blob: d5ba2f37fbb3e50557c45bbf52975d46dada374c [file] [log] [blame]
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<script src="../../http/tests/inspector/resources/inspector-test.js"></script>
function test()
let suite = InspectorTest.createSyncSuite("ResourceQueryController");
name: "FindSpecialCharacterIndices",
description: "Should correctly find special filename characters.",
test() {
let matcher = new WI.ResourceQueryController;
let tests = [
filename: "Abcd",
expected: "^"
filename: "ABCDE",
expected: "^"
filename: "abcdef",
expected: "^",
filename: "abc-def",
expected: "^ ^^",
filename: "abc---def",
expected: "^ ^^^^",
filename: "a-bc_de.f",
expected: "^^^ ^^ ^^",
filename: "AxBxCxDxExFx",
expected: "^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^",
filename: "ab-c_d.ef",
expected: "^ ^^^^^^",
filename: "AxBxCxdxexDxyxEF",
expected: "^ ^ ^ ^ ^",
function createSpecialMask(filename, specialIndices) {
let mask = " ".repeat(filename.length);
specialIndices.forEach((index) => {
mask = mask.substr(0, index) + "^" + mask.substr(index + 1);
return mask.trim();
for (let {filename, expected} of tests) {
let actual = createSpecialMask(filename, matcher._findSpecialCharacterIndices(filename));
InspectorTest.expectThat(actual === expected, "Result should match expected special indices.");
name: "ExecuteQueryAgainstNoResources",
description: "Should return no results if no resources were added to the controller.",
test() {
let matcher = new WI.ResourceQueryController;
let results = matcher.executeQuery("abcde");
InspectorTest.expectThat(!results.length, "Should return no results.")
name: "ExecuteWhitespaceQueryOrEmptyQuery",
description: "Empty queries and queries containing only whitespace should return no results.",
test() {
const whitespaceCharacters = " \t\r\n";
let matcher = new WI.ResourceQueryController;
matcher.addResource(new WI.Resource("abcde"));
for (let query of whitespaceCharacters) {
let results = matcher.executeQuery(query);
InspectorTest.expectThat(!results.length, "Whitespace query should return no results.");
let results = matcher.executeQuery("");
InspectorTest.expectThat(!results.length, "Empty query should return no results.");
name: "ExecuteQueryContainingWhitespace",
description: "Whitespace within a query should be ignored.",
test() {
let matcher = new WI.ResourceQueryController;
matcher.addResource(new WI.Resource("abcde"));
for (let query of [" abcde", "abcde ", " abcde ", "a b c d e", "a b c d e"]) {
let results = matcher.executeQuery(query);
InspectorTest.expectThat(results.length === 1, "Should match one result.");
name: "ExecuteQueryMatchNone",
description: "Should not find a match.",
test() {
let matcher = new WI.ResourceQueryController;
let tests = [
{query: "abcde", filename: "abcd"},
{query: "abcd-", filename: "abcde"},
{query: "abcde", filename: "abced"},
for (let {query, filename} of tests) {
matcher.addResource(new WI.Resource(filename));
let results = matcher.executeQuery(query);
InspectorTest.expectThat(!results.length, `Query "${query}" shouldn't match "${filename}".`);
name: "ExecuteQueryMatchesExpectedCharacters",
description: "Should match the expected query characters.",
test() {
let matcher = new WI.ResourceQueryController;
let tests = [
query: "abcd",
filename: "abcde",
expected: "abcd"
query: " abcd",
filename: "abcde",
expected: "abcd"
query: "abcd ",
filename: "abcde",
expected: "abcd"
query: "a b c d",
filename: "abcde",
expected: "abcd"
query: "a-bcde",
filename: "abcde-abcde",
expected: "a - bcde"
query: "abcde",
filename: "AaBbCcDdEe",
expected: "A B C D E"
query: "abcde",
filename: "AbcdBcdCdDe",
expected: "A B C De"
query: "abcdex",
filename: "AxBxCxdxexDxyxEF",
expected: "A B C d ex"
query: "bc",
filename: "abCd",
expected: " bC"
query: "bb",
filename: "abBc",
expected: " bB"
for (let {query, filename, expected} of tests) {
matcher.addResource(new WI.Resource(filename));
let results = matcher.executeQuery(query);
InspectorTest.assert(results.length === 1, "Should return exactly one match.");
let actual = results.length ? results[0].__test_createMatchesMask() : null;
InspectorTest.expectThat(actual === expected, `Query "${query}" should match "${expected}" in "${filename}".`);
// Generator for creating a sequence of case permutations for a string.
// Example: "xx" => ["xx", "Xx", "xX", "XX"]
function *casePermutations(string) {
let permutationCount = Math.pow(2, string.length);
InspectorTest.assert(permutationCount !== Infinity, "String length exceeds permutations limit.");
if (permutationCount === Infinity)
let index = 0;
while (index < permutationCount) {
let result = "";
for (let i = 0; i < string.length; ++i)
result += (index & (1 << i)) ? string[i].toUpperCase() : string[i].toLowerCase();
yield result;
name: "ExecuteQueryShouldIgnoreCase",
description: "Queries that differ only in case should return identical results.",
test() {
let matcher = new WI.ResourceQueryController;
let tests = [
query: "abcd",
filename: "abcde",
expected: "abcd"
query: "abcde",
filename: "AaBbCcDdEe",
expected: "A B C D E"
query: "abcde",
filename: "AbcdBcdCdDe",
expected: "A B C De"
query: "abcdex",
filename: "AxBxCxdxexDxyxEF",
expected: "A B C d ex"
query: "bc",
filename: "abCd",
expected: " bC"
for (let {query, filename, expected} of tests) {
InspectorTest.log(`All case permutations of query "${query}" should match "${expected}" in "${filename}".`);
matcher.addResource(new WI.Resource(filename));
for (let queryPermutation of casePermutations(query)) {
let results = matcher.executeQuery(queryPermutation);
let actual = results.length === 1 ? results[0].__test_createMatchesMask() : "";
InspectorTest.expectThat(expected === actual, `Permutation "${queryPermutation}".`);
name: "ExecuteQueryGeneralRankings",
description: "Check that query results are ranked by descending relevance.",
test() {
let filenames = ["AbCdE", "AbcDe", "abcde", "AxbcDe", "AxBxCxDxEx", "AxbxcDe", "xabcde"]; // Filenames in order of descending rank.
let matcher = new WI.ResourceQueryController;
filenames.forEach((filename) => matcher.addResource(new WI.Resource(filename)));
let query = "abcde";
let results = matcher.executeQuery(query);
let resultFilenames = => filename.resource.displayName);
InspectorTest.expectThat(Object.shallowEqual(resultFilenames, filenames), "Results should be ranked by descending relevancy.");
name: "ExecuteQueryPositionRankings",
description: "Check that matches close to the beginning of the filename rank higher.",
test() {
let filenames = ["bcd", "BxCxDx", "AxBxCxDx", "abcd", "xxxAxxxBxxxCxxxD"]; // Filenames in order of descending rank.
let matcher = new WI.ResourceQueryController;
filenames.forEach((filename) => matcher.addResource(new WI.Resource(filename)));
let query = "bcd";
let results = matcher.executeQuery(query);
let resultFilenames = => result.resource.displayName);
InspectorTest.expectThat(Object.shallowEqual(resultFilenames, filenames), "Results should be ranked by descending relevancy.");
name: "ExecuteQueryConsecutiveRankings",
description: "Check that consecutive matches rank higher.",
test() {
let matcher = new WI.ResourceQueryController;
let tests = [
filenames: ["Color.js", "HighlightColor.js", "CxxOxxLxxOxxR.js"],
query: "color",
filenames: ["ContentView.js", "CxxVxxIxxExxW.js"],
query: "cview",
filenames: ["HeapSnapshot.js", "HxxSxxHxxOxxT.js"],
query: "hshot",
let passed = true;
for (let {filenames, query} of tests) {
filenames.forEach((filename) => matcher.addResource(new WI.Resource(filename)));
let results = matcher.executeQuery(query);
let resultFilenames = => result.resource.displayName);
passed = passed && Object.shallowEqual(resultFilenames, filenames);
InspectorTest.expectThat(passed, "Results should be ranked by descending relevancy.");
name: "GetMatchingTextRanges",
description: "Check that query result TextRanges are correct.",
test() {
function textRange(start, end) {
return new WI.TextRange(0, start, 0, end);
let matcher = new WI.ResourceQueryController;
let tests = [
{filename: "a", ranges: []},
{filename: "abcde", ranges: [textRange(0, 5)]},
{filename: "AxBxCxDe", ranges: [textRange(0, 1), textRange(2, 3), textRange(4, 5), textRange(6, 8)]},
for (let {filename, ranges} of tests) {
matcher.addResource(new WI.Resource(filename));
let results = matcher.executeQuery("abcde");
let resultTextRanges = results.length ? results[0].matchingTextRanges : [];
InspectorTest.expectThat(JSON.stringify(resultTextRanges) === JSON.stringify(ranges), "Result TextRanges should match the expected ranges.");
<body onload="runTest()">
<p>Testing WI.ResourceQueryController.</p>