blob: 799a1fb26f81c5fd5b0ad96352697099ed9505ee [file] [log] [blame]
Test should not crash.
Test does pushState both from the main frame and from an iframe and makes sure they both count against the main frame document's size limit.
Click to test pushState through a user gesture
Parent frame successfully added item: 1 times
Parent frame successfully added item: 2 times
Parent frame successfully added item: 3 times
Parent frame successfully added item: 4 times
Parent frame successfully added item: 5 times
Parent frame successfully added item: 6 times
Parent frame successfully added item: 7 times
Parent frame successfully added item: 8 times
Parent frame successfully added item: 9 times
Parent frame successfully added item: 10 times
Frame: '<!--framePath //<!--frame0-->-->'
iFrame successfully added item: 1 times
iFrame successfully added item: 2 times
iFrame successfully added item: 3 times
iFrame successfully added item: 4 times
iFrame successfully added item: 5 times
iFrame successfully added item: 6 times
iFrame successfully added item: 7 times
iFrame successfully added item: 8 times
iFrame successfully added item: 9 times
iFrame successfully added item: 10 times
Expected exception: Error: QuotaExceededError: DOM Exception 22