blob: 740c64a50cc1dec6559d012c592111ccdeb3fd9c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* (C) 2007 David Smith (
* Copyright (C) 2003-2015, 2017 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2010. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "RenderTreeBuilderMultiColumn.h"
#include "RenderBlockFlow.h"
#include "RenderChildIterator.h"
#include "RenderLinesClampFlow.h"
#include "RenderMultiColumnFlow.h"
#include "RenderMultiColumnSet.h"
#include "RenderMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder.h"
#include "RenderTreeBuilder.h"
#include "RenderTreeBuilderBlock.h"
namespace WebCore {
static RenderMultiColumnSet* findSetRendering(const RenderMultiColumnFlow& fragmentedFlow, const RenderObject& renderer)
// Find the set inside which the specified renderer would be rendered.
for (auto* multicolSet = fragmentedFlow.firstMultiColumnSet(); multicolSet; multicolSet = multicolSet->nextSiblingMultiColumnSet()) {
if (multicolSet->containsRendererInFragmentedFlow(renderer))
return multicolSet;
return nullptr;
static RenderObject* spannerPlacehoderCandidate(const RenderObject& renderer, const RenderMultiColumnFlow& stayWithin)
// Spanner candidate is a next sibling/ancestor's next child within the flow thread and
// it is in the same inflow/out-of-flow layout context.
if (renderer.isOutOfFlowPositioned())
return nullptr;
auto* current = &renderer;
while (true) {
// Skip to the first in-flow sibling.
auto* nextSibling = current->nextSibling();
while (nextSibling && nextSibling->isOutOfFlowPositioned())
nextSibling = nextSibling->nextSibling();
if (nextSibling)
return nextSibling;
// No sibling candidate, jump to the parent and check its siblings.
current = current->parent();
if (!current || current == &stayWithin || current->isOutOfFlowPositioned())
return nullptr;
return nullptr;
static bool isValidColumnSpanner(const RenderMultiColumnFlow& fragmentedFlow, const RenderObject& descendant)
// We assume that we're inside the flow thread. This function is not to be called otherwise.
// First make sure that the renderer itself has the right properties for becoming a spanner.
if (!is<RenderBox>(descendant))
return false;
auto& descendantBox = downcast<RenderBox>(descendant);
if (descendantBox.isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned())
return false;
if (!fragmentedFlow.isColumnSpanningDescendant(descendantBox))
return false;
auto* parent = descendantBox.parent();
if (!is<RenderBlockFlow>(*parent) || parent->childrenInline()) {
// Needs to be block-level.
return false;
// We need to have the flow thread as the containing block. A spanner cannot break out of the flow thread.
auto* enclosingFragmentedFlow = descendantBox.enclosingFragmentedFlow();
if (enclosingFragmentedFlow != &fragmentedFlow)
return false;
// This looks like a spanner, but if we're inside something unbreakable, it's not to be treated as one.
for (auto* ancestor = descendantBox.containingBlock(); ancestor; ancestor = ancestor->containingBlock()) {
if (is<RenderView>(*ancestor))
return false;
if (is<RenderFragmentedFlow>(*ancestor)) {
// Don't allow any intervening non-multicol fragmentation contexts. The spec doesn't say
// anything about disallowing this, but it's just going to be too complicated to
// implement (not to mention specify behavior).
return ancestor == &fragmentedFlow;
// This ancestor (descendent of the fragmentedFlow) will create columns later. The spanner belongs to it.
if (is<RenderBlockFlow>(*ancestor) && downcast<RenderBlockFlow>(*ancestor).willCreateColumns())
return false;
ASSERT(ancestor->style().columnSpan() != ColumnSpanAll || !isValidColumnSpanner(fragmentedFlow, *ancestor));
if (ancestor->isUnsplittableForPagination())
return false;
return false;
RenderTreeBuilder::MultiColumn::MultiColumn(RenderTreeBuilder& builder)
: m_builder(builder)
void RenderTreeBuilder::MultiColumn::updateAfterDescendants(RenderBlockFlow& flow)
bool needsFragmentedFlow = flow.requiresColumns(;
bool hasFragmentedFlow = flow.multiColumnFlow();
if (!hasFragmentedFlow && needsFragmentedFlow) {
if (hasFragmentedFlow && !needsFragmentedFlow) {
void RenderTreeBuilder::MultiColumn::createFragmentedFlow(RenderBlockFlow& flow)
flow.setChildrenInline(false); // Do this to avoid wrapping inline children that are just going to move into the flow thread.
// If this soon-to-be multicolumn flow is already part of a multicolumn context, we need to move back the descendant spanners
// to their original position before moving subtrees around.
auto* enclosingflow = flow.enclosingFragmentedFlow();
if (is<RenderMultiColumnFlow>(enclosingflow)) {
auto& spanners = downcast<RenderMultiColumnFlow>(enclosingflow)->spannerMap();
Vector<RenderMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder*> placeholdersToDelete;
for (auto& spannerAndPlaceholder : spanners) {
auto& placeholder = *spannerAndPlaceholder.value;
if (!placeholder.isDescendantOf(&flow))
for (auto* placeholder : placeholdersToDelete) {
auto* spanner = placeholder->spanner();
if (!spanner) {
// Move the spanner back to its original position.
auto& spannerOriginalParent = *placeholder->parent();
// Detaching the spanner takes care of removing the placeholder (and merges the RenderMultiColumnSets).
auto spannerToReInsert = m_builder.detach(*spanner->parent(), *spanner);
m_builder.attach(spannerOriginalParent, WTFMove(spannerToReInsert));
auto newFragmentedFlow = ! ? WebCore::createRenderer<RenderMultiColumnFlow>(flow.document(), RenderStyle::createAnonymousStyleWithDisplay(, BLOCK)) : WebCore::createRenderer<RenderLinesClampFlow>(flow.document(), RenderStyle::createAnonymousStyleWithDisplay(, BLOCK));
auto& fragmentedFlow = *newFragmentedFlow;
m_builder.blockBuilder().attach(flow, WTFMove(newFragmentedFlow), nullptr);
// Reparent children preceding the fragmented flow into the fragmented flow.
m_builder.moveChildren(flow, fragmentedFlow, flow.firstChild(), &fragmentedFlow, RenderTreeBuilder::NormalizeAfterInsertion::Yes);
if (flow.isFieldset()) {
// Keep legends out of the flow thread.
for (auto& box : childrenOfType<RenderBox>(fragmentedFlow)) {
if (box.isLegend())
m_builder.move(fragmentedFlow, flow, box, RenderTreeBuilder::NormalizeAfterInsertion::Yes);
if ( {
// Keep the middle block out of the flow thread.
for (auto& element : childrenOfType<RenderElement>(fragmentedFlow)) {
if (!downcast<RenderLinesClampFlow>(fragmentedFlow).isChildAllowedInFragmentedFlow(flow, element))
m_builder.move(fragmentedFlow, flow, element, RenderTreeBuilder::NormalizeAfterInsertion::Yes);
void RenderTreeBuilder::MultiColumn::destroyFragmentedFlow(RenderBlockFlow& flow)
auto& multiColumnFlow = *flow.multiColumnFlow();
// Move spanners back to their original DOM position in the tree, and destroy the placeholders.
auto& spanners = multiColumnFlow.spannerMap();
Vector<RenderMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder*> placeholdersToDelete;
for (auto& spannerAndPlaceholder : spanners)
Vector<std::pair<RenderElement*, RenderPtr<RenderObject>>> parentAndSpannerList;
for (auto* placeholder : placeholdersToDelete) {
auto* spannerOriginalParent = placeholder->parent();
if (spannerOriginalParent == &multiColumnFlow)
spannerOriginalParent = &flow;
// Detaching the spanner takes care of removing the placeholder (and merges the RenderMultiColumnSets).
auto* spanner = placeholder->spanner();
parentAndSpannerList.append(std::make_pair(spannerOriginalParent, m_builder.detach(*spanner->parent(), *spanner)));
while (auto* columnSet = multiColumnFlow.firstMultiColumnSet())
m_builder.moveAllChildren(multiColumnFlow, flow, RenderTreeBuilder::NormalizeAfterInsertion::Yes);
for (auto& parentAndSpanner : parentAndSpannerList)
m_builder.attach(*parentAndSpanner.first, WTFMove(parentAndSpanner.second));
RenderObject* RenderTreeBuilder::MultiColumn::resolveMovedChild(RenderFragmentedFlow& enclosingFragmentedFlow, RenderObject* beforeChild)
if (!beforeChild)
return nullptr;
if (!is<RenderBox>(*beforeChild))
return beforeChild;
if (!is<RenderMultiColumnFlow>(enclosingFragmentedFlow))
return beforeChild;
// We only need to resolve for column spanners.
if (beforeChild->style().columnSpan() != ColumnSpanAll)
return beforeChild;
// The renderer for the actual DOM node that establishes a spanner is moved from its original
// location in the render tree to becoming a sibling of the column sets. In other words, it's
// moved out from the flow thread (and becomes a sibling of it). When we for instance want to
// create and insert a renderer for the sibling node immediately preceding the spanner, we need
// to map that spanner renderer to the spanner's placeholder, which is where the new inserted
// renderer belongs.
if (auto* placeholder = downcast<RenderMultiColumnFlow>(enclosingFragmentedFlow).findColumnSpannerPlaceholder(downcast<RenderBox>(beforeChild)))
return placeholder;
// This is an invalid spanner, or its placeholder hasn't been created yet. This happens when
// moving an entire subtree into the flow thread, when we are processing the insertion of this
// spanner's preceding sibling, and we obviously haven't got as far as processing this spanner
// yet.
return beforeChild;
static bool gShiftingSpanner = false;
void RenderTreeBuilder::MultiColumn::multiColumnDescendantInserted(RenderMultiColumnFlow& flow, RenderObject& newDescendant)
if (gShiftingSpanner || newDescendant.isInFlowRenderFragmentedFlow())
auto* subtreeRoot = &newDescendant;
auto* descendant = subtreeRoot;
while (descendant) {
// Skip nested multicolumn flows.
if (is<RenderMultiColumnFlow>(*descendant)) {
descendant = descendant->nextSibling();
if (is<RenderMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder>(*descendant)) {
// A spanner's placeholder has been inserted. The actual spanner renderer is moved from
// where it would otherwise occur (if it weren't a spanner) to becoming a sibling of the
// column sets.
RenderMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder& placeholder = downcast<RenderMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder>(*descendant);
flow.spannerMap().add(placeholder.spanner(), makeWeakPtr(downcast<RenderMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder>(descendant)));
ASSERT(!placeholder.firstChild()); // There should be no children here, but if there are, we ought to skip them.
} else
descendant = processPossibleSpannerDescendant(flow, subtreeRoot, *descendant);
if (descendant)
descendant = descendant->nextInPreOrder(subtreeRoot);
RenderObject* RenderTreeBuilder::MultiColumn::processPossibleSpannerDescendant(RenderMultiColumnFlow& flow, RenderObject*& subtreeRoot, RenderObject& descendant)
RenderBlockFlow* multicolContainer = flow.multiColumnBlockFlow();
RenderObject* nextRendererInFragmentedFlow = spannerPlacehoderCandidate(descendant, flow);
RenderObject* insertBeforeMulticolChild = nullptr;
RenderObject* nextDescendant = &descendant;
if (isValidColumnSpanner(flow, descendant)) {
// This is a spanner (column-span:all). Such renderers are moved from where they would
// otherwise occur in the render tree to becoming a direct child of the multicol container,
// so that they live among the column sets. This simplifies the layout implementation, and
// basically just relies on regular block layout done by the RenderBlockFlow that
// establishes the multicol container.
RenderBlockFlow* container = downcast<RenderBlockFlow>(descendant.parent());
RenderMultiColumnSet* setToSplit = nullptr;
if (nextRendererInFragmentedFlow) {
setToSplit = findSetRendering(flow, descendant);
if (setToSplit) {
insertBeforeMulticolChild = setToSplit->nextSibling();
// Moving a spanner's renderer so that it becomes a sibling of the column sets requires us
// to insert an anonymous placeholder in the tree where the spanner's renderer otherwise
// would have been. This is needed for a two reasons: We need a way of separating inline
// content before and after the spanner, so that it becomes separate line boxes. Secondly,
// this placeholder serves as a break point for column sets, so that, when encountered, we
// end flowing one column set and move to the next one.
auto newPlaceholder = RenderMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder::createAnonymous(flow, downcast<RenderBox>(descendant), container->style());
auto& placeholder = *newPlaceholder;
m_builder.attach(*container, WTFMove(newPlaceholder), descendant.nextSibling());
auto takenDescendant = m_builder.detach(*container, descendant);
// This is a guard to stop an ancestor flow thread from processing the spanner.
gShiftingSpanner = true;
m_builder.blockBuilder().attach(*multicolContainer, WTFMove(takenDescendant), insertBeforeMulticolChild);
gShiftingSpanner = false;
// The spanner has now been moved out from the flow thread, but we don't want to
// examine its children anyway. They are all part of the spanner and shouldn't trigger
// creation of column sets or anything like that. Continue at its original position in
// the tree, i.e. where the placeholder was just put.
if (subtreeRoot == &descendant)
subtreeRoot = &placeholder;
nextDescendant = &placeholder;
} else {
// This is regular multicol content, i.e. not part of a spanner.
if (is<RenderMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder>(nextRendererInFragmentedFlow)) {
// Inserted right before a spanner. Is there a set for us there?
RenderMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder& placeholder = downcast<RenderMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder>(*nextRendererInFragmentedFlow);
if (RenderObject* previous = placeholder.spanner()->previousSibling()) {
if (is<RenderMultiColumnSet>(*previous))
return nextDescendant; // There's already a set there. Nothing to do.
insertBeforeMulticolChild = placeholder.spanner();
} else if (RenderMultiColumnSet* lastSet = flow.lastMultiColumnSet()) {
// This child is not an immediate predecessor of a spanner, which means that if this
// child precedes a spanner at all, there has to be a column set created for us there
// already. If it doesn't precede any spanner at all, on the other hand, we need a
// column set at the end of the multicol container. We don't really check here if the
// child inserted precedes any spanner or not (as that's an expensive operation). Just
// make sure we have a column set at the end. It's no big deal if it remains unused.
if (!lastSet->nextSibling())
return nextDescendant;
// Need to create a new column set when there's no set already created. We also always insert
// another column set after a spanner. Even if it turns out that there are no renderers
// following the spanner, there may be bottom margins there, which take up space.
auto newSet = flow.createMultiColumnSet(RenderStyle::createAnonymousStyleWithDisplay(multicolContainer->style(), BLOCK));
auto& set = *newSet;
m_builder.blockBuilder().attach(*multicolContainer, WTFMove(newSet), insertBeforeMulticolChild);
// We cannot handle immediate column set siblings at the moment (and there's no need for
// it, either). There has to be at least one spanner separating them.
ASSERT_UNUSED(set, !RenderMultiColumnFlow::previousColumnSetOrSpannerSiblingOf(&set)
|| !RenderMultiColumnFlow::previousColumnSetOrSpannerSiblingOf(&set)->isRenderMultiColumnSet());
|| !RenderMultiColumnFlow::nextColumnSetOrSpannerSiblingOf(&set)->isRenderMultiColumnSet());
return nextDescendant;
void RenderTreeBuilder::MultiColumn::handleSpannerRemoval(RenderMultiColumnFlow& flow, RenderObject& spanner)
// The placeholder may already have been removed, but if it hasn't, do so now.
if (auto placeholder = flow.spannerMap().take(&downcast<RenderBox>(spanner)))
if (auto* next = spanner.nextSibling()) {
if (auto* previous = spanner.previousSibling()) {
if (previous->isRenderMultiColumnSet() && next->isRenderMultiColumnSet()) {
// Merge two sets that no longer will be separated by a spanner.
void RenderTreeBuilder::MultiColumn::multiColumnRelativeWillBeRemoved(RenderMultiColumnFlow& flow, RenderObject& relative)
if (is<RenderMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder>(relative)) {
// Remove the map entry for this spanner, but leave the actual spanner renderer alone. Also
// keep the reference to the spanner, since the placeholder may be about to be re-inserted
// in the tree.
if ( == ColumnSpanAll) {
if (relative.parent() != flow.parent())
return; // not a valid spanner.
handleSpannerRemoval(flow, relative);
// Note that we might end up with empty column sets if all column content is removed. That's no
// big deal though (and locating them would be expensive), and they will be found and re-used if
// content is added again later.
RenderObject* RenderTreeBuilder::MultiColumn::adjustBeforeChildForMultiColumnSpannerIfNeeded(RenderObject& beforeChild)
if (!is<RenderBox>(beforeChild))
return &beforeChild;
auto* nextSibling = beforeChild.nextSibling();
if (!nextSibling)
return &beforeChild;
if (!is<RenderMultiColumnSet>(*nextSibling))
return &beforeChild;
auto* multiColumnFlow = downcast<RenderMultiColumnSet>(*nextSibling).multiColumnFlow();
if (!multiColumnFlow)
return &beforeChild;
return multiColumnFlow->findColumnSpannerPlaceholder(downcast<RenderBox>(&beforeChild));