blob: 6806a2e7bdd3d22b103f2c9a1880dee9fb398fd2 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Piping through a duck-typed pass-through transform stream should work
FAIL Piping through a transform errored on the writable end does not cause an unhandled promise rejection c.error is not a function. (In 'c.error(new Error('this rejection should not be reported as unhandled'))', 'c.error' is undefined)
PASS pipeThrough generically calls pipeTo with the appropriate args
PASS pipeThrough can handle calling a pipeTo that returns a non-promise object
PASS pipeThrough can handle calling a pipeTo that returns a non-promise thenable object
PASS pipeThrough should mark a real promise from a fake readable as handled
PASS pipeThrough should not be fooled by an object whose instanceof Promise returns true
PASS undefined readable or writable arguments should cause pipeThrough to throw
FAIL invalid but not undefined arguments should not cause pipeThrough to throw ReadableStream is locked
PASS pipeThrough should throw when its first argument is not convertible to an object
PASS pipeThrough should throw when "this" has no pipeTo method
PASS pipeThrough should rethrow errors from accessing pipeTo, readable, or writable
PASS pipeThrough should work with no options argument