blob: a59e01432dd8d6561b05f31bf70ead576753bf60 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../resources/magnitude-perf.js"></script>
var doc, node, expected;
function appendDeepTree(magnitude)
for (var i = 0; i < magnitude; i++) {
node = node.appendChild(doc.createElement('div'));
// Tests that contains is O(1) for document where the test |node| is in the document.
function setup1(magnitude)
node = document.body;
doc = document;
expected = true;
// Tests that contains is O(1) for document when the test |node| is not in the document.
function setup2(magnitude)
node = document.createElement('div'); // Not added to the document
doc = document;
expected = false;
// Tests that contains is O(1) for document when the test |node| is in a different document.
function setup3(magnitude)
var iframe = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('iframe'));
doc = iframe.contentDocument;
node = doc.body; // Different document.
expected = false;
function test(magnitude)
var actual = document.contains(node);
if (actual !== expected)
throw 'Unexpected return value: ' + actual + ', expected: ' + expected;
Magnitude.description('Tests that document.contains is O(1).');, test, Magnitude.CONSTANT);, test, Magnitude.CONSTANT);, test, Magnitude.CONSTANT);