| This tests the operation of -webkit-animation-play-state. After 2 second the box should stop and after one more second it should start again. We test it both while in motion and when stopped. |
| PASS - "webkitTransform" property for "box1" element at 0.5s saw something close to: 1,0,0,1,25,0 |
| PASS - "left" property for "box2" element at 0.5s saw something close to: 25 |
| PASS - "webkitTransform" property for "box1" element at 1.5s saw something close to: 1,0,0,1,50,0 |
| PASS - "left" property for "box2" element at 1.5s saw something close to: 50 |
| PASS - "webkitTransform" property for "box1" element at 2.5s saw something close to: 1,0,0,1,75,0 |
| PASS - "left" property for "box2" element at 2.5s saw something close to: 75 |