blob: 8799b8bd7a7871c0ed4188a4336e32ec8655ff57 [file] [log] [blame]
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<title>Check End Position of smooth scrollIntoView</title>
<div id="container" style="height: 2500px; width: 2500px;">
<div id="content" style="height: 500px; width: 500px;margin-left: 1000px; margin-right: 1000px; margin-top: 1000px;margin-bottom: 1000px;background-color: red">
<div id="shadow"></div>
var content_height = 500;
var content_width = 500;
var window_height = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
var window_width = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
var content = document.getElementById("content");
add_completion_callback(() => document.getElementById("container").remove());
function waitForScrollEnd() {
var last_changed_frame = 0;
var last_x = window.scrollX;
var last_y = window.scrollY;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
function tick(frames) {
// We requestAnimationFrame either for 500 frames or until 20 frames with
// no change have been observed.
if (frames >= 500 || frames - last_changed_frame > 20) {
} else {
if (window.scrollX != last_x || window.scrollY != last_y) {
last_changed_frame = frames;
last_x = window.scrollX;
last_y = window.scrollY;
requestAnimationFrame(tick.bind(null, frames + 1));
// When testing manually, we need an additional frame at beginning
// to trigger the effect.
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
promise_test(t => {
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
var expected_x = content.offsetLeft + content_width - window_width;
var expected_y = content.offsetTop + content_height - window_height;
assert_not_equals(window.scrollX, expected_x);
assert_not_equals(window.scrollY, expected_y);
content.scrollIntoView({behavior: "smooth", block: "nearest", inline:
return waitForScrollEnd().then(() => {
assert_approx_equals(window.scrollX, expected_x, 1);
assert_approx_equals(window.scrollY, expected_y, 1);
}, "Smooth scrollIntoView should scroll the element to the 'nearest' position");
promise_test(t => {
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
var expected_x = content.offsetLeft;
var expected_y = content.offsetTop;
assert_not_equals(window.scrollX, expected_x);
assert_not_equals(window.scrollY, expected_y);
content.scrollIntoView({behavior: "smooth", block: "start", inline:
return waitForScrollEnd().then(() => {
assert_approx_equals(window.scrollX, expected_x, 1);
assert_approx_equals(window.scrollY, expected_y, 1);
}, "Smooth scrollIntoView should scroll the element to the 'start' position");
promise_test(t => {
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
var expected_x = content.offsetLeft + (content_width - window_width) / 2;
var expected_y = content.offsetTop + (content_height - window_height) / 2;
assert_not_equals(window.scrollX, expected_x);
assert_not_equals(window.scrollY, expected_y);
content.scrollIntoView({behavior: "smooth", block: "center", inline:
return waitForScrollEnd().then(() => {
assert_approx_equals(window.scrollX, expected_x, 1);
assert_approx_equals(window.scrollY, expected_y, 1);
}, "Smooth scrollIntoView should scroll the element to the 'center' position");
promise_test(t => {
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
var expected_x = content.offsetLeft + content_width - window_width;
var expected_y = content.offsetTop + content_height - window_height;
assert_not_equals(window.scrollX, expected_x);
assert_not_equals(window.scrollY, expected_y);
content.scrollIntoView({behavior: "smooth", block: "end", inline:
return waitForScrollEnd().then(() => {
assert_approx_equals(window.scrollX, expected_x, 1);
assert_approx_equals(window.scrollY, expected_y, 1);
}, "Smooth scrollIntoView should scroll the element to the 'end' position");