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| text run at (15,0) width 599: "This text should be flowing past a tall orange rectangle on the left side of the browser window. " |
| text run at (614,0) width 165: "In this case, it is the image" |
| text run at (15,17) width 212: "which has been floated to the left." |
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| text run at (0,0) width 608: "This text should be flowing past a tall orange rectangle on the right side of the browser window. " |
| text run at (608,0) width 123: "In this case, it is the" |
| text run at (0,17) width 263: "image which has been floated to the right." |
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| text run at (15,0) width 599: "This text should be flowing past a tall orange rectangle on the left side of the browser window. " |
| text run at (614,0) width 123: "In this case, it is the" |
| text run at (15,17) width 254: "image which has been floated to the left." |
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| text run at (0,0) width 608: "This text should be flowing past a tall orange rectangle on the right side of the browser window. " |
| text run at (608,0) width 123: "In this case, it is the" |
| text run at (0,17) width 263: "image which has been floated to the right." |