| <title>Unprefixed animation events test</title> |
| animation-duration: 100ms; |
| animation-iteration-count: 2; |
| testRunner.waitUntilDone(); |
| results.innerHTML += msg + "<br/>"; |
| function handleEvent(event) { |
| dump(event.type + ": " + event.animationName); |
| if (event.type == "animationend" && window.testRunner) |
| results = document.getElementById("results"); |
| var box = document.getElementById("box"); |
| box.addEventListener("animationstart", handleEvent, false); |
| box.addEventListener("animationiteration", handleEvent, false); |
| box.addEventListener("animationend", handleEvent, false); |
| box.style.animationName = "move"; |
| window.addEventListener("load", init, false); |
| This test performs two iterations of an animation. The animation should fire all three events (start, iteration, end). |