blob: 13952190a8e0739e3a0f2a48cb83dbe9b3015396 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the COPYING file or at
var isWorker = typeof importScripts !== "undefined";
if (isWorker) {
// Running on a worker
importScripts('util.js', 'util_worker.js');
// Namespace for holding globals.
var benchmark = {};
benchmark.startTimeInMs = 0;
var timerID = null;
function sendBenchmarkStep(size, config, isWarmUp) {
timerID = null;
benchmark.startTimeInMs = null;
// Prepare data.
var dataArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < config.numFetches; ++i) {
var data = null;
if (config.dataType == 'arraybuffer' ||
config.dataType == 'blob') {
data = new ArrayBuffer(size);
fillArrayBuffer(data, 0x61);
if (config.dataType == 'blob') {
data = new Blob([data]);
} else {
data = repeatString('a', size);
// Start time measuring.
benchmark.startTimeInMs = getTimeStamp();
// Start fetch.
var promises = [];
for (var i = 0; i < config.numFetches; ++i) {
var data = dataArray[i];
var promise = fetch(config.prefixUrl + '_send',
{method: 'POST', body: data})
.then(function (response) {
if (response.status != 200) {
config.addToLog('Failed (status=' + response.status + ')');
return Promise.reject();
// Check and warn if proxy is enabled.
if (response.headers.get('Via') !== null) {
config.addToLog('WARNING: proxy seems enabled.');
if (config.verifyData) {
return response.text()
.then(function(text) {
if (!verifyAcknowledgement(config, text, size)) {
return Promise.reject();
// Finish and report time measuring.
.then(function() {
if (benchmark.startTimeInMs == null) {
config.addToLog('startTimeInMs not set');
return Promise.reject();
calculateAndLogResult(config, size, benchmark.startTimeInMs,
size * config.numFetches, isWarmUp);
.catch(function(e) {
config.addToLog("ERROR: " + e);
function receiveBenchmarkStep(size, config, isWarmUp) {
timerID = null;
benchmark.startTimeInMs = null;
// Start time measuring.
benchmark.startTimeInMs = getTimeStamp();
// Start fetch.
var promises = [];
for (var i = 0; i < config.numFetches; ++i) {
var request;
if (config.methodAndCache === 'GET-NOCACHE') {
request = new Request(config.prefixUrl + '_receive_getnocache?' + size,
{method: 'GET'});
} else if (config.methodAndCache === 'GET-CACHE') {
request = new Request(config.prefixUrl + '_receive_getcache?' + size,
{method: 'GET'});
} else {
request = new Request(config.prefixUrl + '_receive',
{method: 'POST', body: size + ' none'});
var promise = fetch(request)
.then(function(response) {
if (response.status != 200) {
config.addToLog('Failed (status=' + this.status + ')');
return Promise.reject();
// Check and warn if proxy is enabled.
if (response.headers.get('Via') !== null) {
config.addToLog('WARNING: proxy seems enabled.');
if (config.dataType === 'arraybuffer') {
return response.arrayBuffer()
.then(function(arrayBuffer) {
return [arrayBuffer.byteLength,
(!config.verifyData ||
verifyArrayBuffer(arrayBuffer, 0x61))];
} else if (config.dataType == 'blob') {
return response.blob()
.then(function(blob) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
if (config.verifyData) {
verifyBlob(config, blob, 0x61,
function(receivedSize, verificationResult) {
resolve([receivedSize, verificationResult]);
} else {
resolve([blob.size, true]);
} else {
return response.text()
.then(function(text) {
return [text.length,
(!config.verifyData ||
text == repeatString('a', text.length))];
.then(function(receivedSizeAndVerificationResult) {
var receivedSize = receivedSizeAndVerificationResult[0];
var verificationResult = receivedSizeAndVerificationResult[1];
if (receivedSize !== size) {
config.addToLog('Expected ' + size +
'B but received ' + receivedSize + 'B');
return Promise.reject();
if (!verificationResult) {
config.addToLog('Response verification failed');
return Promise.reject();
// Finish and report time measuring.
.then(function() {
if (benchmark.startTimeInMs == null) {
config.addToLog('startTimeInMs not set');
return Promise.reject();
calculateAndLogResult(config, size, benchmark.startTimeInMs,
size * config.numFetches, isWarmUp);
.catch(function(e) {
config.addToLog("ERROR: " + e);
function getConfigString(config) {
return '(' + config.dataType +
', verifyData=' + config.verifyData +
', ' + (isWorker ? 'Worker' : 'Main') +
', numFetches=' + config.numFetches +
', numIterations=' + config.numIterations +
', numWarmUpIterations=' + config.numWarmUpIterations +
function startBenchmark(config) {
function batchBenchmark(originalConfig) {
originalConfig.addToLog('Batch benchmark');
tasks = [];
var dataTypes = ['text', 'blob', 'arraybuffer'];
var stepFuncs = [sendBenchmarkStep, receiveBenchmarkStep];
var names = ['Send', 'Receive'];
for (var i = 0; i < stepFuncs.length; ++i) {
for (var j = 0; j < dataTypes.length; ++j) {
var config = cloneConfig(originalConfig);
config.dataType = dataTypes[j];
addTasks(config, stepFuncs[i]);
names[i] + ' benchmark ' + getConfigString(config));
function cleanup() {