blob: df3d9e229856e58bd1dce8b12e0106afade4ee08 [file] [log] [blame]
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 309: callback not yet supported
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 309: callback not yet supported
PASS Setup for Payment Request API IDL tests.
PASS Event interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS Event interface object length
PASS Event interface object name
PASS Event interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS Event interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS Event interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS Event interface: attribute type
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for type property on Event
PASS Event interface: attribute target
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for target property on Event
PASS Event interface: attribute currentTarget
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for currentTarget property on Event
PASS Event interface: constant NONE on interface object
PASS Event interface: constant NONE on interface prototype object
PASS Event interface: constant CAPTURING_PHASE on interface object
PASS Event interface: constant CAPTURING_PHASE on interface prototype object
PASS Event interface: constant AT_TARGET on interface object
PASS Event interface: constant AT_TARGET on interface prototype object
PASS Event interface: constant BUBBLING_PHASE on interface object
PASS Event interface: constant BUBBLING_PHASE on interface prototype object
PASS Event interface: attribute eventPhase
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for eventPhase property on Event
PASS Event interface: operation stopPropagation()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for stopPropagation() on Event
PASS Event interface: operation stopImmediatePropagation()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for stopImmediatePropagation() on Event
PASS Event interface: attribute bubbles
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for bubbles property on Event
PASS Event interface: attribute cancelable
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for cancelable property on Event
PASS Event interface: operation preventDefault()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for preventDefault() on Event
PASS Event interface: attribute defaultPrevented
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for defaultPrevented property on Event
PASS Event interface: attribute timeStamp
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for timeStamp property on Event
PASS Event interface: operation initEvent(DOMString, boolean, boolean)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for initEvent(DOMString, boolean, boolean) on Event
PASS CustomEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS CustomEvent interface object length
PASS CustomEvent interface object name
PASS CustomEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS CustomEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS CustomEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS CustomEvent interface: attribute detail
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for detail property on CustomEvent
PASS CustomEvent interface: operation initCustomEvent(DOMString, boolean, boolean, any)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for initCustomEvent(DOMString, boolean, boolean, any) on CustomEvent
PASS EventTarget interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS EventTarget interface object length
PASS EventTarget interface object name
PASS EventTarget interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS EventTarget interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS EventTarget interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS EventTarget interface: operation addEventListener(DOMString, EventListener, [object Object],[object Object])
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for addEventListener(DOMString, EventListener, [object Object],[object Object]) on EventTarget
PASS EventTarget interface: operation removeEventListener(DOMString, EventListener, [object Object],[object Object])
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for removeEventListener(DOMString, EventListener, [object Object],[object Object]) on EventTarget
PASS EventTarget interface: operation dispatchEvent(Event)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for dispatchEvent(Event) on EventTarget
PASS EventListener interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS EventListener interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS EventListener interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS EventListener interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS EventListener interface: operation handleEvent(Event)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for handleEvent(Event) on EventListener
PASS AbortController interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS AbortController interface object length
PASS AbortController interface object name
PASS AbortController interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS AbortController interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS AbortController interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS AbortController interface: attribute signal
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for signal property on AbortController
PASS AbortController interface: operation abort()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for abort() on AbortController
PASS AbortSignal interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS AbortSignal interface object length
PASS AbortSignal interface object name
PASS AbortSignal interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS AbortSignal interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS AbortSignal interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS AbortSignal interface: attribute aborted
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for aborted property on AbortSignal
PASS AbortSignal interface: attribute onabort
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for onabort property on AbortSignal
PASS NodeList interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS NodeList interface object length
PASS NodeList interface object name
PASS NodeList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS NodeList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS NodeList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS NodeList interface: operation item(unsigned long)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for item(unsigned long) on NodeList
PASS NodeList interface: attribute length
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for length property on NodeList
PASS HTMLCollection interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS HTMLCollection interface object length
PASS HTMLCollection interface object name
PASS HTMLCollection interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS HTMLCollection interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS HTMLCollection interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS HTMLCollection interface: attribute length
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for length property on HTMLCollection
PASS HTMLCollection interface: operation item(unsigned long)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for item(unsigned long) on HTMLCollection
PASS HTMLCollection interface: operation namedItem(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for namedItem(DOMString) on HTMLCollection
PASS MutationObserver interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS MutationObserver interface object length
PASS MutationObserver interface object name
PASS MutationObserver interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS MutationObserver interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS MutationObserver interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS MutationObserver interface: operation observe(Node, MutationObserverInit)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for observe(Node, MutationObserverInit) on MutationObserver
PASS MutationObserver interface: operation disconnect()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for disconnect() on MutationObserver
PASS MutationObserver interface: operation takeRecords()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for takeRecords() on MutationObserver
PASS MutationRecord interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS MutationRecord interface object length
PASS MutationRecord interface object name
PASS MutationRecord interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS MutationRecord interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS MutationRecord interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute type
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for type property on MutationRecord
PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute target
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for target property on MutationRecord
PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute addedNodes
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for addedNodes property on MutationRecord
PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute removedNodes
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for removedNodes property on MutationRecord
PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute previousSibling
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for previousSibling property on MutationRecord
PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute nextSibling
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for nextSibling property on MutationRecord
PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute attributeName
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for attributeName property on MutationRecord
PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute attributeNamespace
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for attributeNamespace property on MutationRecord
PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute oldValue
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for oldValue property on MutationRecord
PASS Node interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS Node interface object length
PASS Node interface object name
PASS Node interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS Node interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS Node interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS Node interface: constant ELEMENT_NODE on interface object
PASS Node interface: constant ELEMENT_NODE on interface prototype object
PASS Node interface: constant ATTRIBUTE_NODE on interface object
PASS Node interface: constant ATTRIBUTE_NODE on interface prototype object
PASS Node interface: constant TEXT_NODE on interface object
PASS Node interface: constant TEXT_NODE on interface prototype object
PASS Node interface: constant CDATA_SECTION_NODE on interface object
PASS Node interface: constant CDATA_SECTION_NODE on interface prototype object
PASS Node interface: constant ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE on interface object
PASS Node interface: constant ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE on interface prototype object
PASS Node interface: constant ENTITY_NODE on interface object
PASS Node interface: constant ENTITY_NODE on interface prototype object
PASS Node interface: constant PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE on interface object
PASS Node interface: constant PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE on interface prototype object
PASS Node interface: constant COMMENT_NODE on interface object
PASS Node interface: constant COMMENT_NODE on interface prototype object
PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_NODE on interface object
PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_NODE on interface prototype object
PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE on interface object
PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE on interface prototype object
PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE on interface object
PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE on interface prototype object
PASS Node interface: constant NOTATION_NODE on interface object
PASS Node interface: constant NOTATION_NODE on interface prototype object
PASS Node interface: attribute nodeType
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for nodeType property on Node
PASS Node interface: attribute nodeName
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for nodeName property on Node
PASS Node interface: attribute baseURI
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for baseURI property on Node
PASS Node interface: attribute isConnected
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for isConnected property on Node
PASS Node interface: attribute ownerDocument
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for ownerDocument property on Node
PASS Node interface: operation getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on Node
PASS Node interface: attribute parentNode
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for parentNode property on Node
PASS Node interface: attribute parentElement
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for parentElement property on Node
PASS Node interface: operation hasChildNodes()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for hasChildNodes() on Node
PASS Node interface: attribute childNodes
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for childNodes property on Node
PASS Node interface: attribute firstChild
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for firstChild property on Node
PASS Node interface: attribute lastChild
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for lastChild property on Node
PASS Node interface: attribute previousSibling
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for previousSibling property on Node
PASS Node interface: attribute nextSibling
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for nextSibling property on Node
PASS Node interface: attribute nodeValue
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for nodeValue property on Node
PASS Node interface: attribute textContent
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for textContent property on Node
PASS Node interface: operation normalize()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for normalize() on Node
PASS Node interface: operation cloneNode(boolean)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for cloneNode(boolean) on Node
PASS Node interface: operation isEqualNode(Node)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for isEqualNode(Node) on Node
PASS Node interface: operation isSameNode(Node)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for isSameNode(Node) on Node
PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED on interface object
PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED on interface prototype object
PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING on interface object
PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING on interface prototype object
PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING on interface object
PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING on interface prototype object
PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS on interface object
PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS on interface prototype object
PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY on interface object
PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY on interface prototype object
PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC on interface object
PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC on interface prototype object
PASS Node interface: operation compareDocumentPosition(Node)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for compareDocumentPosition(Node) on Node
PASS Node interface: operation contains(Node)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for contains(Node) on Node
PASS Node interface: operation lookupPrefix(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for lookupPrefix(DOMString) on Node
PASS Node interface: operation lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) on Node
PASS Node interface: operation isDefaultNamespace(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) on Node
PASS Node interface: operation insertBefore(Node, Node)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for insertBefore(Node, Node) on Node
PASS Node interface: operation appendChild(Node)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for appendChild(Node) on Node
PASS Node interface: operation replaceChild(Node, Node)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for replaceChild(Node, Node) on Node
PASS Node interface: operation removeChild(Node)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for removeChild(Node) on Node
PASS Document interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS Document interface object length
PASS Document interface object name
PASS Document interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS Document interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS Document interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS Document interface: attribute implementation
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for implementation property on Document
PASS Document interface: attribute URL
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for URL property on Document
PASS Document interface: attribute documentURI
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for documentURI property on Document
PASS Document interface: attribute origin
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for origin property on Document
PASS Document interface: attribute compatMode
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for compatMode property on Document
PASS Document interface: attribute characterSet
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for characterSet property on Document
PASS Document interface: attribute charset
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for charset property on Document
PASS Document interface: attribute inputEncoding
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for inputEncoding property on Document
PASS Document interface: attribute contentType
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for contentType property on Document
PASS Document interface: attribute doctype
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for doctype property on Document
PASS Document interface: attribute documentElement
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for documentElement property on Document
PASS Document interface: operation getElementsByTagName(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for getElementsByTagName(DOMString) on Document
PASS Document interface: operation getElementsByTagNameNS(DOMString, DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for getElementsByTagNameNS(DOMString, DOMString) on Document
PASS Document interface: operation getElementsByClassName(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for getElementsByClassName(DOMString) on Document
PASS Document interface: operation createElement(DOMString, [object Object],[object Object])
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for createElement(DOMString, [object Object],[object Object]) on Document
PASS Document interface: operation createElementNS(DOMString, DOMString, [object Object],[object Object])
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for createElementNS(DOMString, DOMString, [object Object],[object Object]) on Document
PASS Document interface: operation createDocumentFragment()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for createDocumentFragment() on Document
PASS Document interface: operation createTextNode(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for createTextNode(DOMString) on Document
PASS Document interface: operation createCDATASection(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for createCDATASection(DOMString) on Document
PASS Document interface: operation createComment(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for createComment(DOMString) on Document
PASS Document interface: operation createProcessingInstruction(DOMString, DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for createProcessingInstruction(DOMString, DOMString) on Document
PASS Document interface: operation importNode(Node, boolean)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for importNode(Node, boolean) on Document
PASS Document interface: operation adoptNode(Node)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for adoptNode(Node) on Document
PASS Document interface: operation createAttribute(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for createAttribute(DOMString) on Document
PASS Document interface: operation createAttributeNS(DOMString, DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for createAttributeNS(DOMString, DOMString) on Document
PASS Document interface: operation createEvent(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for createEvent(DOMString) on Document
PASS Document interface: operation createRange()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for createRange() on Document
PASS Document interface: operation createNodeIterator(Node, unsigned long, NodeFilter)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for createNodeIterator(Node, unsigned long, NodeFilter) on Document
PASS Document interface: operation createTreeWalker(Node, unsigned long, NodeFilter)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for createTreeWalker(Node, unsigned long, NodeFilter) on Document
PASS Document interface: operation getElementById(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for getElementById(DOMString) on Document
PASS Document interface: attribute children
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for children property on Document
PASS Document interface: attribute firstElementChild
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for firstElementChild property on Document
PASS Document interface: attribute lastElementChild
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for lastElementChild property on Document
PASS Document interface: attribute childElementCount
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for childElementCount property on Document
PASS Document interface: operation prepend([object Object],[object Object])
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for prepend([object Object],[object Object]) on Document
PASS Document interface: operation append([object Object],[object Object])
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for append([object Object],[object Object]) on Document
PASS Document interface: operation querySelector(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for querySelector(DOMString) on Document
PASS Document interface: operation querySelectorAll(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for querySelectorAll(DOMString) on Document
PASS XMLDocument interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS XMLDocument interface object length
PASS XMLDocument interface object name
PASS XMLDocument interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS XMLDocument interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS XMLDocument interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS DOMImplementation interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS DOMImplementation interface object length
PASS DOMImplementation interface object name
PASS DOMImplementation interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS DOMImplementation interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS DOMImplementation interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS DOMImplementation interface: operation createDocumentType(DOMString, DOMString, DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for createDocumentType(DOMString, DOMString, DOMString) on DOMImplementation
PASS DOMImplementation interface: operation createDocument(DOMString, DOMString, DocumentType)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for createDocument(DOMString, DOMString, DocumentType) on DOMImplementation
PASS DOMImplementation interface: operation createHTMLDocument(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for createHTMLDocument(DOMString) on DOMImplementation
PASS DOMImplementation interface: operation hasFeature()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for hasFeature() on DOMImplementation
PASS DocumentType interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS DocumentType interface object length
PASS DocumentType interface object name
PASS DocumentType interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS DocumentType interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS DocumentType interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS DocumentType interface: attribute name
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for name property on DocumentType
PASS DocumentType interface: attribute publicId
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for publicId property on DocumentType
PASS DocumentType interface: attribute systemId
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for systemId property on DocumentType
PASS DocumentType interface: operation before([object Object],[object Object])
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for before([object Object],[object Object]) on DocumentType
PASS DocumentType interface: operation after([object Object],[object Object])
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for after([object Object],[object Object]) on DocumentType
PASS DocumentType interface: operation replaceWith([object Object],[object Object])
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for replaceWith([object Object],[object Object]) on DocumentType
PASS DocumentType interface: operation remove()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for remove() on DocumentType
PASS DocumentFragment interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS DocumentFragment interface object length
PASS DocumentFragment interface object name
PASS DocumentFragment interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS DocumentFragment interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS DocumentFragment interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS DocumentFragment interface: operation getElementById(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for getElementById(DOMString) on DocumentFragment
PASS DocumentFragment interface: attribute children
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for children property on DocumentFragment
PASS DocumentFragment interface: attribute firstElementChild
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for firstElementChild property on DocumentFragment
PASS DocumentFragment interface: attribute lastElementChild
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for lastElementChild property on DocumentFragment
PASS DocumentFragment interface: attribute childElementCount
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for childElementCount property on DocumentFragment
PASS DocumentFragment interface: operation prepend([object Object],[object Object])
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for prepend([object Object],[object Object]) on DocumentFragment
PASS DocumentFragment interface: operation append([object Object],[object Object])
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for append([object Object],[object Object]) on DocumentFragment
PASS DocumentFragment interface: operation querySelector(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for querySelector(DOMString) on DocumentFragment
PASS DocumentFragment interface: operation querySelectorAll(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for querySelectorAll(DOMString) on DocumentFragment
PASS ShadowRoot interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS ShadowRoot interface object length
PASS ShadowRoot interface object name
PASS ShadowRoot interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS ShadowRoot interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS ShadowRoot interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS ShadowRoot interface: attribute mode
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for mode property on ShadowRoot
PASS ShadowRoot interface: attribute host
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for host property on ShadowRoot
PASS Element interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS Element interface object length
PASS Element interface object name
PASS Element interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS Element interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS Element interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS Element interface: attribute namespaceURI
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for namespaceURI property on Element
PASS Element interface: attribute prefix
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for prefix property on Element
PASS Element interface: attribute localName
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for localName property on Element
PASS Element interface: attribute tagName
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for tagName property on Element
PASS Element interface: attribute id
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for id property on Element
PASS Element interface: attribute className
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for className property on Element
PASS Element interface: attribute classList
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for classList property on Element
PASS Element interface: attribute slot
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for slot property on Element
PASS Element interface: operation hasAttributes()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for hasAttributes() on Element
PASS Element interface: attribute attributes
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for attributes property on Element
PASS Element interface: operation getAttributeNames()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for getAttributeNames() on Element
PASS Element interface: operation getAttribute(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for getAttribute(DOMString) on Element
PASS Element interface: operation getAttributeNS(DOMString, DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for getAttributeNS(DOMString, DOMString) on Element
PASS Element interface: operation setAttribute(DOMString, DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for setAttribute(DOMString, DOMString) on Element
PASS Element interface: operation setAttributeNS(DOMString, DOMString, DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for setAttributeNS(DOMString, DOMString, DOMString) on Element
PASS Element interface: operation removeAttribute(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for removeAttribute(DOMString) on Element
PASS Element interface: operation removeAttributeNS(DOMString, DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for removeAttributeNS(DOMString, DOMString) on Element
PASS Element interface: operation hasAttribute(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for hasAttribute(DOMString) on Element
PASS Element interface: operation hasAttributeNS(DOMString, DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for hasAttributeNS(DOMString, DOMString) on Element
PASS Element interface: operation getAttributeNode(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for getAttributeNode(DOMString) on Element
PASS Element interface: operation getAttributeNodeNS(DOMString, DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for getAttributeNodeNS(DOMString, DOMString) on Element
PASS Element interface: operation setAttributeNode(Attr)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for setAttributeNode(Attr) on Element
PASS Element interface: operation setAttributeNodeNS(Attr)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for setAttributeNodeNS(Attr) on Element
PASS Element interface: operation removeAttributeNode(Attr)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for removeAttributeNode(Attr) on Element
PASS Element interface: operation attachShadow(ShadowRootInit)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for attachShadow(ShadowRootInit) on Element
PASS Element interface: attribute shadowRoot
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for shadowRoot property on Element
PASS Element interface: operation closest(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for closest(DOMString) on Element
PASS Element interface: operation matches(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for matches(DOMString) on Element
PASS Element interface: operation webkitMatchesSelector(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for webkitMatchesSelector(DOMString) on Element
PASS Element interface: operation getElementsByTagName(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for getElementsByTagName(DOMString) on Element
PASS Element interface: operation getElementsByTagNameNS(DOMString, DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for getElementsByTagNameNS(DOMString, DOMString) on Element
PASS Element interface: operation getElementsByClassName(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for getElementsByClassName(DOMString) on Element
PASS Element interface: operation insertAdjacentElement(DOMString, Element)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for insertAdjacentElement(DOMString, Element) on Element
PASS Element interface: operation insertAdjacentText(DOMString, DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for insertAdjacentText(DOMString, DOMString) on Element
PASS Element interface: attribute children
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for children property on Element
PASS Element interface: attribute firstElementChild
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for firstElementChild property on Element
PASS Element interface: attribute lastElementChild
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for lastElementChild property on Element
PASS Element interface: attribute childElementCount
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for childElementCount property on Element
PASS Element interface: operation prepend([object Object],[object Object])
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for prepend([object Object],[object Object]) on Element
PASS Element interface: operation append([object Object],[object Object])
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for append([object Object],[object Object]) on Element
PASS Element interface: operation querySelector(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for querySelector(DOMString) on Element
PASS Element interface: operation querySelectorAll(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for querySelectorAll(DOMString) on Element
PASS Element interface: attribute previousElementSibling
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for previousElementSibling property on Element
PASS Element interface: attribute nextElementSibling
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for nextElementSibling property on Element
PASS Element interface: operation before([object Object],[object Object])
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for before([object Object],[object Object]) on Element
PASS Element interface: operation after([object Object],[object Object])
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for after([object Object],[object Object]) on Element
PASS Element interface: operation replaceWith([object Object],[object Object])
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for replaceWith([object Object],[object Object]) on Element
PASS Element interface: operation remove()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for remove() on Element
PASS Element interface: attribute assignedSlot
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for assignedSlot property on Element
PASS NamedNodeMap interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS NamedNodeMap interface object length
PASS NamedNodeMap interface object name
PASS NamedNodeMap interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS NamedNodeMap interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS NamedNodeMap interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS NamedNodeMap interface: attribute length
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for length property on NamedNodeMap
PASS NamedNodeMap interface: operation item(unsigned long)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for item(unsigned long) on NamedNodeMap
PASS NamedNodeMap interface: operation getNamedItem(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for getNamedItem(DOMString) on NamedNodeMap
PASS NamedNodeMap interface: operation getNamedItemNS(DOMString, DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for getNamedItemNS(DOMString, DOMString) on NamedNodeMap
PASS NamedNodeMap interface: operation setNamedItem(Attr)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for setNamedItem(Attr) on NamedNodeMap
PASS NamedNodeMap interface: operation setNamedItemNS(Attr)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for setNamedItemNS(Attr) on NamedNodeMap
PASS NamedNodeMap interface: operation removeNamedItem(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for removeNamedItem(DOMString) on NamedNodeMap
PASS NamedNodeMap interface: operation removeNamedItemNS(DOMString, DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for removeNamedItemNS(DOMString, DOMString) on NamedNodeMap
PASS Attr interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS Attr interface object length
PASS Attr interface object name
PASS Attr interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS Attr interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS Attr interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS Attr interface: attribute namespaceURI
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for namespaceURI property on Attr
PASS Attr interface: attribute prefix
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for prefix property on Attr
PASS Attr interface: attribute localName
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for localName property on Attr
PASS Attr interface: attribute name
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for name property on Attr
PASS Attr interface: attribute value
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for value property on Attr
PASS Attr interface: attribute ownerElement
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for ownerElement property on Attr
PASS Attr interface: attribute specified
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for specified property on Attr
PASS CharacterData interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS CharacterData interface object length
PASS CharacterData interface object name
PASS CharacterData interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS CharacterData interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS CharacterData interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS CharacterData interface: attribute data
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for data property on CharacterData
PASS CharacterData interface: attribute length
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for length property on CharacterData
PASS CharacterData interface: operation substringData(unsigned long, unsigned long)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for substringData(unsigned long, unsigned long) on CharacterData
PASS CharacterData interface: operation appendData(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for appendData(DOMString) on CharacterData
PASS CharacterData interface: operation insertData(unsigned long, DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for insertData(unsigned long, DOMString) on CharacterData
PASS CharacterData interface: operation deleteData(unsigned long, unsigned long)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for deleteData(unsigned long, unsigned long) on CharacterData
PASS CharacterData interface: operation replaceData(unsigned long, unsigned long, DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for replaceData(unsigned long, unsigned long, DOMString) on CharacterData
PASS CharacterData interface: attribute previousElementSibling
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for previousElementSibling property on CharacterData
PASS CharacterData interface: attribute nextElementSibling
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for nextElementSibling property on CharacterData
PASS CharacterData interface: operation before([object Object],[object Object])
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for before([object Object],[object Object]) on CharacterData
PASS CharacterData interface: operation after([object Object],[object Object])
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for after([object Object],[object Object]) on CharacterData
PASS CharacterData interface: operation replaceWith([object Object],[object Object])
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for replaceWith([object Object],[object Object]) on CharacterData
PASS CharacterData interface: operation remove()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for remove() on CharacterData
PASS Text interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS Text interface object length
PASS Text interface object name
PASS Text interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS Text interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS Text interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS Text interface: operation splitText(unsigned long)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for splitText(unsigned long) on Text
PASS Text interface: attribute wholeText
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for wholeText property on Text
PASS Text interface: attribute assignedSlot
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for assignedSlot property on Text
PASS CDATASection interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS CDATASection interface object length
PASS CDATASection interface object name
PASS CDATASection interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS CDATASection interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS CDATASection interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS ProcessingInstruction interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS ProcessingInstruction interface object length
PASS ProcessingInstruction interface object name
PASS ProcessingInstruction interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS ProcessingInstruction interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS ProcessingInstruction interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS ProcessingInstruction interface: attribute target
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for target property on ProcessingInstruction
PASS Comment interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS Comment interface object length
PASS Comment interface object name
PASS Comment interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS Comment interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS Comment interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS Range interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS Range interface object length
PASS Range interface object name
PASS Range interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS Range interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS Range interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS Range interface: attribute startContainer
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for startContainer property on Range
PASS Range interface: attribute startOffset
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for startOffset property on Range
PASS Range interface: attribute endContainer
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for endContainer property on Range
PASS Range interface: attribute endOffset
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for endOffset property on Range
PASS Range interface: attribute collapsed
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for collapsed property on Range
PASS Range interface: attribute commonAncestorContainer
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for commonAncestorContainer property on Range
PASS Range interface: operation setStart(Node, unsigned long)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for setStart(Node, unsigned long) on Range
PASS Range interface: operation setEnd(Node, unsigned long)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for setEnd(Node, unsigned long) on Range
PASS Range interface: operation setStartBefore(Node)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for setStartBefore(Node) on Range
PASS Range interface: operation setStartAfter(Node)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for setStartAfter(Node) on Range
PASS Range interface: operation setEndBefore(Node)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for setEndBefore(Node) on Range
PASS Range interface: operation setEndAfter(Node)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for setEndAfter(Node) on Range
PASS Range interface: operation collapse(boolean)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for collapse(boolean) on Range
PASS Range interface: operation selectNode(Node)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for selectNode(Node) on Range
PASS Range interface: operation selectNodeContents(Node)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for selectNodeContents(Node) on Range
PASS Range interface: constant START_TO_START on interface object
PASS Range interface: constant START_TO_START on interface prototype object
PASS Range interface: constant START_TO_END on interface object
PASS Range interface: constant START_TO_END on interface prototype object
PASS Range interface: constant END_TO_END on interface object
PASS Range interface: constant END_TO_END on interface prototype object
PASS Range interface: constant END_TO_START on interface object
PASS Range interface: constant END_TO_START on interface prototype object
PASS Range interface: operation compareBoundaryPoints(unsigned short, Range)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for compareBoundaryPoints(unsigned short, Range) on Range
PASS Range interface: operation deleteContents()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for deleteContents() on Range
PASS Range interface: operation extractContents()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for extractContents() on Range
PASS Range interface: operation cloneContents()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for cloneContents() on Range
PASS Range interface: operation insertNode(Node)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for insertNode(Node) on Range
PASS Range interface: operation surroundContents(Node)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for surroundContents(Node) on Range
PASS Range interface: operation cloneRange()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for cloneRange() on Range
PASS Range interface: operation detach()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for detach() on Range
PASS Range interface: operation isPointInRange(Node, unsigned long)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for isPointInRange(Node, unsigned long) on Range
PASS Range interface: operation comparePoint(Node, unsigned long)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for comparePoint(Node, unsigned long) on Range
PASS Range interface: operation intersectsNode(Node)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for intersectsNode(Node) on Range
PASS Range interface: stringifier
PASS NodeIterator interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS NodeIterator interface object length
PASS NodeIterator interface object name
PASS NodeIterator interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS NodeIterator interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS NodeIterator interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS NodeIterator interface: attribute root
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for root property on NodeIterator
PASS NodeIterator interface: attribute referenceNode
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for referenceNode property on NodeIterator
PASS NodeIterator interface: attribute pointerBeforeReferenceNode
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for pointerBeforeReferenceNode property on NodeIterator
PASS NodeIterator interface: attribute whatToShow
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for whatToShow property on NodeIterator
PASS NodeIterator interface: attribute filter
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for filter property on NodeIterator
PASS NodeIterator interface: operation nextNode()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for nextNode() on NodeIterator
PASS NodeIterator interface: operation previousNode()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for previousNode() on NodeIterator
PASS NodeIterator interface: operation detach()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for detach() on NodeIterator
PASS TreeWalker interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS TreeWalker interface object length
PASS TreeWalker interface object name
PASS TreeWalker interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS TreeWalker interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS TreeWalker interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS TreeWalker interface: attribute root
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for root property on TreeWalker
PASS TreeWalker interface: attribute whatToShow
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for whatToShow property on TreeWalker
PASS TreeWalker interface: attribute filter
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for filter property on TreeWalker
PASS TreeWalker interface: attribute currentNode
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for currentNode property on TreeWalker
PASS TreeWalker interface: operation parentNode()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for parentNode() on TreeWalker
PASS TreeWalker interface: operation firstChild()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for firstChild() on TreeWalker
PASS TreeWalker interface: operation lastChild()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for lastChild() on TreeWalker
PASS TreeWalker interface: operation previousSibling()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for previousSibling() on TreeWalker
PASS TreeWalker interface: operation nextSibling()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for nextSibling() on TreeWalker
PASS TreeWalker interface: operation previousNode()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for previousNode() on TreeWalker
PASS TreeWalker interface: operation nextNode()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for nextNode() on TreeWalker
PASS NodeFilter interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS NodeFilter interface object name
PASS NodeFilter interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS NodeFilter interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS NodeFilter interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS NodeFilter interface: constant FILTER_ACCEPT on interface object
PASS NodeFilter interface: constant FILTER_ACCEPT on interface prototype object
PASS NodeFilter interface: constant FILTER_REJECT on interface object
PASS NodeFilter interface: constant FILTER_REJECT on interface prototype object
PASS NodeFilter interface: constant FILTER_SKIP on interface object
PASS NodeFilter interface: constant FILTER_SKIP on interface prototype object
PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ALL on interface object
PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ALL on interface prototype object
PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ELEMENT on interface object
PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ELEMENT on interface prototype object
PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ATTRIBUTE on interface object
PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ATTRIBUTE on interface prototype object
PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_TEXT on interface object
PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_TEXT on interface prototype object
PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_CDATA_SECTION on interface object
PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_CDATA_SECTION on interface prototype object
PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ENTITY_REFERENCE on interface object
PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ENTITY_REFERENCE on interface prototype object
PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ENTITY on interface object
PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ENTITY on interface prototype object
PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION on interface object
PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION on interface prototype object
PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_COMMENT on interface object
PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_COMMENT on interface prototype object
PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_DOCUMENT on interface object
PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_DOCUMENT on interface prototype object
PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_DOCUMENT_TYPE on interface object
PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_DOCUMENT_TYPE on interface prototype object
PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT on interface object
PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT on interface prototype object
PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_NOTATION on interface object
PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_NOTATION on interface prototype object
PASS NodeFilter interface: operation acceptNode(Node)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for acceptNode(Node) on NodeFilter
PASS DOMTokenList interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS DOMTokenList interface object length
PASS DOMTokenList interface object name
PASS DOMTokenList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS DOMTokenList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS DOMTokenList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS DOMTokenList interface: attribute length
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for length property on DOMTokenList
PASS DOMTokenList interface: operation item(unsigned long)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for item(unsigned long) on DOMTokenList
PASS DOMTokenList interface: operation contains(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for contains(DOMString) on DOMTokenList
PASS DOMTokenList interface: operation add(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for add(DOMString) on DOMTokenList
PASS DOMTokenList interface: operation remove(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for remove(DOMString) on DOMTokenList
PASS DOMTokenList interface: operation toggle(DOMString, boolean)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for toggle(DOMString, boolean) on DOMTokenList
PASS DOMTokenList interface: operation replace(DOMString, DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for replace(DOMString, DOMString) on DOMTokenList
PASS DOMTokenList interface: operation supports(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for supports(DOMString) on DOMTokenList
PASS DOMTokenList interface: attribute value
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for value property on DOMTokenList
PASS DOMTokenList interface: stringifier
PASS PaymentRequest interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS PaymentRequest interface object length
PASS PaymentRequest interface object name
PASS PaymentRequest interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS PaymentRequest interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS PaymentRequest interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS PaymentRequest interface: operation show()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for show() on PaymentRequest
PASS PaymentRequest interface: operation abort()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for abort() on PaymentRequest
PASS PaymentRequest interface: operation canMakePayment()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for canMakePayment() on PaymentRequest
PASS PaymentRequest interface: attribute id
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for id property on PaymentRequest
PASS PaymentRequest interface: attribute shippingAddress
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for shippingAddress property on PaymentRequest
PASS PaymentRequest interface: attribute shippingOption
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for shippingOption property on PaymentRequest
PASS PaymentRequest interface: attribute shippingType
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for shippingType property on PaymentRequest
PASS PaymentRequest interface: attribute onshippingaddresschange
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for onshippingaddresschange property on PaymentRequest
PASS PaymentRequest interface: attribute onshippingoptionchange
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for onshippingoptionchange property on PaymentRequest
PASS PaymentRequest must be primary interface of new PaymentRequest([{supportedMethods: 'foo'}], {total: {label: 'bar', amount: {currency: 'USD', value: '0'}} })
PASS Stringification of new PaymentRequest([{supportedMethods: 'foo'}], {total: {label: 'bar', amount: {currency: 'USD', value: '0'}} })
PASS PaymentRequest interface: new PaymentRequest([{supportedMethods: 'foo'}], {total: {label: 'bar', amount: {currency: 'USD', value: '0'}} }) must inherit property "show()" with the proper type
PASS PaymentRequest interface: new PaymentRequest([{supportedMethods: 'foo'}], {total: {label: 'bar', amount: {currency: 'USD', value: '0'}} }) must inherit property "abort()" with the proper type
PASS PaymentRequest interface: new PaymentRequest([{supportedMethods: 'foo'}], {total: {label: 'bar', amount: {currency: 'USD', value: '0'}} }) must inherit property "canMakePayment()" with the proper type
PASS PaymentRequest interface: new PaymentRequest([{supportedMethods: 'foo'}], {total: {label: 'bar', amount: {currency: 'USD', value: '0'}} }) must inherit property "id" with the proper type
PASS PaymentRequest interface: new PaymentRequest([{supportedMethods: 'foo'}], {total: {label: 'bar', amount: {currency: 'USD', value: '0'}} }) must inherit property "shippingAddress" with the proper type
PASS PaymentRequest interface: new PaymentRequest([{supportedMethods: 'foo'}], {total: {label: 'bar', amount: {currency: 'USD', value: '0'}} }) must inherit property "shippingOption" with the proper type
PASS PaymentRequest interface: new PaymentRequest([{supportedMethods: 'foo'}], {total: {label: 'bar', amount: {currency: 'USD', value: '0'}} }) must inherit property "shippingType" with the proper type
PASS PaymentRequest interface: new PaymentRequest([{supportedMethods: 'foo'}], {total: {label: 'bar', amount: {currency: 'USD', value: '0'}} }) must inherit property "onshippingaddresschange" with the proper type
PASS PaymentRequest interface: new PaymentRequest([{supportedMethods: 'foo'}], {total: {label: 'bar', amount: {currency: 'USD', value: '0'}} }) must inherit property "onshippingoptionchange" with the proper type
PASS EventTarget interface: new PaymentRequest([{supportedMethods: 'foo'}], {total: {label: 'bar', amount: {currency: 'USD', value: '0'}} }) must inherit property "addEventListener(DOMString, EventListener, [object Object],[object Object])" with the proper type
PASS EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString, EventListener, [object Object],[object Object]) on new PaymentRequest([{supportedMethods: 'foo'}], {total: {label: 'bar', amount: {currency: 'USD', value: '0'}} }) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS EventTarget interface: new PaymentRequest([{supportedMethods: 'foo'}], {total: {label: 'bar', amount: {currency: 'USD', value: '0'}} }) must inherit property "removeEventListener(DOMString, EventListener, [object Object],[object Object])" with the proper type
PASS EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString, EventListener, [object Object],[object Object]) on new PaymentRequest([{supportedMethods: 'foo'}], {total: {label: 'bar', amount: {currency: 'USD', value: '0'}} }) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS EventTarget interface: new PaymentRequest([{supportedMethods: 'foo'}], {total: {label: 'bar', amount: {currency: 'USD', value: '0'}} }) must inherit property "dispatchEvent(Event)" with the proper type
PASS EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on new PaymentRequest([{supportedMethods: 'foo'}], {total: {label: 'bar', amount: {currency: 'USD', value: '0'}} }) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS PaymentAddress interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS PaymentAddress interface object length
PASS PaymentAddress interface object name
PASS PaymentAddress interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS PaymentAddress interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS PaymentAddress interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS PaymentAddress interface: operation toJSON()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for toJSON() on PaymentAddress
PASS PaymentAddress interface: attribute country
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for country property on PaymentAddress
PASS PaymentAddress interface: attribute addressLine
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for addressLine property on PaymentAddress
PASS PaymentAddress interface: attribute region
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for region property on PaymentAddress
FAIL PaymentAddress interface: attribute regionCode assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "regionCode" expected true got false
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for regionCode property on PaymentAddress
PASS PaymentAddress interface: attribute city
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for city property on PaymentAddress
PASS PaymentAddress interface: attribute dependentLocality
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for dependentLocality property on PaymentAddress
PASS PaymentAddress interface: attribute postalCode
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for postalCode property on PaymentAddress
PASS PaymentAddress interface: attribute sortingCode
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for sortingCode property on PaymentAddress
PASS PaymentAddress interface: attribute languageCode
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for languageCode property on PaymentAddress
PASS PaymentAddress interface: attribute organization
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for organization property on PaymentAddress
PASS PaymentAddress interface: attribute recipient
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for recipient property on PaymentAddress
PASS PaymentAddress interface: attribute phone
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for phone property on PaymentAddress
PASS PaymentResponse interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS PaymentResponse interface object length
PASS PaymentResponse interface object name
PASS PaymentResponse interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS PaymentResponse interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS PaymentResponse interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS PaymentResponse interface: operation toJSON()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for toJSON() on PaymentResponse
PASS PaymentResponse interface: attribute requestId
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for requestId property on PaymentResponse
PASS PaymentResponse interface: attribute methodName
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for methodName property on PaymentResponse
PASS PaymentResponse interface: attribute details
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for details property on PaymentResponse
PASS PaymentResponse interface: attribute shippingAddress
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for shippingAddress property on PaymentResponse
PASS PaymentResponse interface: attribute shippingOption
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for shippingOption property on PaymentResponse
PASS PaymentResponse interface: attribute payerName
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for payerName property on PaymentResponse
PASS PaymentResponse interface: attribute payerEmail
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for payerEmail property on PaymentResponse
PASS PaymentResponse interface: attribute payerPhone
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for payerPhone property on PaymentResponse
PASS PaymentResponse interface: operation complete(PaymentComplete)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for complete(PaymentComplete) on PaymentResponse
PASS PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface object length
PASS PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface object name
PASS PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: operation updateWith([object Object])
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for updateWith([object Object]) on PaymentRequestUpdateEvent