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[%# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
[% INCLUDE global/header.html.tmpl
title = "$terms.Bugzilla QuickSearch"
bodyclasses = ['narrow_page']
[% USE Bugzilla %]
<p><label for="quicksearch">Type in one or more words (or pieces of words)
to search for:</label></p>
<form name="f" action="buglist.cgi" method="get">
<input size="40" name="quicksearch" id="quicksearch" autofocus required>
<input type="submit" value="Search" id="find">
<li><a href="#basics">The Basics</a></li>
<li><a href="#basic_examples">Examples of Simple Queries</a></li>
<li><a href="#fields">Fields You Can Search On</a></li>
<li><a href="#advanced_features">Advanced Features</a></li>
<li><a href="#shortcuts">Advanced Shortcuts</a></li>
<li><a href="#advanced_examples">Examples of Complex Queries</a></li>
<h2 id="basics">The Basics</h2>
<ul class="qs_help">
<li>If you just put a word or series of words in the search box,
Bugzilla will search the
[%+ field_descs.product FILTER html %],
[%+ field_descs.component FILTER html %],
[%+ IF use_keywords %][%+ field_descs.keywords FILTER html %],[% END %]
[%+ field_descs.alias FILTER html %],
[%+ field_descs.short_desc FILTER html %],
[%+ IF Param('usestatuswhiteboard') %][% field_descs.status_whiteboard FILTER html %],[% END %]
and [% field_descs.longdesc FILTER html %] fields for your word or words.</li>
<li>Typing just a <strong>number</strong> in the search box will take
you directly to the [% terms.bug %] with that ID. Also, just typing the
<strong>alias</strong> of [% terms.abug %] will take you to that [% terms.bug %].
<li>Adding more terms <strong>narrows down</strong> the search, it does not
expand it. (In other words, Bugzilla searches for
[%+ terms.bugs %] that match <em>all</em> your criteria, not
[%+ terms.bugs %] that match <em>any</em> of your criteria.)</li>
<li>Searching is <strong>case-insensitive</strong>. So <kbd>table</kbd>,
<kbd>Table</kbd>, and <kbd>TABLE</kbd> are all the same.</li>
<li>Bugzilla does not just search for the exact word you put in,
but also for any word that <strong>contains</strong> that word.
So, for example, searching for "cat" would also find [% terms.bugs %]
that contain it as part of other words&mdash;for example, [% terms.abug %]
mentioning "<strong>cat</strong>ch" or "certifi<strong>cat</strong>e". It
will not find partial words in the [% field_descs.longdesc FILTER html %]
or [% field_descs.keywords FILTER html %] fields,
though&mdash;only full words are matched, there.</li>
<li>By default, only <strong>open</strong> [% terms.bugs %] are
searched. If you want to know how to also search closed [% terms.bugs %],
see the <a href="#shortcuts">Advanced Shortcuts</a> section.</li>
<li>If you want to search <strong>specific fields</strong>, you do it like
<kbd>field:value</kbd>, where <kbd>field</kbd> is one of the
<a href="#fields">field names</a> lower down in this
document and <kbd>value</kbd> is the value you want to search for
in that field. If you put commas in the <kbd>value</kbd>, then it is
interpreted as a list of values, and [% terms.bugs %] that match
<em>any</em> of those values will be searched for.</li>
<h2 id="basic_examples">Examples of Simple Queries</h2>
<p>Here are some examples of how to write some simple queries.
<a href="#advanced_examples">Examples for more complex queries</a> can be
found lower in this page.</p>
<ul class="qs_help">
<li>All open [% terms.bugs %] where is in the CC list
(no need to mention open [% terms.bugs %], this is the default):<br>
<li>All unconfirmed [% terms.bugs %] in product productA (putting the
[%+ terms.bug %] status at the first position make it being automagically
considered as [% terms.abug %] status):<br>
<kbd>UNCONFIRMED product:productA</kbd>
<li>All open and closed [% terms.bugs %] reported by
(we must specify ALL as the first word, else only open [% terms.bugs %]
are taken into account):<br>
<li>All open [% terms.bugs %] with severity blocker or critical with the
target milestone set to 2.5:<br>
<kbd>severity:blocker,critical milestone:2.5</kbd>
<li>All open [% terms.bugs %] in the component Research & Development
with priority P1 or P2 (we must use quotes for the component as its name
contains whitespaces):<br>
<kbd>component:"Research & Development" priority:P1,P2</kbd></li>
<h2 id="fields">Fields You Can Search On</h2>
<p>You can specify any of these fields like <kbd>field:value</kbd>
in the search box, to search on them. You can also abbreviate
the field name, as long as your abbreviation matches only one field name.
So, for example, searching on <kbd>stat:VERIFIED</kbd> will find all
[%+ terms.bugs %] in the <kbd>VERIFIED</kbd> status. Some fields have
multiple names, and you can use any of those names to search for them.</p>
[% IF Bugzilla.active_custom_fields.size %]
[% SET first_field = Bugzilla.active_custom_fields.0 %]
<p>For custom fields, they can be used and abbreviated
based on the part of their name <em>after</em> the <kbd>cf_</kbd>
if you'd like, in addition to their standard name starting with
<kbd>cf_</kbd>. So for example,
<kbd>[% FILTER html %]</kbd> can be
referred to as
<kbd>[%'^cf_') FILTER html %]</kbd>,
also. However, if this causes a conflict between the standard
Bugzilla field names and the custom field names, the
standard field names always take precedence.</p>
[% END %]
[% SET field_table = {} %]
[% FOREACH field = quicksearch_field_names.keys %]
[% description = field_descs.$field %]
[% field_table.$description = quicksearch_field_names.${field} %]
[% END %]
<table class="qs_fields">
<th class="field_name">Field</th>
<th class="field_nickname">Field Name(s) For Search</th>
[% FOREACH desc = field_table.keys.sort %]
<td class="field_name">[% desc FILTER html %]</td>
<td class="field_nickname">
[% FOREACH nickname = field_table.$desc %]
<kbd>[% nickname FILTER html %]</kbd>
[% ",&nbsp; " UNLESS loop.last %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
<h2 id="advanced_features">Advanced Features</h2>
<ul class="qs_help">
<li>If you want to search for a <strong>phrase</strong> or something that
contains spaces, commas, colons or quotes, you must put it in quotes, like:
<kbd>"yes, this is a phrase"</kbd>. You must also use quotes to search for
characters that would otherwise be interpreted specially by quicksearch.
For example, <kbd>"this|that"</kbd> would search for the literal string
<em>this|that</em> and would not be parsed as <kbd>"this OR that"</kbd>.
Also, <kbd>"-field:value"</kbd> would search for the literal phrase
<em>-field:value</em> and would not be parsed as
<kbd>"NOT field:value"</kbd>.</li>
<li>You can use <strong>AND</strong>, <strong>NOT</strong>,
and <strong>OR</strong> in searches.
You can also use <kbd>-</kbd> to mean "NOT", and <kbd>|</kbd> to mean "OR".
There is no special character for "AND", because by default any search
terms that are separated by a space are joined by an "AND".
Use <kbd><strong>-</strong><em>summary:foo</em></kbd> to exclude
[%+ terms.bugs %] with <kbd>foo</kbd> in the summary.<br>
<kbd><em>NOT summary:foo</em></kbd> would have the same effect.
<kbd><em>foo bar</em></kbd> searches for [% terms.bugs %] that contains
both <kbd>foo</kbd> and <kbd>bar</kbd>.<br>
<kbd><em>foo AND bar</em></kbd> would have the same effect.
<kbd><em>foo<strong>|</strong>bar</em></kbd> would search
for [% terms.bugs %] that contain <kbd>foo</kbd> OR <kbd>bar</kbd>.<br>
<kbd><em>foo OR bar</em></kbd> would have the same effect.<br>
<p>You cannot use | nor OR to enumerate possible values for a given field.
You must use commas instead. So <kbd>field:value1,value2</kbd> does what
you expect, but <kbd>field:value1|value2</kbd> would be treated as
<kbd>field:value1 OR value2</kbd>, which means value2 is not bound to
the given field.</p>
<p>OR has higher precedence than AND; AND is the top level operation.
For example:</p>
<p>Searching for <em><kbd>url|location bar|field -focus</kbd></em> means
(<kbd>url</kbd> OR <kbd>location</kbd>) AND (<kbd>bar</kbd> OR
<kbd>field</kbd>) AND (NOT <kbd>focus</kbd>)</p>
The default operator, colon (:), performs a <strong>substring</strong>
match of the value. The following operators are supported:
<strong>:</strong> (substring):<br>
<kbd><em>summary:foo</em></kbd> will search for [% terms.bugs %]
where the <kbd>summary</kbd> contains <kbd>foo</kbd>.
<strong>=</strong> (equals):<br>
<kbd><em>summary=foo</em></kbd> will search for [% terms.bugs %]
where the <kbd>summary</kbd> is exactly <kbd>foo</kbd>.
<strong>!=</strong> (notequals):<br>
<kbd><em>summary!=foo</em></kbd> will search for [% terms.bugs %]
where the <kbd>summary</kbd> is not <kbd>foo</kbd>.
<strong>&gt;</strong> (greaterthan):<br>
<kbd><em>creation_ts&gt;-2w</em></kbd> will search for [% terms.bugs %]
where that were created between two weeks ago and now, excluding [%
terms.bugs %] exactly two weeks old.
<strong>&gt;=</strong> (greaterthaneq):<br>
<kbd><em>creation_ts&gt;=-2w</em></kbd> will search for [% terms.bugs %]
where that were created between two weeks ago and now, including [%
terms.bugs %] exactly two weeks old.
<strong>&lt;</strong> (lessthan):<br>
<kbd><em>creation_ts&lt;-2w</em></kbd> will search for [% terms.bugs %]
where that were created more than two weeks ago, excluding [%
terms.bugs %] exactly two weeks old.
<strong>&lt;=</strong> (lessthaneq):<br>
<kbd><em>creation_ts&lt;=-2w</em></kbd> will search for [% terms.bugs %]
where that were created more than two weeks ago, including [%
terms.bugs %] exactly two weeks old.
<h2 id="shortcuts">Advanced Shortcuts</h2>
<p>In addition to using <a href="#fields">field names</a> to search
specific fields, there are certain characters or words that you can
use as a "shortcut" for searching certain fields:</p>
<table class="qs_fields">
<th class="field_name">Field</th>
<th class="field_nickname">Shortcut(s)</th>
<td class="field_name">[% field_descs.bug_status FILTER html %]</td>
<td class="field_nickname">
Make the <strong>first word</strong> of your search the name of any
status, or even an abbreviation of any status, and [% terms.bugs %]
in that status will be searched. <strong><kbd>ALL</kbd></strong>
is a special shortcut that means "all statuses".
<strong><kbd>OPEN</kbd></strong> is a special shortcut that means
"all open statuses".
<td class="field_name">[% field_descs.resolution FILTER html %]</td>
<td class="field_nickname">
Make the <strong>first word</strong> of your search the name of any
resolution, or even an abbreviation of any resolution, and
[%+ terms.bugs %] with that resolution will be searched. For example,
making <kbd>FIX</kbd> the first word of your search will find all
[%+ terms.bugs %] with a resolution of <kbd>FIXED</kbd> .
<td class="field_name">[% field_descs.priority FILTER html %]</td>
<td class="field_nickname">"<strong>P1</strong>" (as a word anywhere in
the search) means "find [% terms.bugs %] with the highest priority.
"P2" means the second-highest priority, and so on.
<p>Searching for "<strong>P1-3</strong>" will find [% terms.bugs %] in
any of the three highest priorities, and so on.</p>
<td class="field_name">[% field_descs.assigned_to FILTER html %]</td>
<td class="field_nickname"><strong>@</strong><em>value</em></td>
<td class="field_name">[% field_descs.product FILTER html %] or
[%+ field_descs.component FILTER html %]</td>
<td class="field_nickname"><strong>:</strong><em>value</em></td>
[% IF use_keywords %]
<td class="field_name">[% field_descs.keywords FILTER html %]</td>
<td class="field_nickname"><strong>!</strong><em>value</em></td>
[% END %]
[% SET key = "" %]
<td class="field_name">[% field_descs.$key FILTER html %]</td>
<td class="field_nickname">
<td class="field_name">[% field_descs.longdesc FILTER html %]
or [% field_descs.short_desc FILTER html %]</td>
<td class="field_nickname">
[% IF Param('usestatuswhiteboard') %]
<td class="field_name">[% field_descs.short_desc FILTER html %]
or [% field_descs.status_whiteboard FILTER html %]</td>
<td class="field_nickname"><strong>[</strong><em>value</em></td>
[% END %]
<h2 id="advanced_examples">Examples of Complex Queries</h2>
<p>It is pretty easy to write rather complex queries without too much effort.
For very complex queries, you have to use the
<a href="query.cgi?format=advanced">Advanced Search</a> form.</p>
<ul class="qs_help">
<li>All [% terms.bugs %] reported by or assigned to them
(the initial @ is a shortcut for the assignee, see the
<a href="#shortcuts">Advanced Shortcuts</a> section above):<br>
<kbd>ALL OR</kbd></li>
<li>All open [% terms.bugs %] in product productA with either severity
blocker, critical or major, or with priority P1, or with the blocker+
flag set, and which are neither assigned to nor to (we make the assumption that there are only two users
matching userB and userC, else we would write the whole login name):<br>
<kbd>:productA sev:blocker,critical,major OR pri:P1 OR flag:blocker+ -assign:userB,userC</kbd></li>
<li>All FIXED [% terms.bugs %] with the blocker+ flag set, but without
the approval+ nor approval? flags set:<br>
<kbd>FIXED flag:blocker+ -flag:approval+ -flag:approval?</kbd></li>
<li>[% terms.Bugs %] with <em>That's a "unusual" issue</em> in the
[%+ terms.bug %] summary (double quotes are escaped using <em>\"</em>):<br>
<kbd>summary:"That's a \"unusual\" issue"</kbd></li>
[% PROCESS global/footer.html.tmpl %]