blob: 0c397900fbee9c93299686fd035d4d7b4b85c898 [file] [log] [blame]
Test sending rsa crypto keys via postMessage to a worker.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS All checks passed in worker for private key
PASS privateKey.type is 'private'
PASS privateKey.extractable is true
PASS is 'RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5'
PASS privateKey.algorithm.modulusLength is 2048
PASS bytesToHexString(privateKey.algorithm.publicExponent) is '010001'
PASS privateKey.algorithm.hash is undefined.
PASS privateKey.usages is ['decrypt']
PASS exportedKey.n is privateKeyJSON.n
PASS exportedKey.e is privateKeyJSON.e
PASS exportedKey.d is privateKeyJSON.d
PASS exportedKey.p is privateKeyJSON.p
PASS exportedKey.q is privateKeyJSON.q
PASS exportedKey.dp is privateKeyJSON.dp
PASS exportedKey.dq is privateKeyJSON.dq
PASS exportedKey.qi is privateKeyJSON.qi
PASS All checks passed in worker for public key
PASS publicKey.type is 'public'
PASS publicKey.extractable is true
PASS is 'RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5'
PASS publicKey.algorithm.modulusLength is 2048
PASS bytesToHexString(publicKey.algorithm.publicExponent) is '010001'
PASS publicKey.algorithm.hash is undefined.
PASS publicKey.usages is ['encrypt']
PASS exportedKey.n is publicKeyJSON.n
PASS exportedKey.e is publicKeyJSON.e
PASS successfullyParsed is true