| Pointer Events capture test |
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| Test Description: This test checks if setCapture/releaseCapture functions works properly. Complete the following actions: |
| Move your mouse over the black rectangle. pointermove event should be logged in the black rectangle |
| Move your mouse over the purple rectangle. pointerover event should be logged in the purple rectangle |
| Press and hold left mouse button over "Set Capture" button. "gotpointercapture" should be logged in the black rectangle |
| Move your mouse anywhere. pointermove should be logged in the black rectangle |
| Move your mouse over the purple rectangle. Nothig should happen |
| Move your mouse over the black rectangle. pointermove should be logged in the black rectangle |
| Release left mouse button. "lostpointercapture" should be logged in the black rectangle |
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| Test passes if the proper behaviour of the events is observed. |
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| Pointer Events Capture Test |
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| The following pointer types were detected: mouse. |
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| The following events were logged: pointermove@target0, pointermove@target1, gotpointercapture@target0, pointermove@target0, pointermove@target0. |
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| PASS gotpointercapture event received |
| PASS lostpointercapture event received |
| PASS pointerover event for black rectangle received |
| PASS pointerover event for purple rectangle received |
| PASS relatedTarget is null when the capture is set. relatedTarget is null |
| PASS pointermove received for captured element while out of it |
| PASS pointermove received for captured element while inside of it |
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