blob: 32368b0ad7872226748f3e56613e97a3463a52bd [file] [log] [blame]
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 165: adcampaignid must have a non-negative value less than or equal to 63 for Ad Click Attribution.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 165: adcampaignid must have a non-negative value less than or equal to 63 for Ad Click Attribution.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 165: adcampaignid can not be converted to a non-negative integer which is required for Ad Click Attribution.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 165: adcampaignid can not be converted to a non-negative integer which is required for Ad Click Attribution.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 165: adcampaignid can not be converted to a non-negative integer which is required for Ad Click Attribution.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 165: addestination could not be converted to a valid HTTP-family URL.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 165: addestination could not be converted to a valid HTTP-family URL.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 165: addestination could not be converted to a valid HTTP-family URL.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 165: Both adcampaignid and addestination need to be set for Ad Click Attribution to work.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 165: Both adcampaignid and addestination need to be set for Ad Click Attribution to work.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 165: addestination can not be the same site as the current website.
Test for validity of ad click attribution attributes on anchor tags.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS successfullyParsed is true