| layer at (0,0) size 480x360 |
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| layer at (0,0) size 480x360 |
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| RenderSVGResourceFilter {filter} [id="surfaceScaleA"] [filterUnits=objectBoundingBox] [primitiveUnits=userSpaceOnUse] |
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| [SourceGraphic] |
| RenderSVGResourceFilter {filter} [id="surfaceScaleB"] [filterUnits=objectBoundingBox] [primitiveUnits=userSpaceOnUse] |
| [feSpecularLighting surfaceScale="10.00" specualConstant="1.00" specularExponent="1.00"] |
| [SourceGraphic] |
| RenderSVGResourceFilter {filter} [id="surfaceScaleC"] [filterUnits=objectBoundingBox] [primitiveUnits=userSpaceOnUse] |
| [feSpecularLighting surfaceScale="-10.00" specualConstant="1.00" specularExponent="1.00"] |
| [SourceGraphic] |
| RenderSVGResourceFilter {filter} [id="specularConstantA"] [filterUnits=objectBoundingBox] [primitiveUnits=userSpaceOnUse] |
| [feSpecularLighting surfaceScale="10.00" specualConstant="0.00" specularExponent="1.00"] |
| [SourceGraphic] |
| RenderSVGResourceFilter {filter} [id="specularConstantB"] [filterUnits=objectBoundingBox] [primitiveUnits=userSpaceOnUse] |
| [feSpecularLighting surfaceScale="10.00" specualConstant="1.00" specularExponent="1.00"] |
| [SourceGraphic] |
| RenderSVGResourceFilter {filter} [id="specularConstantC"] [filterUnits=objectBoundingBox] [primitiveUnits=userSpaceOnUse] |
| [feSpecularLighting surfaceScale="10.00" specualConstant="2.00" specularExponent="1.00"] |
| [SourceGraphic] |
| RenderSVGResourceFilter {filter} [id="specularExponentA"] [filterUnits=objectBoundingBox] [primitiveUnits=userSpaceOnUse] |
| [feSpecularLighting surfaceScale="10.00" specualConstant="1.00" specularExponent="1.00"] |
| [SourceGraphic] |
| RenderSVGResourceFilter {filter} [id="specularExponentB"] [filterUnits=objectBoundingBox] [primitiveUnits=userSpaceOnUse] |
| [feSpecularLighting surfaceScale="10.00" specualConstant="1.00" specularExponent="2.00"] |
| [SourceGraphic] |
| RenderSVGResourceFilter {filter} [id="specularExponentC"] [filterUnits=objectBoundingBox] [primitiveUnits=userSpaceOnUse] |
| [feSpecularLighting surfaceScale="10.00" specualConstant="1.00" specularExponent="4.00"] |
| [SourceGraphic] |
| RenderSVGResourceFilter {filter} [id="lightingColorA"] [filterUnits=objectBoundingBox] [primitiveUnits=userSpaceOnUse] |
| [feSpecularLighting surfaceScale="10.00" specualConstant="1.00" specularExponent="1.00"] |
| [SourceGraphic] |
| RenderSVGResourceFilter {filter} [id="lightingColorB"] [filterUnits=objectBoundingBox] [primitiveUnits=userSpaceOnUse] |
| [feSpecularLighting surfaceScale="10.00" specualConstant="1.00" specularExponent="1.00"] |
| [SourceGraphic] |
| RenderSVGResourceFilter {filter} [id="lightingColorC"] [filterUnits=objectBoundingBox] [primitiveUnits=userSpaceOnUse] |
| [feSpecularLighting surfaceScale="10.00" specualConstant="1.00" specularExponent="1.00"] |
| [SourceGraphic] |
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| RenderSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 291x18 |
| chunk 1 text run 1 at (90.00,25.00) startOffset 0 endOffset 46 width 291.00: "Various values for surfaceScale: 1, 10 and -10" |
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| [filter="surfaceScaleA"] RenderSVGResourceFilter {filter} at (90,30) size 50x30 |
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| [filter="surfaceScaleB"] RenderSVGResourceFilter {filter} at (205,30) size 50x30 |
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| RenderSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 305x18 |
| chunk 1 text run 1 at (90.00,25.00) startOffset 0 endOffset 48 width 305.00: "Various values for specularConstants: 0, 1 and 2" |
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| RenderSVGRect {rect} at (90,120) size 50x30 [fill={[type=SOLID] [color=#000000]}] [x=90.00] [y=30.00] [width=50.00] [height=30.00] |
| RenderSVGRect {rect} at (205,120) size 50x30 [fill={[type=SOLID] [color=#000000]}] [x=205.00] [y=30.00] [width=50.00] [height=30.00] |
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| [filter="specularConstantA"] RenderSVGResourceFilter {filter} at (90,30) size 50x30 |
| RenderSVGImage {image} at (205,120) size 50x30 |
| [filter="specularConstantB"] RenderSVGResourceFilter {filter} at (205,30) size 50x30 |
| RenderSVGImage {image} at (320,120) size 50x30 |
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| RenderSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 310x18 |
| chunk 1 text run 1 at (90.00,25.00) startOffset 0 endOffset 48 width 310.00: "Various values for specularExponents: 1, 2 and 4" |
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| RenderSVGRect {rect} at (90,190) size 50x30 [fill={[type=SOLID] [color=#000000]}] [x=90.00] [y=30.00] [width=50.00] [height=30.00] |
| RenderSVGRect {rect} at (205,190) size 50x30 [fill={[type=SOLID] [color=#000000]}] [x=205.00] [y=30.00] [width=50.00] [height=30.00] |
| RenderSVGRect {rect} at (320,190) size 50x30 [fill={[type=SOLID] [color=#000000]}] [x=320.00] [y=30.00] [width=50.00] [height=30.00] |
| RenderSVGImage {image} at (90,190) size 50x30 |
| [filter="specularExponentA"] RenderSVGResourceFilter {filter} at (90,30) size 50x30 |
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| [filter="specularExponentB"] RenderSVGResourceFilter {filter} at (205,30) size 50x30 |
| RenderSVGImage {image} at (320,190) size 50x30 |
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| RenderSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 341x18 |
| chunk 1 text run 1 at (90.00,25.00) startOffset 0 endOffset 55 width 341.00: "Various values for lighting color: red, yellow and blue" |
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| [filter="lightingColorA"] RenderSVGResourceFilter {filter} at (90,30) size 50x30 |
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| [filter="lightingColorB"] RenderSVGResourceFilter {filter} at (205,30) size 50x30 |
| RenderSVGImage {image} at (320,260) size 50x30 |
| [filter="lightingColorC"] RenderSVGResourceFilter {filter} at (320,30) size 50x30 |
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