blob: 7643f114a9c9d3b669e1ecf257c64c8391e1e1f7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2009, 2014-2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
#pragma once
#include "ANGLEUtilities.h"
#include "GraphicsContextGL.h"
#include "GraphicsContextGLState.h"
#include <memory>
#include <wtf/ListHashSet.h>
#include "GraphicsContextGLIOSurfaceSwapChain.h"
#include "IOSurface.h"
#include "ProcessIdentity.h"
namespace WebCore {
// Base class for GraphicsContextGL contexts that use ANGLE.
class WEBCORE_EXPORT GraphicsContextGLANGLE : public GraphicsContextGL {
virtual ~GraphicsContextGLANGLE();
GCGLDisplay platformDisplay() const;
GCGLConfig platformConfig() const;
GCGLenum drawingBufferTextureTarget();
static GCGLenum drawingBufferTextureTargetQueryForDrawingTarget(GCGLenum drawingTarget);
static GCGLint EGLDrawingBufferTextureTargetForDrawingTarget(GCGLenum drawingTarget);
enum class ReleaseThreadResourceBehavior {
// Releases current context after GraphicsContextGLANGLE calls done in the thread.
// Releases all thread resources after GraphicsContextGLANGLE calls done in the thread.
// Releases all global state. Should be used only after all depending objects have
// been released.
static bool releaseThreadResources(ReleaseThreadResourceBehavior);
// Get an attribute location without checking the name -> mangledname mapping.
int getAttribLocationDirect(PlatformGLObject program, const String& name);
// Compile a shader without going through ANGLE.
void compileShaderDirect(PlatformGLObject);
// Equivalent to ::glTexImage2D(). Allows pixels==0 with no allocation.
void texImage2DDirect(GCGLenum target, GCGLint level, GCGLenum internalformat, GCGLsizei width, GCGLsizei height, GCGLint border, GCGLenum format, GCGLenum type, const void* pixels);
// GraphicsContextGL overrides.
bool isGLES2Compliant() const final;
void activeTexture(GCGLenum texture) final;
void attachShader(PlatformGLObject program, PlatformGLObject shader) final;
void bindAttribLocation(PlatformGLObject, GCGLuint index, const String& name) final;
void bindBuffer(GCGLenum target, PlatformGLObject) final;
void bindFramebuffer(GCGLenum target, PlatformGLObject) final;
void bindRenderbuffer(GCGLenum target, PlatformGLObject) final;
void bindTexture(GCGLenum target, PlatformGLObject) final;
void blendColor(GCGLclampf red, GCGLclampf green, GCGLclampf blue, GCGLclampf alpha) final;
void blendEquation(GCGLenum mode) final;
void blendEquationSeparate(GCGLenum modeRGB, GCGLenum modeAlpha) final;
void blendFunc(GCGLenum sfactor, GCGLenum dfactor) final;
void blendFuncSeparate(GCGLenum srcRGB, GCGLenum dstRGB, GCGLenum srcAlpha, GCGLenum dstAlpha) final;
void bufferData(GCGLenum target, GCGLsizeiptr, GCGLenum usage) final;
void bufferData(GCGLenum target, GCGLSpan<const GCGLvoid> data, GCGLenum usage) final;
void bufferSubData(GCGLenum target, GCGLintptr offset, GCGLSpan<const GCGLvoid> data) final;
GCGLenum checkFramebufferStatus(GCGLenum target) final;
void clear(GCGLbitfield mask) final;
void clearColor(GCGLclampf red, GCGLclampf green, GCGLclampf blue, GCGLclampf alpha) final;
void clearDepth(GCGLclampf depth) final;
void clearStencil(GCGLint s) final;
void colorMask(GCGLboolean red, GCGLboolean green, GCGLboolean blue, GCGLboolean alpha) final;
void compileShader(PlatformGLObject) final;
void copyTexImage2D(GCGLenum target, GCGLint level, GCGLenum internalformat, GCGLint x, GCGLint y, GCGLsizei width, GCGLsizei height, GCGLint border) final;
void copyTexSubImage2D(GCGLenum target, GCGLint level, GCGLint xoffset, GCGLint yoffset, GCGLint x, GCGLint y, GCGLsizei width, GCGLsizei height) final;
void cullFace(GCGLenum mode) final;
void depthFunc(GCGLenum func) final;
void depthMask(GCGLboolean flag) final;
void depthRange(GCGLclampf zNear, GCGLclampf zFar) final;
void detachShader(PlatformGLObject, PlatformGLObject) final;
void disable(GCGLenum cap) final;
void disableVertexAttribArray(GCGLuint index) final;
void drawArrays(GCGLenum mode, GCGLint first, GCGLsizei count) final;
void drawElements(GCGLenum mode, GCGLsizei count, GCGLenum type, GCGLintptr offset) final;
void enable(GCGLenum cap) final;
void enableVertexAttribArray(GCGLuint index) final;
void finish() final;
void flush() final;
void framebufferRenderbuffer(GCGLenum target, GCGLenum attachment, GCGLenum renderbuffertarget, PlatformGLObject) final;
void framebufferTexture2D(GCGLenum target, GCGLenum attachment, GCGLenum textarget, PlatformGLObject, GCGLint level) final;
void frontFace(GCGLenum mode) final;
void generateMipmap(GCGLenum target) final;
bool getActiveAttrib(PlatformGLObject program, GCGLuint index, ActiveInfo&) final;
bool getActiveAttribImpl(PlatformGLObject program, GCGLuint index, ActiveInfo&);
bool getActiveUniform(PlatformGLObject program, GCGLuint index, ActiveInfo&) final;
bool getActiveUniformImpl(PlatformGLObject program, GCGLuint index, ActiveInfo&);
void getAttachedShaders(PlatformGLObject program, GCGLsizei maxCount, GCGLsizei* count, PlatformGLObject* shaders);
GCGLint getAttribLocation(PlatformGLObject, const String& name) final;
void getBooleanv(GCGLenum pname, GCGLSpan<GCGLboolean> value) final;
GCGLint getBufferParameteri(GCGLenum target, GCGLenum pname) final;
GCGLenum getError() final;
void getFloatv(GCGLenum pname, GCGLSpan<GCGLfloat> value) final;
GCGLint getFramebufferAttachmentParameteri(GCGLenum target, GCGLenum attachment, GCGLenum pname) final;
void getIntegerv(GCGLenum pname, GCGLSpan<GCGLint> value) final;
void getIntegeri_v(GCGLenum pname, GCGLuint index, GCGLSpan<GCGLint, 4> value) final; // NOLINT
GCGLint64 getInteger64(GCGLenum pname) final;
GCGLint64 getInteger64i(GCGLenum pname, GCGLuint index) final;
GCGLint getProgrami(PlatformGLObject program, GCGLenum pname) final;
String getProgramInfoLog(PlatformGLObject) final;
String getUnmangledInfoLog(PlatformGLObject[2], GCGLsizei, const String&);
GCGLint getRenderbufferParameteri(GCGLenum target, GCGLenum pname) final;
GCGLint getShaderi(PlatformGLObject, GCGLenum pname) final;
String getShaderInfoLog(PlatformGLObject) final;
void getShaderPrecisionFormat(GCGLenum shaderType, GCGLenum precisionType, GCGLSpan<GCGLint, 2> range, GCGLint* precision) final;
String getShaderSource(PlatformGLObject) final;
String getString(GCGLenum name) final;
GCGLfloat getTexParameterf(GCGLenum target, GCGLenum pname) final;
GCGLint getTexParameteri(GCGLenum target, GCGLenum pname) final;
void getUniformfv(PlatformGLObject program, GCGLint location, GCGLSpan<GCGLfloat> value) final;
void getUniformiv(PlatformGLObject program, GCGLint location, GCGLSpan<GCGLint> value) final;
void getUniformuiv(PlatformGLObject program, GCGLint location, GCGLSpan<GCGLuint> value) final;
GCGLint getUniformLocation(PlatformGLObject, const String& name) final;
GCGLsizeiptr getVertexAttribOffset(GCGLuint index, GCGLenum pname) final;
void hint(GCGLenum target, GCGLenum mode) final;
GCGLboolean isBuffer(PlatformGLObject) final;
GCGLboolean isEnabled(GCGLenum cap) final;
GCGLboolean isFramebuffer(PlatformGLObject) final;
GCGLboolean isProgram(PlatformGLObject) final;
GCGLboolean isRenderbuffer(PlatformGLObject) final;
GCGLboolean isShader(PlatformGLObject) final;
GCGLboolean isTexture(PlatformGLObject) final;
void lineWidth(GCGLfloat) final;
void linkProgram(PlatformGLObject) final;
void pixelStorei(GCGLenum pname, GCGLint param) final;
void polygonOffset(GCGLfloat factor, GCGLfloat units) final;
void readnPixels(GCGLint x, GCGLint y, GCGLsizei width, GCGLsizei height, GCGLenum format, GCGLenum type, GCGLSpan<GCGLvoid> data) final;
void readnPixels(GCGLint x, GCGLint y, GCGLsizei width, GCGLsizei height, GCGLenum format, GCGLenum type, GCGLintptr offset) final;
void renderbufferStorage(GCGLenum target, GCGLenum internalformat, GCGLsizei width, GCGLsizei height) final;
void sampleCoverage(GCGLclampf value, GCGLboolean invert) final;
void scissor(GCGLint x, GCGLint y, GCGLsizei width, GCGLsizei height) final;
void shaderSource(PlatformGLObject, const String&) final;
void stencilFunc(GCGLenum func, GCGLint ref, GCGLuint mask) final;
void stencilFuncSeparate(GCGLenum face, GCGLenum func, GCGLint ref, GCGLuint mask) final;
void stencilMask(GCGLuint mask) final;
void stencilMaskSeparate(GCGLenum face, GCGLuint mask) final;
void stencilOp(GCGLenum fail, GCGLenum zfail, GCGLenum zpass) final;
void stencilOpSeparate(GCGLenum face, GCGLenum fail, GCGLenum zfail, GCGLenum zpass) final;
void texImage2D(GCGLenum target, GCGLint level, GCGLenum internalformat, GCGLsizei width, GCGLsizei height, GCGLint border, GCGLenum format, GCGLenum type, GCGLSpan<const GCGLvoid> pixels) final;
void texImage2D(GCGLenum target, GCGLint level, GCGLenum internalformat, GCGLsizei width, GCGLsizei height, GCGLint border, GCGLenum format, GCGLenum type, GCGLintptr offset) final;
void texSubImage2D(GCGLenum target, GCGLint level, GCGLint xoffset, GCGLint yoffset, GCGLsizei width, GCGLsizei height, GCGLenum format, GCGLenum type, GCGLSpan<const GCGLvoid> pixels) final;
void texSubImage2D(GCGLenum target, GCGLint level, GCGLint xoffset, GCGLint yoffset, GCGLsizei width, GCGLsizei height, GCGLenum format, GCGLenum type, GCGLintptr offset) final;
void compressedTexImage2D(GCGLenum target, GCGLint level, GCGLenum internalformat, GCGLsizei width, GCGLsizei height, GCGLint border, GCGLsizei imageSize, GCGLSpan<const GCGLvoid> data) final;
void compressedTexImage2D(GCGLenum target, GCGLint level, GCGLenum internalformat, GCGLsizei width, GCGLsizei height, GCGLint border, GCGLsizei imageSize, GCGLintptr offset) final;
void compressedTexSubImage2D(GCGLenum target, GCGLint level, GCGLint xoffset, GCGLint yoffset, GCGLsizei width, GCGLsizei height, GCGLenum format, GCGLsizei imageSize, GCGLSpan<const GCGLvoid> data) final;
void compressedTexSubImage2D(GCGLenum target, GCGLint level, GCGLint xoffset, GCGLint yoffset, GCGLsizei width, GCGLsizei height, GCGLenum format, GCGLsizei imageSize, GCGLintptr offset) final;
void texParameterf(GCGLenum target, GCGLenum pname, GCGLfloat param) final;
void texParameteri(GCGLenum target, GCGLenum pname, GCGLint param) final;
void uniform1f(GCGLint location, GCGLfloat x) final;
void uniform1fv(GCGLint location, GCGLSpan<const GCGLfloat> v) final;
void uniform1i(GCGLint location, GCGLint x) final;
void uniform1iv(GCGLint location, GCGLSpan<const GCGLint> v) final;
void uniform2f(GCGLint location, GCGLfloat x, GCGLfloat y) final;
void uniform2fv(GCGLint location, GCGLSpan<const GCGLfloat> v) final;
void uniform2i(GCGLint location, GCGLint x, GCGLint y) final;
void uniform2iv(GCGLint location, GCGLSpan<const GCGLint> v) final;
void uniform3f(GCGLint location, GCGLfloat x, GCGLfloat y, GCGLfloat z) final;
void uniform3fv(GCGLint location, GCGLSpan<const GCGLfloat> v) final;
void uniform3i(GCGLint location, GCGLint x, GCGLint y, GCGLint z) final;
void uniform3iv(GCGLint location, GCGLSpan<const GCGLint> v) final;
void uniform4f(GCGLint location, GCGLfloat x, GCGLfloat y, GCGLfloat z, GCGLfloat w) final;
void uniform4fv(GCGLint location, GCGLSpan<const GCGLfloat> v) final;
void uniform4i(GCGLint location, GCGLint x, GCGLint y, GCGLint z, GCGLint w) final;
void uniform4iv(GCGLint location, GCGLSpan<const GCGLint> v) final;
void uniformMatrix2fv(GCGLint location, GCGLboolean transpose, GCGLSpan<const GCGLfloat> value) final;
void uniformMatrix3fv(GCGLint location, GCGLboolean transpose, GCGLSpan<const GCGLfloat> value) final;
void uniformMatrix4fv(GCGLint location, GCGLboolean transpose, GCGLSpan<const GCGLfloat> value) final;
void useProgram(PlatformGLObject) final;
void validateProgram(PlatformGLObject) final;
void vertexAttrib1f(GCGLuint index, GCGLfloat x) final;
void vertexAttrib1fv(GCGLuint index, GCGLSpan<const GCGLfloat, 1> values) final;
void vertexAttrib2f(GCGLuint index, GCGLfloat x, GCGLfloat y) final;
void vertexAttrib2fv(GCGLuint index, GCGLSpan<const GCGLfloat, 2> values) final;
void vertexAttrib3f(GCGLuint index, GCGLfloat x, GCGLfloat y, GCGLfloat z) final;
void vertexAttrib3fv(GCGLuint index, GCGLSpan<const GCGLfloat, 3> values) final;
void vertexAttrib4f(GCGLuint index, GCGLfloat x, GCGLfloat y, GCGLfloat z, GCGLfloat w) final;
void vertexAttrib4fv(GCGLuint index, GCGLSpan<const GCGLfloat, 4> values) final;
void vertexAttribPointer(GCGLuint index, GCGLint size, GCGLenum type, GCGLboolean normalized, GCGLsizei stride, GCGLintptr offset) final;
void viewport(GCGLint x, GCGLint y, GCGLsizei width, GCGLsizei height) final;
void reshape(int width, int height) final;
void drawArraysInstanced(GCGLenum mode, GCGLint first, GCGLsizei count, GCGLsizei primcount) final;
void drawElementsInstanced(GCGLenum mode, GCGLsizei count, GCGLenum type, GCGLintptr offset, GCGLsizei primcount) final;
void vertexAttribDivisor(GCGLuint index, GCGLuint divisor) final;
PlatformGLObject createVertexArray() final;
void deleteVertexArray(PlatformGLObject) final;
GCGLboolean isVertexArray(PlatformGLObject) final;
void bindVertexArray(PlatformGLObject) final;
void copyBufferSubData(GCGLenum readTarget, GCGLenum writeTarget, GCGLintptr readOffset, GCGLintptr writeOffset, GCGLsizeiptr) final;
void getBufferSubData(GCGLenum target, GCGLintptr offset, GCGLSpan<GCGLvoid> data) final;
void blitFramebuffer(GCGLint srcX0, GCGLint srcY0, GCGLint srcX1, GCGLint srcY1, GCGLint dstX0, GCGLint dstY0, GCGLint dstX1, GCGLint dstY1, GCGLbitfield mask, GCGLenum filter) final;
void framebufferTextureLayer(GCGLenum target, GCGLenum attachment, PlatformGLObject texture, GCGLint level, GCGLint layer) final;
void invalidateFramebuffer(GCGLenum target, GCGLSpan<const GCGLenum> attachments) final;
void invalidateSubFramebuffer(GCGLenum target, GCGLSpan<const GCGLenum> attachments, GCGLint x, GCGLint y, GCGLsizei width, GCGLsizei height) final;
void readBuffer(GCGLenum src) final;
void getInternalformativ(GCGLenum target, GCGLenum internalformat, GCGLenum pname, GCGLSpan<GCGLint> data) final;
void renderbufferStorageMultisample(GCGLenum target, GCGLsizei samples, GCGLenum internalformat, GCGLsizei width, GCGLsizei height) final;
void texStorage2D(GCGLenum target, GCGLsizei levels, GCGLenum internalformat, GCGLsizei width, GCGLsizei height) final;
void texStorage3D(GCGLenum target, GCGLsizei levels, GCGLenum internalformat, GCGLsizei width, GCGLsizei height, GCGLsizei depth) final;
void texImage3D(GCGLenum target, GCGLint level, GCGLint internalformat, GCGLsizei width, GCGLsizei height, GCGLsizei depth, GCGLint border, GCGLenum format, GCGLenum type, GCGLSpan<const GCGLvoid> pixels) final;
void texImage3D(GCGLenum target, GCGLint level, GCGLint internalformat, GCGLsizei width, GCGLsizei height, GCGLsizei depth, GCGLint border, GCGLenum format, GCGLenum type, GCGLintptr offset) final;
void texSubImage3D(GCGLenum target, GCGLint level, GCGLint xoffset, GCGLint yoffset, GCGLint zoffset, GCGLsizei width, GCGLsizei height, GCGLsizei depth, GCGLenum format, GCGLenum type, GCGLSpan<const GCGLvoid> pixels) final;
void texSubImage3D(GCGLenum target, GCGLint level, GCGLint xoffset, GCGLint yoffset, GCGLint zoffset, GCGLsizei width, GCGLsizei height, GCGLsizei depth, GCGLenum format, GCGLenum type, GCGLintptr offset) final;
void copyTexSubImage3D(GCGLenum target, GCGLint level, GCGLint xoffset, GCGLint yoffset, GCGLint zoffset, GCGLint x, GCGLint y, GCGLsizei width, GCGLsizei height) final;
void compressedTexImage3D(GCGLenum target, GCGLint level, GCGLenum internalformat, GCGLsizei width, GCGLsizei height, GCGLsizei depth, GCGLint border, GCGLsizei imageSize, GCGLSpan<const GCGLvoid> data) final;
void compressedTexImage3D(GCGLenum target, GCGLint level, GCGLenum internalformat, GCGLsizei width, GCGLsizei height, GCGLsizei depth, GCGLint border, GCGLsizei imageSize, GCGLintptr offset) final;
void compressedTexSubImage3D(GCGLenum target, GCGLint level, GCGLint xoffset, GCGLint yoffset, GCGLint zoffset, GCGLsizei width, GCGLsizei height, GCGLsizei depth, GCGLenum format, GCGLsizei imageSize, GCGLSpan<const GCGLvoid> data) final;
void compressedTexSubImage3D(GCGLenum target, GCGLint level, GCGLint xoffset, GCGLint yoffset, GCGLint zoffset, GCGLsizei width, GCGLsizei height, GCGLsizei depth, GCGLenum format, GCGLsizei imageSize, GCGLintptr offset) final;
GCGLint getFragDataLocation(PlatformGLObject program, const String& name) final;
void uniform1ui(GCGLint location, GCGLuint v0) final;
void uniform2ui(GCGLint location, GCGLuint v0, GCGLuint v1) final;
void uniform3ui(GCGLint location, GCGLuint v0, GCGLuint v1, GCGLuint v2) final;
void uniform4ui(GCGLint location, GCGLuint v0, GCGLuint v1, GCGLuint v2, GCGLuint v3) final;
void uniform1uiv(GCGLint location, GCGLSpan<const GCGLuint>) final;
void uniform2uiv(GCGLint location, GCGLSpan<const GCGLuint>) final;
void uniform3uiv(GCGLint location, GCGLSpan<const GCGLuint>) final;
void uniform4uiv(GCGLint location, GCGLSpan<const GCGLuint>) final;
void uniformMatrix2x3fv(GCGLint location, GCGLboolean transpose, GCGLSpan<const GCGLfloat> data) final;
void uniformMatrix3x2fv(GCGLint location, GCGLboolean transpose, GCGLSpan<const GCGLfloat> data) final;
void uniformMatrix2x4fv(GCGLint location, GCGLboolean transpose, GCGLSpan<const GCGLfloat> data) final;
void uniformMatrix4x2fv(GCGLint location, GCGLboolean transpose, GCGLSpan<const GCGLfloat> data) final;
void uniformMatrix3x4fv(GCGLint location, GCGLboolean transpose, GCGLSpan<const GCGLfloat> data) final;
void uniformMatrix4x3fv(GCGLint location, GCGLboolean transpose, GCGLSpan<const GCGLfloat> data) final;
void vertexAttribI4i(GCGLuint index, GCGLint x, GCGLint y, GCGLint z, GCGLint w) final;
void vertexAttribI4iv(GCGLuint index, GCGLSpan<const GCGLint, 4> values) final;
void vertexAttribI4ui(GCGLuint index, GCGLuint x, GCGLuint y, GCGLuint z, GCGLuint w) final;
void vertexAttribI4uiv(GCGLuint index, GCGLSpan<const GCGLuint, 4> values) final;
void vertexAttribIPointer(GCGLuint index, GCGLint size, GCGLenum type, GCGLsizei stride, GCGLintptr offset) final;
void drawRangeElements(GCGLenum mode, GCGLuint start, GCGLuint end, GCGLsizei count, GCGLenum type, GCGLintptr offset) final;
void drawBuffers(GCGLSpan<const GCGLenum> bufs) final;
void clearBufferiv(GCGLenum buffer, GCGLint drawbuffer, GCGLSpan<const GCGLint> values) final;
void clearBufferuiv(GCGLenum buffer, GCGLint drawbuffer, GCGLSpan<const GCGLuint> values) final;
void clearBufferfv(GCGLenum buffer, GCGLint drawbuffer, GCGLSpan<const GCGLfloat> values) final;
void clearBufferfi(GCGLenum buffer, GCGLint drawbuffer, GCGLfloat depth, GCGLint stencil) final;
PlatformGLObject createQuery() final;
void deleteQuery(PlatformGLObject query) final;
GCGLboolean isQuery(PlatformGLObject query) final;
void beginQuery(GCGLenum target, PlatformGLObject query) final;
void endQuery(GCGLenum target) final;
PlatformGLObject getQuery(GCGLenum target, GCGLenum pname) final;
GCGLuint getQueryObjectui(PlatformGLObject query, GCGLenum pname) final;
PlatformGLObject createSampler() final;
void deleteSampler(PlatformGLObject sampler) final;
GCGLboolean isSampler(PlatformGLObject sampler) final;
void bindSampler(GCGLuint unit, PlatformGLObject sampler) final;
void samplerParameteri(PlatformGLObject sampler, GCGLenum pname, GCGLint param) final;
void samplerParameterf(PlatformGLObject sampler, GCGLenum pname, GCGLfloat param) final;
GCGLfloat getSamplerParameterf(PlatformGLObject sampler, GCGLenum pname) final;
GCGLint getSamplerParameteri(PlatformGLObject sampler, GCGLenum pname) final;
GCGLsync fenceSync(GCGLenum condition, GCGLbitfield flags) final;
GCGLboolean isSync(GCGLsync) final;
void deleteSync(GCGLsync) final;
GCGLenum clientWaitSync(GCGLsync, GCGLbitfield flags, GCGLuint64 timeout) final;
void waitSync(GCGLsync, GCGLbitfield flags, GCGLint64 timeout) final;
GCGLint getSynci(GCGLsync, GCGLenum pname) final;
PlatformGLObject createTransformFeedback() final;
void deleteTransformFeedback(PlatformGLObject id) final;
GCGLboolean isTransformFeedback(PlatformGLObject id) final;
void bindTransformFeedback(GCGLenum target, PlatformGLObject id) final;
void beginTransformFeedback(GCGLenum primitiveMode) final;
void endTransformFeedback() final;
void transformFeedbackVaryings(PlatformGLObject program, const Vector<String>& varyings, GCGLenum bufferMode) final;
void getTransformFeedbackVarying(PlatformGLObject program, GCGLuint index, ActiveInfo&) final;
void pauseTransformFeedback() final;
void resumeTransformFeedback() final;
void bindBufferBase(GCGLenum target, GCGLuint index, PlatformGLObject buffer) final;
void bindBufferRange(GCGLenum target, GCGLuint index, PlatformGLObject buffer, GCGLintptr offset, GCGLsizeiptr) final;
Vector<GCGLuint> getUniformIndices(PlatformGLObject program, const Vector<String>& uniformNames) final;
Vector<GCGLint> getActiveUniforms(PlatformGLObject program, const Vector<GCGLuint>& uniformIndices, GCGLenum pname) final;
GCGLuint getUniformBlockIndex(PlatformGLObject program, const String& uniformBlockName) final;
String getActiveUniformBlockName(PlatformGLObject program, GCGLuint uniformBlockIndex) final;
void uniformBlockBinding(PlatformGLObject program, GCGLuint uniformBlockIndex, GCGLuint uniformBlockBinding) final;
void getActiveUniformBlockiv(GCGLuint program, GCGLuint uniformBlockIndex, GCGLenum pname, GCGLSpan<GCGLint> params) final;
void multiDrawArraysANGLE(GCGLenum mode, GCGLSpanTuple<const GCGLint, const GCGLsizei> firstsAndCounts) final;
void multiDrawArraysInstancedANGLE(GCGLenum mode, GCGLSpanTuple<const GCGLint, const GCGLsizei, const GCGLsizei> firstsCountsAndInstanceCounts) final;
void multiDrawElementsANGLE(GCGLenum mode, GCGLSpanTuple<const GCGLsizei, const GCGLint> countsAndOffsets, GCGLenum type) final;
void multiDrawElementsInstancedANGLE(GCGLenum mode, GCGLSpanTuple<const GCGLsizei, const GCGLint, const GCGLsizei> countsOffsetsAndInstanceCounts, GCGLenum type) final;
bool supportsExtension(const String&) override;
void ensureExtensionEnabled(const String&) override;
bool isExtensionEnabled(const String&) override;
void drawBuffersEXT(GCGLSpan<const GCGLenum>) override;
String getTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE(PlatformGLObject) override;
void enableiOES(GCGLenum target, GCGLuint index) final;
void disableiOES(GCGLenum target, GCGLuint index) final;
void blendEquationiOES(GCGLuint buf, GCGLenum mode) final;
void blendEquationSeparateiOES(GCGLuint buf, GCGLenum modeRGB, GCGLenum modeAlpha) final;
void blendFunciOES(GCGLuint buf, GCGLenum src, GCGLenum dst) final;
void blendFuncSeparateiOES(GCGLuint buf, GCGLenum srcRGB, GCGLenum dstRGB, GCGLenum srcAlpha, GCGLenum dstAlpha) final;
void colorMaskiOES(GCGLuint buf, GCGLboolean red, GCGLboolean green, GCGLboolean blue, GCGLboolean alpha) final;
PlatformGLObject createBuffer() final;
PlatformGLObject createFramebuffer() final;
PlatformGLObject createProgram() final;
PlatformGLObject createRenderbuffer() final;
PlatformGLObject createShader(GCGLenum) final;
PlatformGLObject createTexture() final;
void deleteBuffer(PlatformGLObject) final;
void deleteFramebuffer(PlatformGLObject) final;
void deleteProgram(PlatformGLObject) final;
void deleteRenderbuffer(PlatformGLObject) final;
void deleteShader(PlatformGLObject) final;
void deleteTexture(PlatformGLObject) final;
void synthesizeGLError(GCGLenum error) final;
bool moveErrorsToSyntheticErrorList() final;
void simulateEventForTesting(SimulatedEventForTesting) override;
void paintRenderingResultsToCanvas(ImageBuffer&) final;
RefPtr<PixelBuffer> paintRenderingResultsToPixelBuffer() final;
void paintCompositedResultsToCanvas(ImageBuffer&) final;
RefPtr<PixelBuffer> readRenderingResultsForPainting();
RefPtr<PixelBuffer> readCompositedResultsForPainting();
// Called once by all the public entry points that eventually call OpenGL.
bool makeContextCurrent() WARN_UNUSED_RETURN;
// Initializes the instance. Returns false if the instance should not be used.
bool initialize();
// Called first by initialize(). Subclasses should override to instantiate the platform specific bits of EGLContext.
// FIXME: Currently platforms do not share the context creation. They should.
virtual bool platformInitializeContext();
// Called last by initialize(). Subclasses should override to instantiate platform specific state that depend on
// the shared state.
virtual bool platformInitialize();
// Take into account the user's requested context creation attributes,
// in particular stencil and antialias, and determine which could or
// could not be honored based on the capabilities of the OpenGL
// implementation.
void validateDepthStencil(ASCIILiteral packedDepthStencilExtension);
void validateAttributes();
void readnPixelsImpl(GCGLint x, GCGLint y, GCGLsizei width, GCGLsizei height, GCGLenum format, GCGLenum type, GCGLsizei bufSize, GCGLsizei* length, GCGLsizei* columns, GCGLsizei* rows, GCGLvoid* data, bool readingToPixelBufferObject);
// Did the most recent drawing operation leave the GPU in an acceptable state?
void checkGPUStatus();
RefPtr<PixelBuffer> readRenderingResults();
RefPtr<PixelBuffer> readCompositedResults();
RefPtr<PixelBuffer> readPixelsForPaintResults();
bool reshapeFBOs(const IntSize&);
virtual void prepareTexture();
void resolveMultisamplingIfNecessary(const IntRect& = IntRect());
void attachDepthAndStencilBufferIfNeeded(GCGLuint internalDepthStencilFormat, int width, int height);
static bool makeCurrent(GCGLDisplay, GCGLContext);
virtual bool reshapeDisplayBufferBacking() = 0;
// Returns false if context should be lost due to timeout.
bool waitAndUpdateOldestFrame() WARN_UNUSED_RETURN;
// Platform specific behavior for releaseResources();
static void platformReleaseThreadResources();
virtual void invalidateKnownTextureContent(GCGLuint);
// Only for non-WebGL 2.0 contexts.
GCGLenum adjustWebGL1TextureInternalFormat(GCGLenum internalformat, GCGLenum format, GCGLenum type);
HashSet<String> m_availableExtensions;
HashSet<String> m_requestableExtensions;
HashSet<String> m_enabledExtensions;
bool m_webglColorBufferFloatRGB { false };
bool m_webglColorBufferFloatRGBA { false };
GCGLuint m_texture { 0 };
GCGLuint m_fbo { 0 };
GCGLuint m_depthStencilBuffer { 0 };
GCGLuint m_internalColorFormat { 0 };
GCGLuint m_internalDepthStencilFormat { 0 };
GCGLuint m_multisampleFBO { 0 };
GCGLuint m_multisampleDepthStencilBuffer { 0 };
GCGLuint m_multisampleColorBuffer { 0 };
// For preserveDrawingBuffer:true without multisampling.
GCGLuint m_preserveDrawingBufferTexture { 0 };
// Attaches m_texture when m_preserveDrawingBufferTexture is non-zero.
GCGLuint m_preserveDrawingBufferFBO { 0 };
// Queried at display startup.
GCGLint m_drawingBufferTextureTarget { -1 };
// Errors raised by synthesizeGLError().
ListHashSet<GCGLenum> m_syntheticErrors;
bool m_isForWebGL2 { false };
unsigned m_statusCheckCount { 0 };
bool m_failNextStatusCheck { false };
bool m_useFenceSyncForDisplayRateLimit = false;
static constexpr size_t maxPendingFrames = 3;
size_t m_oldestFrameCompletionFence { 0 };
ScopedGLFence m_frameCompletionFences[maxPendingFrames];
GraphicsContextGLState m_state;
GCGLDisplay m_displayObj { nullptr };
GCGLContext m_contextObj { nullptr };
GCGLConfig m_configObj { nullptr };
// FIXME: Move these to GraphicsContextGLCocoa.
GraphicsContextGLIOSurfaceSwapChain m_swapChain;
// Backing store for the the buffer which is eventually used for display.
// When preserveDrawingBuffer == false, this is the drawing buffer backing store.
// When preserveDrawingBuffer == true, this is blitted to during display prepare.
std::unique_ptr<IOSurface> m_displayBufferBacking;
void* m_displayBufferPbuffer { nullptr };