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<title>Shape Outside Polygon Valid Formats</title>
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<link rel="reviewer" title="Alan Stearns" href=""> <!-- 2014-03-04 -->
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<meta name="assert" content="A polygonal basic shape has an optional fill-rule and one or more pairs of coordinates">
<meta name="flags" content="ahem dom">
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var valid_polygon_tests = [
"name": "Single point",
"actual": "polygon(1px 2px)",
"expected_inline": "polygon(1px 2px)",
"expected_computed": "polygon(1px 2px)"
"name": "Single point with fill-rule",
"actual": "polygon(evenodd, 1px 2px)",
"expected_inline": "polygon(evenodd, 1px 2px)",
"expected_computed": "polygon(evenodd, 1px 2px)"
"name": "Multiple points",
"actual": "polygon(1px 2px, 3px 4px, 5px 6px)",
"expected_inline": "polygon(1px 2px, 3px 4px, 5px 6px)",
"expected_computed": "polygon(1px 2px, 3px 4px, 5px 6px)"
"name": "Multiple points with fill-rule",
"actual": "polygon(evenodd, 1px 2px, 3px 4px, 5px 6px)",
"expected_inline": "polygon(evenodd, 1px 2px, 3px 4px, 5px 6px)",
"expected_computed": "polygon(evenodd, 1px 2px, 3px 4px, 5px 6px)"
generate_tests( ParsingUtils.testInlineStyle,
ParsingUtils.buildTestCases(valid_polygon_tests, "inline") );
generate_tests( ParsingUtils.testComputedStyle,
ParsingUtils.buildTestCases(valid_polygon_tests, "computed") );