| This test checks construction of objects with custom constructors. |
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| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
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| PASS new Image() is non-null. |
| PASS new Image().tagName is "IMG" |
| PASS new Image().height is 0 |
| PASS new Image().width is 0 |
| PASS new Image(100).width is 100 |
| PASS new Image(100, 200).height is 200 |
| PASS new Image(-100).width is -100 |
| PASS new Image(-100, -200).height is -200 |
| PASS new Image().outerHTML is "<img>" |
| PASS new Image(100, 100).outerHTML.replace(/"/g, "'") is "<img width='100' height='100'>" |
| PASS new Option() is non-null. |
| PASS new Option().tagName is "OPTION" |
| PASS new Option().innerText is "" |
| PASS new Option(null).innerText is "null" |
| PASS new Option(undefined).innerText is "undefined" |
| PASS new Option('somedata').innerText is "somedata" |
| PASS new Option().value is "" |
| PASS new Option('somedata', null).value is "null" |
| PASS new Option('somedata', undefined).value is "undefined" |
| PASS new Option('somedata', 'somevalue').value is "somevalue" |
| PASS new Option().defaultSelected is false |
| PASS new Option('somedata', 'somevalue').defaultSelected is false |
| PASS new Option('somedata', 'somevalue', false).defaultSelected is false |
| PASS new Option('somedata', 'somevalue', true).defaultSelected is true |
| PASS new Option().selected is false |
| PASS new Option('somedata', 'somevalue').selected is false |
| PASS new Option('somedata', 'somevalue', false).selected is false |
| PASS new Option('somedata', 'somevalue', true).selected is false |
| PASS new Option('somedata', 'somevalue', true, false).selected is false |
| PASS new Option('somedata', 'somevalue', true, true).selected is true |
| PASS new Option().outerHTML is "<option></option>" |
| PASS new Option('somedata', 'somevalue', false).outerHTML.replace(/"/g,"'") is "<option value='somevalue'>somedata</option>" |
| PASS new Option('somedata', 'somevalue', true).outerHTML.replace(/"/g,"'") is "<option value='somevalue' selected=''>somedata</option>" |
| PASS new Audio() is non-null. |
| PASS new Audio().tagName is "AUDIO" |
| PASS new Audio().src is "" |
| PASS new Audio().preload is "auto" |
| PASS new Audio('').src is "" |
| PASS new Audio('').preload is "auto" |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
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