blob: 951d3a58297508d2cab2b2d09a3628d60063f11e [file] [log] [blame]
Tests for ES6 class syntax "super"
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS (new Base) instanceof Base
PASS (new Derived) instanceof Derived
PASS (new DerivedWithEval) instanceof DerivedWithEval
PASS (new DerivedWithEval(true)):::ReferenceError: Cannot access uninitialized variable.
PASS (new Derived).callBaseMethod():::baseMethodValue
PASS x = (new Derived).callBaseMethod; x():::baseMethodValue
PASS (new Derived).callBaseMethodInGetter:::baseMethodValue
PASS (new Derived).callBaseMethodInSetter = 1; valueInSetter:::baseMethodValue
PASS (new Derived).baseMethodInGetterSetter:::(new Base).baseMethod
PASS (new Derived).baseMethodInGetterSetter = 1; valueInSetter:::(new Base).baseMethod
PASS Derived.staticMethod():::"base3"
PASS (new SecondDerived).chainMethod().toString():::["base", "derived", "secondDerived"].toString()
PASS x = class extends Base { constructor() { super(); } super() {} }
PASS x = class extends Base { constructor() { super(); } method() { super() } }:::SyntaxError: Cannot call super() outside of a class constructor.
PASS x = class extends Base { constructor() { super(); } method() { super } }:::SyntaxError: Cannot reference super.
PASS x = class extends Base { constructor() { super(); } method() { return new super } }:::SyntaxError: Cannot use new with super.
PASS x = class extends Base { constructor() { super(); } method1() { delete ( } method2() { delete super["foo"] } }
PASS (new x).method1():::ReferenceError: Cannot delete a super property
PASS (new x).method2():::ReferenceError: Cannot delete a super property
PASS new (class { constructor() { return undefined; } }) instanceof Object
PASS new (class { constructor() { return 1; } }) instanceof Object
PASS new (class extends Base { constructor() { return undefined } }):::ReferenceError: Cannot access uninitialized variable.
PASS new (class extends Base { constructor() { super(); return undefined } }) instanceof Object
PASS x = { }; new (class extends Base { constructor() { return x } });:::x
PASS x instanceof Base
PASS new (class extends Base { constructor() { } }):::ReferenceError: Cannot access uninitialized variable.
PASS new (class extends Base { constructor() { return 1; } }):::TypeError: Cannot return a non-object type in the constructor of a derived class.
PASS new (class extends null { constructor() { return undefined } }):::ReferenceError: Cannot access uninitialized variable.
PASS new (class extends null { constructor() { super(); return undefined } }):::TypeError: function is not a constructor (evaluating 'super()')
PASS x = { }; new (class extends null { constructor() { return x } });:::x
PASS x instanceof Object
PASS new (class extends null { constructor() { } }):::ReferenceError: Cannot access uninitialized variable.
PASS new (class extends null { constructor() { return 1; } }):::TypeError: Cannot return a non-object type in the constructor of a derived class.
PASS new (class extends null { constructor() { super() } }):::TypeError: function is not a constructor (evaluating 'super()')
PASS new (class { constructor() { super() } }):::SyntaxError: Cannot call super() in a base class constructor.
PASS function x() { super(); }:::SyntaxError: Cannot call super() outside of a class constructor.
PASS new (class extends Object { constructor() { function x() { super() } } }):::SyntaxError: Cannot call super() outside of a class constructor.
PASS new (class extends Object { constructor() { function x() { super.method } } }):::SyntaxError: super can only be used in a method of a derived class.
PASS function x() { super.method(); }:::SyntaxError: super can only be used in a method of a derived class.
PASS function x() { super(); }:::SyntaxError: Cannot call super() outside of a class constructor.
PASS eval("super.method()"):::SyntaxError: 'super' is only valid inside a function or an 'eval' inside a function.
PASS eval("super()"):::SyntaxError: 'super' is only valid inside a function or an 'eval' inside a function.
PASS (function () { eval("super.method()");})():::SyntaxError: 'super' is only valid inside a function or an 'eval' inside a function.
PASS (function () { eval("super()");})():::SyntaxError: 'super' is only valid inside a function or an 'eval' inside a function.
PASS new (class { constructor() { (function () { eval("super()");})(); } }):::SyntaxError: 'super' is only valid inside a function or an 'eval' inside a function.
PASS (new (class { method() { (function () { eval("super.method()");})(); }})).method():::SyntaxError: 'super' is only valid inside a function or an 'eval' inside a function.
PASS successfullyParsed