blob: fb982a9fbb5b677839c04aaeafee91a8b564dac4 [file] [log] [blame]
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text run at (0,0) width 767: "This page shows a difference between IE and Netscape 6 rendering of tables / cells with heights expressed in percentages."
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text run at (0,0) width 211: "The table A below has two cells. "
text run at (211,0) width 395: "Cell A1 contains an invisible image to make the cell fairly tall. "
text run at (606,0) width 129: "Cell A2 has a height"
text run at (0,17) width 338: "attribute of 100%, and contains another table, table B."
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text run at (0,0) width 221: "Table B has two cells, B1 and B2. "
text run at (221,0) width 255: "B1 has a fixed pixel height of 30 pixels. "
text run at (476,0) width 164: "B2 has a height of 100%. "
text run at (640,0) width 130: "In IE, this causes B2"
text run at (0,17) width 784: "to stretch to fill the entire height of cell A2, while in Netscape 6 / Gecko, it seems to have no impact on the height of cell A2."
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