| 123456 |
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| caret at the end of line: (6,100), (58,572,0,18) |
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| last character: (5,1), (50,572,8,18) |
| last character: (5,2), (50,572,8,18) |
| last character: (5,100), (50,572,8,18) |
| first line: (0,6), (10,572,48,18) |
| first line: (0,7), (10,572,48,18) |
| first line: (0,4294967295), (10,572,48,18) |
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| out of bounds, clamped to the end: (7,1), (58,572,0,18) |
| out of bounds, clamped to the end: (7,4294967295), (58,572,0,18) |