blob: 9c31efce7f29bf4f5c6e17950879163cf6bc34dd [file] [log] [blame]
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 2659: Error: assert_equals: slotchange must not be fired on a slot element if the assigned nodes changed after the slot was removed expected 2 but got 0
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 2659: Error: assert_equals: slotchange must not be fired on a slot element if the assigned nodes changed after the slot was removed expected 2 but got 0
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 2659: Error: assert_equals: slotchange must not be fired on a slot element if the assigned nodes changed after the slot was removed expected 2 but got 0
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 2659: Error: assert_equals: slotchange must not be fired on a slot element if the assigned nodes changed after the slot was removed expected 2 but got 0
Harness Error (FAIL), message = Error: assert_equals: slotchange must not be fired on a slot element if the assigned nodes changed after the slot was removed expected 2 but got 0
PASS slotchange event must fire on a default slot element inside an open shadow root in a document
PASS slotchange event must fire on a default slot element inside a closed shadow root in a document
PASS slotchange event must fire on a default slot element inside an open shadow root not in a document
PASS slotchange event must fire on a default slot element inside a closed shadow root not in a document
PASS slotchange event must fire on a named slot element insidean open shadow root in a document
PASS slotchange event must fire on a named slot element insidea closed shadow root in a document
PASS slotchange event must fire on a named slot element insidean open shadow root not in a document
PASS slotchange event must fire on a named slot element insidea closed shadow root not in a document
PASS slotchange event must not fire on a slot element inside an open shadow root in a document when another slot's assigned nodes change
PASS slotchange event must not fire on a slot element inside a closed shadow root in a document when another slot's assigned nodes change
PASS slotchange event must not fire on a slot element inside an open shadow root not in a document when another slot's assigned nodes change
PASS slotchange event must not fire on a slot element inside a closed shadow root not in a document when another slot's assigned nodes change
FAIL slotchange event must fire on a slot element when a shadow host has a slotable and the slot was inserted and must not fire when the shadow host was mutated after the slot was removed inside an open shadow root in a document assert_equals: slotchange must be fired on a slot element if there is assigned nodes when the slot was inserted expected 1 but got 0
FAIL slotchange event must fire on a slot element when a shadow host has a slotable and the slot was inserted and must not fire when the shadow host was mutated after the slot was removed inside a closed shadow root in a document assert_equals: slotchange must be fired on a slot element if there is assigned nodes when the slot was inserted expected 1 but got 0
FAIL slotchange event must fire on a slot element when a shadow host has a slotable and the slot was inserted and must not fire when the shadow host was mutated after the slot was removed inside an open shadow root not in a document assert_equals: slotchange must be fired on a slot element if there is assigned nodes when the slot was inserted expected 1 but got 0
FAIL slotchange event must fire on a slot element when a shadow host has a slotable and the slot was inserted and must not fire when the shadow host was mutated after the slot was removed inside a closed shadow root not in a document assert_equals: slotchange must be fired on a slot element if there is assigned nodes when the slot was inserted expected 1 but got 0
PASS slotchange event must fire on a slot element inside an open shadow root in a document even if the slot was removed immediately after the assigned nodes were mutated
PASS slotchange event must fire on a slot element inside a closed shadow root in a document even if the slot was removed immediately after the assigned nodes were mutated
PASS slotchange event must fire on a slot element inside an open shadow root not in a document even if the slot was removed immediately after the assigned nodes were mutated
PASS slotchange event must fire on a slot element inside a closed shadow root not in a document even if the slot was removed immediately after the assigned nodes were mutated
PASS slotchange event must fire on a slot element inside an open shadow root in a document when innerHTML modifies the children of the shadow host
PASS slotchange event must fire on a slot element inside a closed shadow root in a document when innerHTML modifies the children of the shadow host
PASS slotchange event must fire on a slot element inside an open shadow root not in a document when innerHTML modifies the children of the shadow host
PASS slotchange event must fire on a slot element inside a closed shadow root not in a document when innerHTML modifies the children of the shadow host
FAIL slotchange event must fire on a slot element inside an open shadow root in a document when nested slots's contents change assert_equals: slotchange event's target must be the inner slot element at 1st slotchange expected Element node <slot></slot> but got Element node <slot></slot>
FAIL slotchange event must fire on a slot element inside a closed shadow root in a document when nested slots's contents change assert_equals: slotchange event's target must be the inner slot element at 1st slotchange expected Element node <slot></slot> but got Element node <slot></slot>
FAIL slotchange event must fire on a slot element inside an open shadow root not in a document when nested slots's contents change assert_equals: slotchange event's target must be the inner slot element at 1st slotchange expected Element node <slot></slot> but got Element node <slot></slot>
FAIL slotchange event must fire on a slot element inside a closed shadow root not in a document when nested slots's contents change assert_equals: slotchange event's target must be the inner slot element at 1st slotchange expected Element node <slot></slot> but got Element node <slot></slot>
PASS slotchange event must fire at the end of current microtask after mutation observers are invoked inside an open shadow root in a document when slots's contents change
PASS slotchange event must fire at the end of current microtask after mutation observers are invoked inside a closed shadow root in a document when slots's contents change
PASS slotchange event must fire at the end of current microtask after mutation observers are invoked inside an open shadow root not in a document when slots's contents change
PASS slotchange event must fire at the end of current microtask after mutation observers are invoked inside a closed shadow root not in a document when slots's contents change