blob: 1a8252dd6b8d20a97fd580b8f18204dd7aba929a [file] [log] [blame]
PASS id on Element must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when adding id content attribute
PASS id on Element must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when replacing an existing attribute
PASS className on Element must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when adding class content attribute
PASS className on Element must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when replacing an existing attribute
PASS slot on Element must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when adding slot content attribute
PASS slot on Element must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when replacing an existing attribute
PASS setAttribute on Element must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when adding an attribute
PASS setAttribute on Element must not enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when adding an unobserved attribute
PASS setAttribute on Element must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when replacing an existing attribute
PASS setAttribute on Element must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when replacing an existing unobserved attribute
PASS setAttributeNS on Element must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when adding an attribute
PASS setAttributeNS on Element must not enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when adding an unobserved attribute
PASS setAttributeNS on Element must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when replacing an existing attribute
PASS setAttributeNS on Element must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when replacing an existing unobserved attribute
PASS removeAttribute on Element must not enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when removing an unobserved attribute
PASS removeAttribute on Element must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when removing an existing attribute
PASS removeAttribute on Element must not enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when removing an existing unobserved attribute
PASS removeAttributeNS on Element must not enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when removing an unobserved attribute
PASS removeAttributeNS on Element must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when removing an existing attribute
PASS removeAttributeNS on Element must not enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when removing an existing unobserved attribute
PASS setAttributeNode on Element must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when adding an attribute
PASS setAttributeNode on Element must not enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when adding an unobserved attribute
PASS setAttributeNode on Element must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when replacing an existing attribute
PASS setAttributeNode on Element must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when replacing an existing unobserved attribute
PASS setAttributeNodeNS on Element must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when adding an attribute
PASS setAttributeNodeNS on Element must not enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when adding an unobserved attribute
PASS setAttributeNodeNS on Element must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when replacing an existing attribute
PASS setAttributeNodeNS on Element must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when replacing an existing unobserved attribute
PASS removeAttributeNode on Element must not enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when removing an unobserved attribute
PASS removeAttributeNode on Element must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when removing an existing attribute
PASS removeAttributeNode on Element must not enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when removing an existing unobserved attribute
PASS insertAdjacentElement on Element must enqueue a connected reaction
PASS insertAdjacentElement on Element must enqueue a disconnected reaction, an adopted reaction, and a connected reaction when the custom element was in another document
PASS innerHTML on Element must enqueue a connected reaction for a newly constructed custom element
PASS innerHTML on Element must enqueue a attributeChanged reaction for a newly constructed custom element
PASS innerHTML on Element must enqueue a disconnected reaction
PASS outerHTML on Element must enqueue a connected reaction for a newly constructed custom element
PASS outerHTML on Element must enqueue a attributeChanged reaction for a newly constructed custom element
PASS outerHTML on Element must enqueue a disconnected reaction
PASS insertAdjacentHTML on Element must enqueue a connected reaction for a newly constructed custom element
PASS insertAdjacentHTML on Element must enqueue a attributeChanged reaction for a newly constructed custom element