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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Shape Outside Basic Shape Computed Font Relative Lengths</title>
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<link rel="reviewer" title="Alan Stearns" href=""> <!-- 2014-03-04 -->
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<meta name="assert" content="The basic shape can contain relative length formats, which resolve to the computed (absolute) length value">
<meta name="flags" content="ahem dom">
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// font relative units: em, ex, ch, rem
var units = ['em', 'ex', 'ch', 'rem'];
var resolveds = {};
ParsingUtils.setupFonts(function () {
var div = document.createElement('div');
units.forEach(function(unit) { = '10' + unit;
var s = getComputedStyle(div);
resolveds[unit] = parseFloat(s.width);
function fillArray(string, length) {
return Array.apply(null, new Array(length)).map(String.prototype.valueOf, string);
function testUnit(unit) {
var relativeLength = '1' + unit;
var usedLength = resolveds[unit] + 'px';
var input = 'polygon(nonzero, ' + fillArray('10' + unit, 2).join(' ') + ')';
var output = 'polygon(' + fillArray(resolveds[unit] + 'px', 2).join(' ') + ')';
ParsingUtils.testComputedStyle(input, ParsingUtils.roundResultStr(output));
var tests = {
return [unit + ' units', unit];
generate_tests(testUnit, tests);