| # FIXME: Add support for global settings. |
| # FIXME: Add support for custom getters/setters. |
| |
| defaultTextEncodingName: |
| type: String |
| ftpDirectoryTemplatePath: |
| type: String |
| localStorageDatabasePath: |
| type: String |
| editableLinkBehavior: |
| type: EditableLinkBehavior |
| initial: EditableLinkDefaultBehavior |
| textDirectionSubmenuInclusionBehavior: |
| type: TextDirectionSubmenuInclusionBehavior |
| initial: TextDirectionSubmenuAutomaticallyIncluded |
| pdfImageCachingPolicy: |
| type: PDFImageCachingPolicy |
| initial: PDFImageCachingDefault |
| passwordEchoDurationInSeconds: |
| type: double |
| initial: 1 |
| |
| # Sets the magnification value for validation message timer. If the |
| # magnification value is N, a validation message disappears automatically after |
| # <message length> * N / 1000 seconds. If N is equal to or less than 0, a |
| # validation message doesn't disappears automaticaly. |
| validationMessageTimerMagnification: |
| type: int |
| initial: 50 |
| |
| # Number of pixels below which 2D canvas is rendered in software |
| # even if hardware acceleration is enabled. |
| # Hardware acceleration is useful for large canvases where it can avoid the |
| # pixel bandwidth between the CPU and GPU. But GPU acceleration comes at |
| # a price - extra back-buffer and texture copy. Small canvases are also |
| # widely used for stylized fonts. Anti-aliasing text in hardware at that |
| # scale is generally slower. So below a certain size it is better to |
| # draw canvas in software. |
| minimumAccelerated2dCanvasSize: |
| type: int |
| initial: 257*256 |
| |
| maximumAccelerated2dCanvasSize: |
| type: unsigned |
| initial: 5120*2880 |
| |
| layoutFallbackWidth: |
| type: int |
| initial: 980 |
| deviceWidth: |
| type: int |
| initial: 0 |
| deviceHeight: |
| type: int |
| initial: 0 |
| |
| # Allow clients concerned with memory consumption to set a quota on session storage |
| # since the memory used won't be released until the Page is destroyed. |
| sessionStorageQuota: |
| type: unsigned |
| initial: StorageMap::noQuota |
| |
| minimumFontSize: |
| type: int |
| initial: 0 |
| onChange: setNeedsRecalcStyleInAllFrames |
| minimumLogicalFontSize: |
| type: int |
| initial: 0 |
| onChange: setNeedsRecalcStyleInAllFrames |
| defaultFontSize: |
| type: int |
| initial: 16 |
| onChange: setNeedsRecalcStyleInAllFrames |
| defaultFixedFontSize: |
| type: int |
| initial: 13 |
| onChange: setNeedsRecalcStyleInAllFrames |
| |
| editingBehaviorType: |
| type: EditingBehaviorType |
| initial: editingBehaviorTypeForPlatform() |
| maximumHTMLParserDOMTreeDepth: |
| type: unsigned |
| initial: defaultMaximumHTMLParserDOMTreeDepth |
| |
| # This setting only affects site icon image loading if loadsImagesAutomatically setting is false and this setting is true. |
| # All other permutations still heed loadsImagesAutomatically setting. |
| loadsSiteIconsIgnoringImageLoadingSetting: |
| initial: false |
| |
| caretBrowsingEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| preventKeyboardDOMEventDispatch: |
| initial: false |
| localStorageEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| allowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs: |
| initial: true |
| allowFileAccessFromFileURLs: |
| initial: true |
| allowSettingAnyXHRHeaderFromFileURLs: |
| initial: false |
| allowCrossOriginSubresourcesToAskForCredentials: |
| initial: false |
| needsStorageAccessFromFileURLsQuirk: |
| initial: true |
| needsFrameNameFallbackToIdQuirk: |
| initial: false |
| useAnonymousModeWhenFetchingMaskImages: |
| initial: true |
| javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically: |
| initial: false |
| javaScriptCanAccessClipboard: |
| initial: false |
| shouldPrintBackgrounds: |
| initial: false |
| usesDashboardBackwardCompatibilityMode: |
| initial: false |
| conditional: DASHBOARD_SUPPORT |
| clipboardAccessPolicy: |
| type: ClipboardAccessPolicy |
| initial: ClipboardAccessPolicy::RequiresUserGesture |
| |
| textAreasAreResizable: |
| initial: false |
| onChange: setNeedsRecalcStyleInAllFrames |
| authorAndUserStylesEnabled: |
| initial: true |
| onChange: setNeedsRecalcStyleInAllFrames |
| userStyleSheetLocation: |
| type: URL |
| onChange: userStyleSheetLocationChanged |
| acceleratedCompositingEnabled: |
| initial: true |
| onChange: setNeedsRecalcStyleInAllFrames |
| acceleratedCompositedAnimationsEnabled: |
| initial: true |
| onChange: setNeedsRecalcStyleInAllFrames |
| showDebugBorders: |
| initial: false |
| onChange: setNeedsRecalcStyleInAllFrames |
| showRepaintCounter: |
| initial: false |
| onChange: setNeedsRecalcStyleInAllFrames |
| visibleDebugOverlayRegions: |
| type: DebugOverlayRegions |
| initial: 0 |
| showTiledScrollingIndicator: |
| initial: false |
| resourceUsageOverlayVisible: |
| initial: false |
| onChange: resourceUsageOverlayVisibleChanged |
| condition: RESOURCE_USAGE |
| disableScreenSizeOverride: |
| initial: false |
| |
| # This is a quirk we are pro-actively applying to old applications. It changes keyboard event dispatching, |
| # making keyIdentifier available on keypress events, making charCode available on keydown/keyup events, |
| # and getting keypress dispatched in more cases. |
| needsKeyboardEventDisambiguationQuirks: |
| initial: false |
| |
| treatsAnyTextCSSLinkAsStylesheet: |
| initial: false |
| shrinksStandaloneImagesToFit: |
| initial: true |
| pageCacheSupportsPlugins: |
| initial: false |
| showsURLsInToolTips: |
| initial: false |
| showsToolTipOverTruncatedText: |
| initial: false |
| forceFTPDirectoryListings: |
| initial: false |
| developerExtrasEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| scriptMarkupEnabled: |
| initial: true |
| needsSiteSpecificQuirks: |
| initial: false |
| domTimersThrottlingEnabled: |
| initial: true |
| webArchiveDebugModeEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| conditional: WEB_ARCHIVE |
| localFileContentSniffingEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| offlineWebApplicationCacheEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| enforceCSSMIMETypeInNoQuirksMode: |
| initial: true |
| usesEncodingDetector: |
| initial: false |
| canvasUsesAcceleratedDrawing: |
| initial: false |
| acceleratedDrawingEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| displayListDrawingEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| acceleratedFiltersEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| useLegacyTextAlignPositionedElementBehavior: |
| initial: false |
| javaScriptRuntimeFlags: |
| type: JSC::RuntimeFlags |
| |
| # FIXME: This should really be disabled by default as it makes platforms that don't support the feature download files |
| # they can't use by. Leaving enabled for now to not change existing behavior. |
| downloadableBinaryFontsEnabled: |
| initial: defaultDownloadableBinaryFontsEnabled() |
| |
| xssAuditorEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| acceleratedCompositingForFixedPositionEnabled: |
| initial: defaultAcceleratedCompositingForFixedPositionEnabled |
| rubberBandingForSubScrollableRegionsEnabled: |
| initial: true |
| conditional: RUBBER_BANDING |
| |
| experimentalNotificationsEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| webGLEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| webGLErrorsToConsoleEnabled: |
| initial: true |
| unhandledPromiseRejectionToConsoleEnabled: |
| initial: true |
| forceSoftwareWebGLRendering: |
| initial: false |
| forceWebGLUsesLowPower: |
| initial: false |
| accelerated2dCanvasEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| loadDeferringEnabled: |
| initial: true |
| webAudioEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| paginateDuringLayoutEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| fullScreenEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| conditional: FULLSCREEN_API |
| asynchronousSpellCheckingEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| |
| # This feature requires an implementation of ValidationMessageClient. |
| interactiveFormValidationEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| |
| usePreHTML5ParserQuirks: |
| initial: false |
| hyperlinkAuditingEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| crossOriginCheckInGetMatchedCSSRulesDisabled: |
| initial: false |
| forceCompositingMode: |
| initial: false |
| shouldInjectUserScriptsInInitialEmptyDocument: |
| initial: false |
| fixedElementsLayoutRelativeToFrame: |
| initial: false |
| allowDisplayOfInsecureContent: |
| initial: false |
| allowRunningOfInsecureContent: |
| initial: false |
| requiresUserGestureToLoadVideo: |
| initial: defaultRequiresUserGestureToLoadVideo |
| videoPlaybackRequiresUserGesture: |
| initial: defaultVideoPlaybackRequiresUserGesture |
| audioPlaybackRequiresUserGesture: |
| initial: defaultAudioPlaybackRequiresUserGesture |
| mainContentUserGestureOverrideEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| mediaUserGestureInheritsFromDocument: |
| initial: false |
| allowsInlineMediaPlayback: |
| initial: defaultAllowsInlineMediaPlayback |
| allowsInlineMediaPlaybackAfterFullscreen: |
| initial: true |
| inlineMediaPlaybackRequiresPlaysInlineAttribute: |
| initial: defaultInlineMediaPlaybackRequiresPlaysInlineAttribute |
| allowsPictureInPictureMediaPlayback: |
| initial: defaultAllowsPictureInPictureMediaPlayback |
| mediaControlsScaleWithPageZoom: |
| initial: defaultMediaControlsScaleWithPageZoom |
| invisibleAutoplayNotPermitted: |
| initial: false |
| passwordEchoEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| suppressesIncrementalRendering: |
| initial: false |
| incrementalRenderingSuppressionTimeoutInSeconds: |
| type: double |
| initial: defaultIncrementalRenderingSuppressionTimeoutInSeconds |
| backspaceKeyNavigationEnabled: |
| initial: true |
| shouldDisplaySubtitles: |
| initial: false |
| conditional: VIDEO_TRACK |
| shouldDisplayCaptions: |
| initial: false |
| conditional: VIDEO_TRACK |
| shouldDisplayTextDescriptions: |
| initial: false |
| conditional: VIDEO_TRACK |
| scrollingCoordinatorEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| scrollingTreeIncludesFrames: |
| initial: defaultScrollingTreeIncludesFrames |
| scrollAnimatorEnabled: |
| initial: true |
| conditional: SMOOTH_SCROLLING |
| forceUpdateScrollbarsOnMainThreadForPerformanceTesting: |
| initial: false |
| notificationsEnabled: |
| initial: true |
| |
| # Some apps needs isLoadingInAPISense to account for active subresource loaders. |
| needsIsLoadingInAPISenseQuirk: |
| initial: false |
| |
| shouldRespectImageOrientation: |
| initial: defaultShouldRespectImageOrientation |
| imageSubsamplingEnabled: |
| initial: defaultImageSubsamplingEnabled |
| wantsBalancedSetDefersLoadingBehavior: |
| initial: false |
| requestAnimationFrameEnabled: |
| initial: true |
| |
| HTTPSUpgradeEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| |
| thirdPartyIframeRedirectBlockingEnabled: |
| initial: true |
| |
| cookieEnabled: |
| initial: true |
| mediaEnabled: |
| initial: defaultMediaEnabled |
| DOMPasteAllowed: |
| initial: false |
| |
| # When enabled, window.blur() does not change focus, and |
| # window.focus() only changes focus when invoked from the context that |
| # created the window. |
| windowFocusRestricted: |
| initial: true |
| |
| diagnosticLoggingEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| |
| delegatesPageScaling: |
| initial: false |
| |
| plugInSnapshottingEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| |
| snapshotAllPlugIns: |
| initial: false |
| |
| autostartOriginPlugInSnapshottingEnabled: |
| initial: true |
| |
| primaryPlugInSnapshotDetectionEnabled: |
| initial: true |
| |
| maximumPlugInSnapshotAttempts: |
| type: unsigned |
| initial: 20 |
| |
| frameFlattening: |
| type: FrameFlattening |
| initial: FrameFlattening::Disabled |
| onChange: setNeedsRelayoutAllFrames |
| |
| asyncFrameScrollingEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| onChange: setNeedsRelayoutAllFrames |
| |
| asyncOverflowScrollingEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| onChange: setNeedsRelayoutAllFrames |
| |
| webSecurityEnabled: |
| initial: true |
| spatialNavigationEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| |
| autoscrollForDragAndDropEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| |
| unifiedTextCheckerEnabled: |
| initial: defaultUnifiedTextCheckerEnabled |
| |
| logsPageMessagesToSystemConsoleEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| |
| backForwardCacheExpirationInterval: |
| type: double |
| initial: 1800 |
| |
| # Some apps could have a default video poster if it is not set. |
| defaultVideoPosterURL: |
| type: String |
| |
| smartInsertDeleteEnabled: |
| initial: defaultSmartInsertDeleteEnabled |
| selectTrailingWhitespaceEnabled: |
| initial: defaultSelectTrailingWhitespaceEnabled |
| selectionAcrossShadowBoundariesEnabled: |
| initial: true |
| |
| useLegacyBackgroundSizeShorthandBehavior: |
| initial: false |
| fixedBackgroundsPaintRelativeToDocument: |
| initial: defaultFixedBackgroundsPaintRelativeToDocument |
| |
| textAutosizingEnabled: |
| initial: defaultTextAutosizingEnabled() |
| onChange: setNeedsRecalcStyleInAllFrames |
| conditional: TEXT_AUTOSIZING |
| textAutosizingWindowSizeOverride: |
| type: IntSize |
| onChange: setNeedsRecalcStyleInAllFrames |
| conditional: TEXT_AUTOSIZING |
| minimumZoomFontSize: |
| type: float |
| initial: defaultMinimumZoomFontSize() |
| conditional: TEXT_AUTOSIZING |
| |
| subpixelAntialiasedLayerTextEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| onChange: setNeedsRecalcStyleInAllFrames |
| simpleLineLayoutEnabled: |
| initial: true |
| onChange: setNeedsRecalcStyleInAllFrames |
| simpleLineLayoutDebugBordersEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| onChange: setNeedsRecalcStyleInAllFrames |
| |
| subpixelCSSOMElementMetricsEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| |
| useGiantTiles: |
| initial: false |
| |
| mediaSourceEnabled: |
| initial: true |
| conditional: MEDIA_SOURCE |
| |
| sourceBufferChangeTypeEnabled: |
| initial: true |
| conditional: MEDIA_SOURCE |
| |
| # FIXME: Rename to allowMultiElementImplicitFormSubmission once we upstream the iOS changes to WebView.mm. |
| allowMultiElementImplicitSubmission: |
| initial: false |
| |
| allowsAirPlayForMediaPlayback: |
| initial: true |
| |
| shouldConvertPositionStyleOnCopy: |
| initial: false |
| |
| maxParseDuration: |
| type: double |
| initial: -1 |
| standalone: |
| initial: false |
| telephoneNumberParsingEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| mediaDataLoadsAutomatically: |
| initial: defaultMediaDataLoadsAutomatically |
| alwaysUseAcceleratedOverflowScroll: |
| initial: false |
| imageControlsEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| conditional: SERVICE_CONTROLS |
| |
| enableInheritURIQueryComponent: |
| initial: false |
| |
| aggressiveTileRetentionEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| temporaryTileCohortRetentionEnabled: |
| initial: true |
| |
| useImageDocumentForSubframePDF: |
| initial: false |
| dataDetectorTypes: |
| type: DataDetectorTypes |
| initial: DataDetectorTypeNone |
| conditional: DATA_DETECTION |
| |
| # Allow SourceBuffers to store up to 304MB each, enough for approximately five minutes |
| # of 1080p video and stereo audio. |
| maximumSourceBufferSize: |
| type: int |
| initial: 318767104 |
| conditional: MEDIA_SOURCE |
| |
| serviceControlsEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| conditional: SERVICE_CONTROLS |
| |
| appleMailPaginationQuirkEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| |
| deferredCSSParserEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| |
| repaintOutsideLayoutEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| |
| httpEquivEnabled: |
| initial: true |
| |
| # Some ports (e.g. iOS) might choose to display attachments inline, regardless of whether the response includes the |
| # HTTP header "Content-Disposition: attachment". This setting enables a sandbox around these attachments. The sandbox |
| # enforces all frame sandbox flags (see enum SandboxFlag in SecurityContext.h), and also disables <meta http-equiv> |
| # processing and subframe loading. |
| contentDispositionAttachmentSandboxEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| |
| userInterfaceDirectionPolicy: |
| type: UserInterfaceDirectionPolicy |
| initial: UserInterfaceDirectionPolicy::Content |
| systemLayoutDirection: |
| type: TextDirection |
| initial: TextDirection::LTR |
| |
| allowContentSecurityPolicySourceStarToMatchAnyProtocol: |
| initial: false |
| |
| selectionPaintingWithoutSelectionGapsEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| |
| shouldConvertInvalidURLsToBlank: |
| initial: true |
| |
| springTimingFunctionEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| |
| colorFilterEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| onChange: setNeedsRecalcStyleInAllFrames |
| |
| punchOutWhiteBackgroundsInDarkMode: |
| initial: false |
| onChange: setNeedsRecalcStyleInAllFrames |
| |
| treatIPAddressAsDomain: |
| initial: false |
| |
| mediaPreloadingEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| |
| layoutViewportHeightExpansionFactor: |
| type: double |
| initial: 0 |
| onChange: setNeedsRecalcStyleInAllFrames |
| |
| # Runtime-enabled features |
| visualViewportEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| onChange: setNeedsRecalcStyleInAllFrames |
| |
| visualViewportAPIEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| |
| CSSOMViewScrollingAPIEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| |
| inputEventsEnabled: |
| initial: true |
| |
| quickTimePluginReplacementEnabled: |
| initial: defaultQuickTimePluginReplacementEnabled |
| youTubeFlashPluginReplacementEnabled: |
| initial: defaultYouTubeFlashPluginReplacementEnabled |
| |
| forcedColorsAreInvertedAccessibilityValue: |
| type: ForcedAccessibilityValue |
| initial: defaultForcedColorsAreInvertedAccessibilityValue |
| forcedDisplayIsMonochromeAccessibilityValue: |
| type: ForcedAccessibilityValue |
| initial: defaultForcedDisplayIsMonochromeAccessibilityValue |
| forcedPrefersReducedMotionAccessibilityValue: |
| type: ForcedAccessibilityValue |
| initial: defaultForcedPrefersReducedMotionAccessibilityValue |
| |
| largeImageAsyncDecodingEnabled: |
| initial: true |
| animatedImageAsyncDecodingEnabled: |
| initial: true |
| webkitImageReadyEventEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| |
| shouldSuppressTextInputFromEditingDuringProvisionalNavigation: |
| initial: false |
| |
| langAttributeAwareFormControlUIEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| |
| subresourceIntegrityEnabled: |
| initial: true |
| |
| linkPreconnectEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| |
| beaconAPIEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| |
| geolocationFloorLevelEnabled: |
| initial: true |
| |
| constantPropertiesEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| |
| viewportFitEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| |
| allowMediaContentTypesRequiringHardwareSupportAsFallback: |
| initial: false |
| |
| storageAccessAPIEnabled: |
| initial: true |
| |
| timeWithoutMouseMovementBeforeHidingControls: |
| type: Seconds |
| initial: 3_s |
| |
| fontFallbackPrefersPictographs: |
| initial: false |
| onChange: setNeedsRecalcStyleInAllFrames |
| |
| fontLoadTimingOverride: |
| type: FontLoadTimingOverride |
| initial: FontLoadTimingOverride::None |
| shouldIgnoreFontLoadCompletions: |
| initial: false |
| |
| paymentRequestEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| conditional: PAYMENT_REQUEST |
| applePayEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| conditional: APPLE_PAY |
| applePayCapabilityDisclosureAllowed: |
| initial: true |
| conditional: APPLE_PAY |
| |
| javaEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| getter: isJavaEnabled |
| javaEnabledForLocalFiles: |
| initial: true |
| getter: isJavaEnabledForLocalFiles |
| |
| # Unlike the imagesEnabled setting, this only suppresses the network load of |
| # the image URL. A cached image will still be rendered if requested. |
| loadsImagesAutomatically: |
| initial: false |
| onChange: imagesEnabledChanged |
| imagesEnabled: |
| initial: true |
| getter: areImagesEnabled |
| onChange: imagesEnabledChanged |
| scriptEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| getter: isScriptEnabled |
| pluginsEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| getter: arePluginsEnabled |
| onChange: pluginsEnabledChanged |
| |
| usesPageCache: |
| initial: false |
| onChange: usesPageCacheChanged |
| |
| dnsPrefetchingEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| onChange: dnsPrefetchingEnabledChanged |
| |
| backgroundShouldExtendBeyondPage: |
| initial: false |
| onChange: backgroundShouldExtendBeyondPageChanged |
| |
| scrollingPerformanceLoggingEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| onChange: scrollingPerformanceLoggingEnabledChanged |
| |
| hiddenPageDOMTimerThrottlingEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| onChange: hiddenPageDOMTimerThrottlingStateChanged |
| hiddenPageDOMTimerThrottlingAutoIncreases: |
| initial: false |
| onChange: hiddenPageDOMTimerThrottlingStateChanged |
| hiddenPageCSSAnimationSuspensionEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| onChange: hiddenPageCSSAnimationSuspensionEnabledChanged |
| |
| storageBlockingPolicy: |
| type: SecurityOrigin::StorageBlockingPolicy |
| initial: SecurityOrigin::AllowAllStorage |
| onChange: storageBlockingPolicyChanged |
| |
| shouldAllowUserInstalledFonts: |
| initial: true |
| onChange: setNeedsRecalcStyleInAllFrames |
| |
| # Only set by Layout Tests. |
| mediaTypeOverride: |
| type: String |
| initial: '"screen"' |
| onChange: mediaTypeOverrideChanged |
| |
| |
| fontRenderingMode: |
| type: FontRenderingMode |
| initial: FontRenderingMode::Normal |
| |
| preferMIMETypeForImages: |
| initial: false |
| |
| forcePendingWebGLPolicy: |
| initial: false |
| getter: isForcePendingWebGLPolicy |
| |
| mediaKeysStorageDirectory: |
| type: String |
| |
| mediaDeviceIdentifierStorageDirectory: |
| type: String |
| conditional: MEDIA_STREAM |
| |
| # FIXME: This quirk is needed because of Radar 4674537 and 5211271. We need to phase it out once Adobe |
| # can fix the bug from their end. |
| needsAdobeFrameReloadingQuirk: |
| initial: false |
| getter: needsAcrobatFrameReloadingQuirk |
| |
| passiveTouchListenersAsDefaultOnDocument: |
| initial: true |
| |
| touchEventEmulationEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| getter: isTouchEventEmulationEnabled |
| conditional: TOUCH_EVENTS |
| |
| deviceOrientationEventEnabled: |
| type: bool |
| initial: true |
| conditional: DEVICE_ORIENTATION |
| |
| shouldEnableTextAutosizingBoost: |
| type: bool |
| initial: false |
| conditional: TEXT_AUTOSIZING |
| onChange: shouldEnableTextAutosizingBoostChanged |
| |
| mediaCapabilitiesEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| |
| clientCoordinatesRelativeToLayoutViewport: |
| initial: false |
| onChange: setNeedsRecalcStyleInAllFrames |
| |
| accessibilityEventsEnabled: |
| initial: true |
| |
| incompleteImageBorderEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| |
| shouldDeferAsynchronousScriptsUntilAfterDocumentLoad: |
| initial: false |
| |
| shouldIgnoreMetaViewport: |
| initial: false |
| |
| videoQualityIncludesDisplayCompositingEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| conditional: VIDEO |
| |
| editableImagesEnabled: |
| initial: false |
| |
| adClickAttributionEnabled: |
| initial: false |