blob: 1d71a33969cfbc675deecea78e64f2d6899e41eb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 Metrological Group B.V.
* Copyright (C) 2016, 2017, 2018 Igalia S.L
* Copyright (C) 2021 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* aint with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#pragma once
#include "FloatSize.h"
#include "GStreamerCommon.h"
#include "MediaSample.h"
#include "VideoSampleMetadata.h"
#include <wtf/text/AtomString.h>
namespace WebCore {
class PixelBuffer;
class MediaSampleGStreamer : public MediaSample {
static Ref<MediaSampleGStreamer> create(GRefPtr<GstSample>&& sample, const FloatSize& presentationSize, const AtomString& trackId, VideoRotation videoRotation = VideoRotation::None, bool videoMirrored = false, std::optional<VideoSampleMetadata>&& metadata = std::nullopt)
return adoptRef(*new MediaSampleGStreamer(WTFMove(sample), presentationSize, trackId, videoRotation, videoMirrored, WTFMove(metadata)));
static Ref<MediaSampleGStreamer> createWrappedSample(const GRefPtr<GstSample>& sample, VideoRotation videoRotation = VideoRotation::None)
return adoptRef(*new MediaSampleGStreamer(sample, videoRotation));
static Ref<MediaSampleGStreamer> createFakeSample(GstCaps*, MediaTime pts, MediaTime dts, MediaTime duration, const FloatSize& presentationSize, const AtomString& trackId);
static Ref<MediaSampleGStreamer> createImageSample(PixelBuffer&&, const IntSize& destinationSize = { }, double frameRate = 1, VideoRotation videoRotation = VideoRotation::None, bool videoMirrored = false, std::optional<VideoSampleMetadata>&& metadata = std::nullopt);
void extendToTheBeginning();
MediaTime presentationTime() const override { return m_pts; }
MediaTime decodeTime() const override { return m_dts; }
MediaTime duration() const override { return m_duration; }
AtomString trackID() const override { return m_trackId; }
void setTrackID(const String& trackId) override { m_trackId = trackId; }
size_t sizeInBytes() const override { return m_size; }
FloatSize presentationSize() const override { return m_presentationSize; }
void offsetTimestampsBy(const MediaTime&) override;
void setTimestamps(const MediaTime&, const MediaTime&) override;
bool isDivisable() const override { return false; }
std::pair<RefPtr<MediaSample>, RefPtr<MediaSample>> divide(const MediaTime&, UseEndTime) override { return { nullptr, nullptr }; }
Ref<MediaSample> createNonDisplayingCopy() const override;
SampleFlags flags() const override { return m_flags; }
PlatformSample platformSample() override;
std::optional<ByteRange> byteRange() const override { return std::nullopt; }
void dump(PrintStream&) const override;
RefPtr<JSC::Uint8ClampedArray> getRGBAImageData() const final;
VideoRotation videoRotation() const override { return m_videoRotation; }
bool videoMirrored() const override { return m_videoMirrored; }
MediaSampleGStreamer(GRefPtr<GstSample>&&, const FloatSize& presentationSize, const AtomString& trackId, VideoRotation = VideoRotation::None, bool videoMirrored = false, std::optional<VideoSampleMetadata>&& = std::nullopt);
MediaSampleGStreamer(const GRefPtr<GstSample>&, VideoRotation = VideoRotation::None);
virtual ~MediaSampleGStreamer() = default;
MediaSampleGStreamer(const FloatSize& presentationSize, const AtomString& trackId);
void initializeFromBuffer();
MediaTime m_pts;
MediaTime m_dts;
MediaTime m_duration;
AtomString m_trackId;
size_t m_size { 0 };
GRefPtr<GstSample> m_sample;
FloatSize m_presentationSize;
MediaSample::SampleFlags m_flags { MediaSample::IsSync };
VideoRotation m_videoRotation { VideoRotation::None };
bool m_videoMirrored { false };
} // namespace WebCore.