blob: e3a6fc764490b11434a8286b2ee0c81823742f59 [file] [log] [blame]
FAIL Smooth scrollIntoView should scroll the element to the 'nearest' position assert_approx_equals: expected 915 +/- 1 but got 1000
FAIL Smooth scrollIntoView should scroll the element to the 'start' position assert_approx_equals: expected 1008 +/- 1 but got 723
FAIL Smooth scrollIntoView should scroll the element to the 'center' position assert_approx_equals: expected 865.5 +/- 1 but got 723
FAIL Smooth scrollIntoView should scroll the element to the 'end' position assert_approx_equals: expected 915 +/- 1 but got 1000