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<title>XMLHttpRequest: The send() method: POSTing to URL that redirects</title>
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function testRedirectPost(code, shouldResendPost) {
var test = async_test(document.title + " (" + code + ")");
var actual = [];
// We check upload.onprogress with a boolean because it *might* fire more than once
var progressFiredReadyState1 = false;
var expectedHeaders, expectedEvents;
// 307 redirects should resend the POST data, and events and headers will be a little different..
if(shouldResendPost) {
expectedHeaders = {
"X-Request-Content-Length": "11988",
"X-Request-Content-Type": "text/plain;charset=UTF-8",
"X-Request-Method": "POST",
"X-Request-Query": "NO",
"Content-Length": "11988"
expectedEvents = [
"xhr onreadystatechange 1",
"xhr loadstart 1",
"upload loadstart 1",
"upload loadend 1",
"xhr onreadystatechange 2",
"xhr onreadystatechange 3",
"xhr onreadystatechange 4",
"xhr load 4",
"xhr loadend 4"
} else {
// setting the right expectations for POST resent as GET without request body
expectedHeaders = {
"X-Request-Content-Length": "NO",
"X-Request-Content-Type": "NO",
"X-Request-Method": "GET",
"X-Request-Query": "NO"
expectedEvents = [
"xhr onreadystatechange 1",
"xhr loadstart 1",
"upload loadstart 1",
"upload loadend 1",
"xhr onreadystatechange 2",
/* we expect no onreadystatechange readyState=3 event because there is no loading content */
"xhr onreadystatechange 4",
"xhr load 4",
"xhr loadend 4"
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.upload.onloadstart = test.step_func(function(e) {
actual.push("upload loadstart " + xhr.readyState);
xhr.upload.onprogress = test.step_func(function(e) {
// events every 50ms, one final when uploading is done
if(xhr.readyState >= xhr.HEADERS_RECEIVED) {
assert_equals(xhr.status, 200, "JS never gets to see the 30x status code");
progressFiredReadyState1 = xhr.readyState === xhr.OPENED;
xhr.upload.onloadend = test.step_func(function() {
actual.push("upload loadend " + xhr.readyState);
xhr.onloadstart = test.step_func(function() {
actual.push("xhr loadstart " + xhr.readyState);
xhr.onreadystatechange = test.step_func(function() {
if(xhr.readyState >= xhr.HEADERS_RECEIVED) {
assert_equals(xhr.status, 200, "JS never gets to see the 30x status code");
actual.push("xhr onreadystatechange " + xhr.readyState);
xhr.onload = test.step_func(function(e)
actual.push("xhr load " + xhr.readyState);
xhr.onloadend = test.step_func(function(e)
actual.push("xhr loadend " + xhr.readyState);
assert_true(progressFiredReadyState1, "One progress event should fire on xhr.upload when readyState is 1");
// Headers will tell us if data was sent when expected
for(var header in expectedHeaders) {
assert_equals(xhr.getResponseHeader(header), expectedHeaders[header], header);
assert_array_equals(actual, expectedEvents, "events firing in expected order and states");
});"POST", "./resources/" + code, true);
xhr.send((new Array(1000)).join("Test Message"));
testRedirectPost(301, false);
testRedirectPost(302, false);
testRedirectPost(303, false);
testRedirectPost(307, true);