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| <p id="description"></p> |
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| description("Test generating, importing and exporting RSA keys for RSA-OAEP. Test that they can't be used with another algorithm."); |
| |
| jsTestIsAsync = true; |
| |
| var algorithmKeyGen = { |
| name: "RSA-OAEP", |
| // RsaKeyGenParams |
| modulusLength: 2048, |
| publicExponent: new Uint8Array([0x01, 0x00, 0x01]), // Equivalent to 65537 |
| }; |
| var extractable = true; |
| |
| debug("Generating a key pair..."); |
| crypto.webkitSubtle.generateKey(algorithmKeyGen, extractable, ["encrypt", "decrypt", "wrapKey", "unwrapKey"]).then(function(result) { |
| keyPair = result; |
| shouldBe("keyPair.toString()", "'[object Object]'"); |
| shouldBe("keyPair.publicKey.type", "'public'"); |
| shouldBe("keyPair.publicKey.algorithm.name", "'RSA-OAEP'"); |
| shouldBe("keyPair.publicKey.algorithm.modulusLength", "2048"); |
| shouldBe("bytesToHexString(keyPair.publicKey.algorithm.publicExponent)", "'010001'"); |
| shouldBeUndefined("keyPair.publicKey.algorithm.hash"); |
| shouldBe("keyPair.privateKey.type", "'private'"); |
| shouldBe("keyPair.privateKey.algorithm.name", "'RSA-OAEP'"); |
| shouldBe("keyPair.privateKey.algorithm.modulusLength", "2048"); |
| shouldBe("bytesToHexString(keyPair.privateKey.algorithm.publicExponent)", "'010001'"); |
| shouldBeUndefined("keyPair.privateKey.algorithm.hash"); |
| |
| debug("\nTesting that the keys can't be used with different algorithms..."); |
| iv = hexStringToUint8Array("000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f"); |
| shouldThrow('crypto.webkitSubtle.encrypt({name: "aes-cbc", iv: iv}, keyPair.privateKey, hexStringToUint8Array("00"))'); |
| shouldThrow('crypto.webkitSubtle.encrypt({name: "aes-cbc", iv: iv}, keyPair.publicKey, hexStringToUint8Array("00"))'); |
| |
| debug("\nTrying to export keys to raw..."); |
| return crypto.webkitSubtle.exportKey('raw', keyPair.publicKey); |
| }).then(undefined, function(result) { |
| testPassed("Promise rejected for exporting public key"); |
| return crypto.webkitSubtle.exportKey('raw', keyPair.privateKey); |
| }).then(undefined, function(result) { |
| testPassed("Promise rejected for exporting private key"); |
| |
| debug("\nExporting public key to JWK..."); |
| return crypto.webkitSubtle.exportKey("jwk", keyPair.publicKey); |
| }).then(function(result) { |
| jwkPublicKeyArray = result; |
| jwkPublicKey = JSON.parse(bytesToASCIIString(jwkPublicKeyArray)); |
| shouldBe("jwkPublicKey.alg", "'RSA-OAEP'"); |
| shouldBe("jwkPublicKey.ext", "true"); |
| shouldBe("jwkPublicKey.key_ops", "['encrypt', 'decrypt', 'wrapKey', 'unwrapKey']"); |
| shouldBe("jwkPublicKey.use", "undefined"); |
| shouldBe("jwkPublicKey.kty", "'RSA'"); |
| shouldBe("bytesToHexString(Base64URL.parse(jwkPublicKey.e))", "'010001'"); |
| |
| debug("\nImporting it back..."); |
| return crypto.webkitSubtle.importKey("jwk", jwkPublicKeyArray, null, extractable, ["encrypt", "decrypt", "wrapKey", "unwrapKey"]); |
| }).then(function(result) { |
| exportedPublicKey = result; |
| shouldBe("exportedPublicKey.type", "'public'"); |
| shouldBe("exportedPublicKey.algorithm.name", "'RSA-OAEP'"); |
| shouldBe("exportedPublicKey.algorithm.modulusLength", "2048"); |
| shouldBe("bytesToHexString(exportedPublicKey.algorithm.publicExponent)", "'010001'"); |
| shouldBe("exportedPublicKey.algorithm.hash.name", "'SHA-1'"); |
| shouldBe("exportedPublicKey.extractable", "true"); |
| shouldBe("exportedPublicKey.usages", "['decrypt','encrypt','unwrapKey','wrapKey']"); |
| |
| finishJSTest(); |
| }); |
| </script> |
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