blob: 002e3c89ecbc6a27de528069a8da7d5ac50678a8 [file] [log] [blame]
Harness Error (FAIL), message = 1 duplicate test name: "document.currentScript must be set to a script element that loads an external script in a document tree"
PASS document.currentScript must not to be set to a script element in a shadow tree in open mode
PASS document.currentScript must not to be set to a script element in a shadow tree in closed mode
PASS document.currentScript must be set to a script element that loads an external script in a document tree
PASS document.currentScript must be set to a script element that loads an external script in a document tree
PASS document.currentScript must not be set to a script element that loads an external script in an open shadow tree
PASS document.currentScript must not be set to a script element that loads an external script in a closed shadow tree
PASS document.currentScript must be set to a script element that loads an external script that was in an open shadow tree and then removed
PASS document.currentScript must be set to a script element that loads an external script that was in a closed shadow tree and then removed