
template <typename CharType>
static double jsHexIntegerLiteral(const CharType*& data, const CharType* end)
// Hex number.
data += 2;
const CharType* firstDigitPosition = data;
double number = 0;
while (true) {
number = number * 16 + toASCIIHexValue(*data);
if (data == end)
if (!isASCIIHexDigit(*data))
if (number >= mantissaOverflowLowerBound)
number = parseIntOverflow(firstDigitPosition, data - firstDigitPosition, 16);
return number;
// See ecma-262 6th 11.8.3
template <typename CharType>
static double jsStrDecimalLiteral(const CharType*& data, const CharType* end)
RELEASE_ASSERT(data < end);
size_t parsedLength;
double number = parseDouble(data, end - data, parsedLength);
if (parsedLength) {
data += parsedLength;
return number;
// Check for [+-]?Infinity
switch (*data) {
case 'I':
if (isInfinity(data, end)) {
data += SizeOfInfinity;
return std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
case '+':
if (isInfinity(data + 1, end)) {
data += SizeOfInfinity + 1;
return std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
case '-':
if (isInfinity(data + 1, end)) {
data += SizeOfInfinity + 1;
return -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
// Not a number.
return PNaN;
template <typename CharType>
static double toDouble(const CharType* characters, unsigned size)
const CharType* endCharacters = characters + size;
// Skip leading white space.
for (; characters < endCharacters; ++characters) {
if (!isStrWhiteSpace(*characters))
// Empty string.
if (characters == endCharacters)
return 0.0;
double number;
if (characters[0] == '0' && characters + 2 < endCharacters) {
if ((characters[1] | 0x20) == 'x' && isASCIIHexDigit(characters[2]))
number = jsHexIntegerLiteral(characters, endCharacters);
else if ((characters[1] | 0x20) == 'o' && isASCIIOctalDigit(characters[2]))
number = jsOctalIntegerLiteral(characters, endCharacters);
else if ((characters[1] | 0x20) == 'b' && isASCIIBinaryDigit(characters[2]))
number = jsBinaryIntegerLiteral(characters, endCharacters);
number = jsStrDecimalLiteral(characters, endCharacters);
} else
number = jsStrDecimalLiteral(characters, endCharacters);
// Allow trailing white space.
for (; characters < endCharacters; ++characters) {
if (!isStrWhiteSpace(*characters))
if (characters != endCharacters)
return PNaN;
return number;
// See ecma-262 6th 11.8.3
double jsToNumber(StringView s)
unsigned size = s.length();
if (size == 1) {
UChar c = s[0];
if (isASCIIDigit(c))
return c - '0';
if (isStrWhiteSpace(c))
return 0;
return PNaN;
if (s.is8Bit())
return toDouble(s.characters8(), size);
return toDouble(s.characters16(), size);
static double parseFloat(StringView s)
unsigned size = s.length();
if (size == 1) {
UChar c = s[0];
if (isASCIIDigit(c))
return c - '0';
return PNaN;
if (s.is8Bit()) {
const LChar* data = s.characters8();
const LChar* end = data + size;
// Skip leading white space.
for (; data < end; ++data) {
if (!isStrWhiteSpace(*data))
// Empty string.
if (data == end)
return PNaN;
return jsStrDecimalLiteral(data, end);
const UChar* data = s.characters16();
const UChar* end = data + size;
// Skip leading white space.
for (; data < end; ++data) {
if (!isStrWhiteSpace(*data))
// Empty string.
if (data == end)
return PNaN;
return jsStrDecimalLiteral(data, end);
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL globalFuncEval(JSGlobalObject* globalObject, CallFrame* callFrame)
VM& vm = globalObject->vm();
auto scope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm);
JSValue x = callFrame->argument(0);
if (!x.isString())
return JSValue::encode(x);
if (!globalObject->evalEnabled()) {
throwException(globalObject, scope, createEvalError(globalObject, globalObject->evalDisabledErrorMessage()));
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
String s = asString(x)->value(globalObject);
RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(scope, encodedJSValue());
JSValue parsedObject;
if (s.is8Bit()) {
LiteralParser<LChar> preparser(globalObject, s.characters8(), s.length(), NonStrictJSON, nullptr);
parsedObject = preparser.tryLiteralParse();
} else {
LiteralParser<UChar> preparser(globalObject, s.characters16(), s.length(), NonStrictJSON, nullptr);
parsedObject = preparser.tryLiteralParse();
RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(scope, encodedJSValue());
if (parsedObject)
return JSValue::encode(parsedObject);
SourceOrigin sourceOrigin = callFrame->callerSourceOrigin(vm);
EvalExecutable* eval = IndirectEvalExecutable::create(globalObject, makeSource(s, sourceOrigin), DerivedContextType::None, false, EvalContextType::None);
EXCEPTION_ASSERT(!!scope.exception() == !eval);
if (!eval)
return encodedJSValue();
RELEASE_AND_RETURN(scope, JSValue::encode(vm.interpreter->execute(eval, globalObject, globalObject->globalThis(), globalObject->globalScope())));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL globalFuncParseInt(JSGlobalObject* globalObject, CallFrame* callFrame)
JSValue value = callFrame->argument(0);
JSValue radixValue = callFrame->argument(1);
// Optimized handling for numbers:
// If the argument is 0 or a number in range 10^-6 <= n < INT_MAX+1, then parseInt
// results in a truncation to integer. In the case of -0, this is converted to 0.
// This is also a truncation for values in the range INT_MAX+1 <= n < 10^21,
// however these values cannot be trivially truncated to int since 10^21 exceeds
// even the int64_t range. Negative numbers are a little trickier, the case for
// values in the range -10^21 < n <= -1 are similar to those for integer, but
// values in the range -1 < n <= -10^-6 need to truncate to -0, not 0.
static const double tenToTheMinus6 = 0.000001;
static const double intMaxPlusOne = 2147483648.0;
if (value.isNumber()) {
double n = value.asNumber();
if (((n < intMaxPlusOne && n >= tenToTheMinus6) || !n) && radixValue.isUndefinedOrNull())
return JSValue::encode(jsNumber(static_cast<int32_t>(n)));
// If ToString throws, we shouldn't call ToInt32.
return toStringView(globalObject, value, [&] (StringView view) {
return JSValue::encode(jsNumber(parseInt(view, radixValue.toInt32(globalObject))));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL globalFuncParseFloat(JSGlobalObject* globalObject, CallFrame* callFrame)
auto viewWithString = callFrame->argument(0).toString(globalObject)->viewWithUnderlyingString(globalObject);
return JSValue::encode(jsNumber(parseFloat(viewWithString.view)));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL globalFuncDecodeURI(JSGlobalObject* globalObject, CallFrame* callFrame)
static Bitmap<256> doNotUnescapeWhenDecodingURI = makeCharacterBitmap(
return JSValue::encode(decode(globalObject, callFrame->argument(0), doNotUnescapeWhenDecodingURI, true));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL globalFuncDecodeURIComponent(JSGlobalObject* globalObject, CallFrame* callFrame)
static Bitmap<256> emptyBitmap;
return JSValue::encode(decode(globalObject, callFrame->argument(0), emptyBitmap, true));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL globalFuncEncodeURI(JSGlobalObject* globalObject, CallFrame* callFrame)
static Bitmap<256> doNotEscapeWhenEncodingURI = makeCharacterBitmap(
return JSValue::encode(encode(globalObject, callFrame->argument(0), doNotEscapeWhenEncodingURI));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL globalFuncEncodeURIComponent(JSGlobalObject* globalObject, CallFrame* callFrame)
static Bitmap<256> doNotEscapeWhenEncodingURIComponent = makeCharacterBitmap(
return JSValue::encode(encode(globalObject, callFrame->argument(0), doNotEscapeWhenEncodingURIComponent));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL globalFuncEscape(JSGlobalObject* globalObject, CallFrame* callFrame)
static Bitmap<256> doNotEscape = makeCharacterBitmap(
return JSValue::encode(toStringView(globalObject, callFrame->argument(0), [&] (StringView view) {
VM& vm = globalObject->vm();
StringBuilder builder;
if (view.is8Bit()) {
const LChar* c = view.characters8();
for (unsigned k = 0; k < view.length(); k++, c++) {
int u = c[0];
if (doNotEscape.get(static_cast<LChar>(u)))
else {
builder.append(hex(u, 2));
return jsString(vm, builder.toString());
const UChar* c = view.characters16();
for (unsigned k = 0; k < view.length(); k++, c++) {
UChar u = c[0];
if (u >= doNotEscape.size()) {
builder.append(hex(static_cast<unsigned char>(u >> 8), 2));
builder.append(hex(static_cast<unsigned char>(u & 0xFF), 2));
} else if (doNotEscape.get(static_cast<LChar>(u)))
else {
builder.append(hex(static_cast<unsigned char>(u), 2));
return jsString(vm, builder.toString());
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL globalFuncUnescape(JSGlobalObject* globalObject, CallFrame* callFrame)
return JSValue::encode(toStringView(globalObject, callFrame->argument(0), [&] (StringView view) {
// We use int for k and length intentionally since we would like to evaluate
// the condition `k <= length -6` even if length is less than 6.
int k = 0;
int length = view.length();
StringBuilder builder;
if (view.is8Bit()) {
const LChar* characters = view.characters8();
LChar convertedLChar;
while (k < length) {
const LChar* c = characters + k;
if (c[0] == '%' && k <= length - 6 && c[1] == 'u') {
if (isASCIIHexDigit(c[2]) && isASCIIHexDigit(c[3]) && isASCIIHexDigit(c[4]) && isASCIIHexDigit(c[5])) {
builder.append(Lexer<UChar>::convertUnicode(c[2], c[3], c[4], c[5]));
k += 6;
} else if (c[0] == '%' && k <= length - 3 && isASCIIHexDigit(c[1]) && isASCIIHexDigit(c[2])) {
convertedLChar = LChar(Lexer<LChar>::convertHex(c[1], c[2]));
c = &convertedLChar;
k += 2;
} else {
const UChar* characters = view.characters16();
while (k < length) {
const UChar* c = characters + k;
UChar convertedUChar;
if (c[0] == '%' && k <= length - 6 && c[1] == 'u') {
if (isASCIIHexDigit(c[2]) && isASCIIHexDigit(c[3]) && isASCIIHexDigit(c[4]) && isASCIIHexDigit(c[5])) {
convertedUChar = Lexer<UChar>::convertUnicode(c[2], c[3], c[4], c[5]);
c = &convertedUChar;
k += 5;
} else if (c[0] == '%' && k <= length - 3 && isASCIIHexDigit(c[1]) && isASCIIHexDigit(c[2])) {
convertedUChar = UChar(Lexer<UChar>::convertHex(c[1], c[2]));
c = &convertedUChar;
k += 2;
return jsString(globalObject->vm(), builder.toString());
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL globalFuncThrowTypeError(JSGlobalObject* globalObject, CallFrame*)
VM& vm = globalObject->vm();
auto scope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm);
return throwVMTypeError(globalObject, scope);
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL globalFuncThrowTypeErrorArgumentsCalleeAndCaller(JSGlobalObject* globalObject, CallFrame*)
VM& vm = globalObject->vm();
auto scope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm);
return throwVMTypeError(globalObject, scope, "'arguments', 'callee', and 'caller' cannot be accessed in this context.");
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL globalFuncMakeTypeError(JSGlobalObject* globalObject, CallFrame* callFrame)
Structure* errorStructure = globalObject->errorStructure(ErrorType::TypeError);
return JSValue::encode(ErrorInstance::create(globalObject, errorStructure, callFrame->argument(0), nullptr, TypeNothing, false));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL globalFuncProtoGetter(JSGlobalObject* globalObject, CallFrame* callFrame)
VM& vm = globalObject->vm();
auto scope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm);
JSValue thisValue = callFrame->thisValue().toThis(globalObject, ECMAMode::strict());
if (thisValue.isUndefinedOrNull())
return throwVMError(globalObject, scope, createNotAnObjectError(globalObject, thisValue));
JSObject* thisObject = jsDynamicCast<JSObject*>(vm, thisValue);
if (!thisObject) {
JSObject* prototype = thisValue.synthesizePrototype(globalObject);
EXCEPTION_ASSERT(!!scope.exception() == !prototype);
if (UNLIKELY(!prototype))
return JSValue::encode(JSValue());
return JSValue::encode(prototype);
RELEASE_AND_RETURN(scope, JSValue::encode(thisObject->getPrototype(vm, globalObject)));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL globalFuncProtoSetter(JSGlobalObject* globalObject, CallFrame* callFrame)
VM& vm = globalObject->vm();
auto scope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm);
JSValue thisValue = callFrame->thisValue().toThis(globalObject, ECMAMode::strict());
if (thisValue.isUndefinedOrNull())
return throwVMTypeError(globalObject, scope, ObjectProtoCalledOnNullOrUndefinedError);
JSValue value = callFrame->argument(0);
JSObject* thisObject = jsDynamicCast<JSObject*>(vm, thisValue);
// Setting __proto__ of a primitive should have no effect.
if (!thisObject)
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
// Setting __proto__ to a non-object, non-null value is silently ignored to match Mozilla.
if (!value.isObject() && !value.isNull())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
bool shouldThrowIfCantSet = true;
thisObject->setPrototype(vm, globalObject, value, shouldThrowIfCantSet);
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL globalFuncHostPromiseRejectionTracker(JSGlobalObject* globalObject, CallFrame* callFrame)
VM& vm = globalObject->vm();
auto scope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm);
JSPromise* promise = jsCast<JSPromise*>(callFrame->argument(0));
// InternalPromises should not be exposed to user scripts.
if (jsDynamicCast<JSInternalPromise*>(vm, promise))
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
JSValue operationValue = callFrame->argument(1);
auto operation = static_cast<JSPromiseRejectionOperation>(operationValue.toUInt32(globalObject));
ASSERT(operation == JSPromiseRejectionOperation::Reject || operation == JSPromiseRejectionOperation::Handle);
if (globalObject->globalObjectMethodTable()->promiseRejectionTracker)
globalObject->globalObjectMethodTable()->promiseRejectionTracker(globalObject, promise, operation);
else {
switch (operation) {
case JSPromiseRejectionOperation::Reject:
case JSPromiseRejectionOperation::Handle:
// do nothing
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL globalFuncBuiltinLog(JSGlobalObject* globalObject, CallFrame* callFrame)
dataLog(callFrame->argument(0).toWTFString(globalObject), "\n");
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL globalFuncBuiltinDescribe(JSGlobalObject* globalObject, CallFrame* callFrame)
return JSValue::encode(jsString(globalObject->vm(), toString(callFrame->argument(0))));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL globalFuncImportModule(JSGlobalObject* globalObject, CallFrame* callFrame)
VM& vm = globalObject->vm();
auto* promise = JSPromise::create(vm, globalObject->promiseStructure());
auto catchScope = DECLARE_CATCH_SCOPE(vm);
auto reject = [&] (JSValue rejectionReason) {
promise->reject(globalObject, rejectionReason);
return JSValue::encode(promise);
auto sourceOrigin = callFrame->callerSourceOrigin(vm);
RELEASE_ASSERT(callFrame->argumentCount() == 1);
auto* specifier = callFrame->uncheckedArgument(0).toString(globalObject);
if (Exception* exception = catchScope.exception())
return reject(exception->value());
// We always specify parameters as undefined. Once dynamic import() starts accepting fetching parameters,
// we should retrieve this from the arguments.
JSValue parameters = jsUndefined();
auto* internalPromise = globalObject->moduleLoader()->importModule(globalObject, specifier, parameters, sourceOrigin);
if (Exception* exception = catchScope.exception())
return reject(exception->value());
promise->resolve(globalObject, internalPromise);
return JSValue::encode(promise);
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL globalFuncPropertyIsEnumerable(JSGlobalObject* globalObject, CallFrame* callFrame)
VM& vm = globalObject->vm();
auto scope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm);
RELEASE_ASSERT(callFrame->argumentCount() == 2);
JSObject* object = jsCast<JSObject*>(callFrame->uncheckedArgument(0));
auto propertyName = callFrame->uncheckedArgument(1).toPropertyKey(globalObject);
RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(scope, encodedJSValue());
PropertyDescriptor descriptor;
bool enumerable = object->getOwnPropertyDescriptor(globalObject, propertyName, descriptor) && descriptor.enumerable();
return JSValue::encode(jsBoolean(enumerable));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL globalFuncOwnKeys(JSGlobalObject* globalObject, CallFrame* callFrame)
VM& vm = globalObject->vm();
auto scope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm);
JSObject* object = callFrame->argument(0).toObject(globalObject);
RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(scope, encodedJSValue());
RELEASE_AND_RETURN(scope, JSValue::encode(ownPropertyKeys(globalObject, object, PropertyNameMode::StringsAndSymbols, DontEnumPropertiesMode::Include)));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL globalFuncDateTimeFormat(JSGlobalObject* globalObject, CallFrame* callFrame)
VM& vm = globalObject->vm();
auto scope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm);
IntlDateTimeFormat* dateTimeFormat = IntlDateTimeFormat::create(vm, globalObject->dateTimeFormatStructure());
dateTimeFormat->initializeDateTimeFormat(globalObject, callFrame->argument(0), callFrame->argument(1));
RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(scope, encodedJSValue());
double value = callFrame->argument(2).toNumber(globalObject);
RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(scope, encodedJSValue());
RELEASE_AND_RETURN(scope, JSValue::encode(dateTimeFormat->format(globalObject, value)));
} // namespace JSC