| For Bug 41423: Spelling marker should remain after hitting a backspace key. |
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| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
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| PASS firstLineText() is 'OK' |
| PASS sel.anchorNode.data is 'OK zz OK' |
| PASS internals.hasSpellingMarker(3, 2) is true |
| PASS sel.anchorNode.data is 'OKOK zz OK' |
| PASS firstLineText() is 'OKOK zz OK' |
| FAIL internals.hasSpellingMarker(5, 2) should be true. Was false. |
| PASS firstLineText() is 'OK' |
| PASS sel.anchorNode.data is 'OK zz OK' |
| PASS internals.hasSpellingMarker(3, 2) is true |
| PASS firstLineText() is 'OKOK zz OK' |
| PASS sel.anchorNode.data is 'OKOK zz OK' |
| FAIL internals.hasSpellingMarker(5, 2) should be true. Was false. |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
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