blob: f50d48c125f1e7586c09fdfd5c305c96a42d55e5 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS add on DOMTokenList must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when adding an attribute
PASS add on DOMTokenList must not enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when adding an unobserved attribute
PASS add on DOMTokenList must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when adding a value to an existing attribute
PASS add on DOMTokenList must not enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when adding a value to an unobserved attribute
PASS add on DOMTokenList must enqueue exactly one attributeChanged reaction when adding multiple values to an attribute
PASS remove on DOMTokenList must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when removing a value from an attribute
PASS remove on DOMTokenList must enqueue exactly one attributeChanged reaction when removing multiple values to an attribute
PASS remove on DOMTokenList must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction even when removing a non-existent value from an attribute
PASS remove on DOMTokenList must not enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when removing a value from an unobserved attribute
PASS toggle on DOMTokenList must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when adding a value to an attribute
PASS toggle on DOMTokenList must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when removing a value from an attribute
PASS replace on DOMTokenList must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when replacing a value in an attribute
PASS replace on DOMTokenList must not enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when the token to replace does not exist in the attribute
PASS replace on DOMTokenList must not enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when replacing a value in an unobserved attribute
PASS the stringifier of DOMTokenList must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when adding an observed attribute
PASS the stringifier of DOMTokenList must not enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when adding an unobserved attribute
PASS the stringifier of DOMTokenList must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when mutating the value of an observed attribute
PASS the stringifier of DOMTokenList must not enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when mutating the value of an unobserved attribute
PASS the stringifier of DOMTokenList must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when the setter is called with the original value of the attribute