blob: db0498fad5cd75c8f058867256e745a6203c206a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef Identifier_h
#define Identifier_h
#include "VM.h"
#include <wtf/ThreadSpecific.h>
#include <wtf/WTFThreadData.h>
#include <wtf/text/CString.h>
#include <wtf/text/WTFString.h>
namespace JSC {
class ExecState;
class Identifier {
friend class Structure;
Identifier() { }
enum EmptyIdentifierFlag { EmptyIdentifier };
Identifier(EmptyIdentifierFlag) : m_string(StringImpl::empty()) { }
// Only to be used with string literals.
template<unsigned charactersCount>
Identifier(ExecState* exec, const char (&characters)[charactersCount]) : m_string(add(exec, characters)) { }
template<unsigned charactersCount>
Identifier(VM* vm, const char (&characters)[charactersCount]) : m_string(add(vm, characters)) { }
Identifier(ExecState* exec, StringImpl* rep) : m_string(add(exec, rep)) { }
Identifier(ExecState* exec, const String& s) : m_string(add(exec, s.impl())) { }
Identifier(VM* vm, const LChar* s, int length) : m_string(add(vm, s, length)) { }
Identifier(VM* vm, const UChar* s, int length) : m_string(add(vm, s, length)) { }
Identifier(VM* vm, StringImpl* rep) : m_string(add(vm, rep)) { }
Identifier(VM* vm, const String& s) : m_string(add(vm, s.impl())) { }
const String& string() const { return m_string; }
StringImpl* impl() const { return m_string.impl(); }
const UChar* characters() const { return m_string.characters(); }
int length() const { return m_string.length(); }
CString ascii() const { return m_string.ascii(); }
CString utf8() const { return m_string.utf8(); }
static Identifier from(const PrivateName& name)
Identifier result;
result.m_string = name.uid();
return result;
static Identifier createLCharFromUChar(VM* vm, const UChar* s, int length) { return Identifier(vm, add8(vm, s, length)); }
JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static Identifier from(ExecState* exec, unsigned y);
JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static Identifier from(ExecState* exec, int y);
static Identifier from(ExecState* exec, double y);
static Identifier from(VM*, unsigned y);
static Identifier from(VM*, int y);
static Identifier from(VM*, double y);
bool isNull() const { return m_string.isNull(); }
bool isEmpty() const { return m_string.isEmpty(); }
friend bool operator==(const Identifier&, const Identifier&);
friend bool operator!=(const Identifier&, const Identifier&);
friend bool operator==(const Identifier&, const LChar*);
friend bool operator==(const Identifier&, const char*);
friend bool operator!=(const Identifier&, const LChar*);
friend bool operator!=(const Identifier&, const char*);
static bool equal(const StringImpl*, const LChar*);
static inline bool equal(const StringImpl*a, const char*b) { return Identifier::equal(a, reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(b)); };
static bool equal(const StringImpl*, const LChar*, unsigned length);
static bool equal(const StringImpl*, const UChar*, unsigned length);
static bool equal(const StringImpl* a, const StringImpl* b) { return ::equal(a, b); }
// Only to be used with string literals.
static PassRefPtr<StringImpl> add(VM*, const char*);
JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static PassRefPtr<StringImpl> add(ExecState*, const char*);
String m_string;
template <typename CharType>
ALWAYS_INLINE static uint32_t toUInt32FromCharacters(const CharType* characters, unsigned length, bool& ok);
static bool equal(const Identifier& a, const Identifier& b) { return a.m_string.impl() == b.m_string.impl(); }
static bool equal(const Identifier& a, const LChar* b) { return equal(a.m_string.impl(), b); }
template <typename T> static PassRefPtr<StringImpl> add(VM*, const T*, int length);
static PassRefPtr<StringImpl> add8(VM*, const UChar*, int length);
template <typename T> ALWAYS_INLINE static bool canUseSingleCharacterString(T);
static PassRefPtr<StringImpl> add(ExecState* exec, StringImpl* r)
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (r->isIdentifier())
return r;
return addSlowCase(exec, r);
static PassRefPtr<StringImpl> add(VM* vm, StringImpl* r)
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (r->isIdentifier())
return r;
return addSlowCase(vm, r);
JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static PassRefPtr<StringImpl> addSlowCase(ExecState*, StringImpl* r);
JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static PassRefPtr<StringImpl> addSlowCase(VM*, StringImpl* r);
JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static void checkCurrentIdentifierTable(ExecState*);
JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static void checkCurrentIdentifierTable(VM*);
template <> ALWAYS_INLINE bool Identifier::canUseSingleCharacterString(LChar)
ASSERT(maxSingleCharacterString == 0xff);
return true;
template <> ALWAYS_INLINE bool Identifier::canUseSingleCharacterString(UChar c)
return (c <= maxSingleCharacterString);
template <typename T>
struct CharBuffer {
const T* s;
unsigned int length;
template <typename T>
struct IdentifierCharBufferTranslator {
static unsigned hash(const CharBuffer<T>& buf)
return StringHasher::computeHashAndMaskTop8Bits(buf.s, buf.length);
static bool equal(StringImpl* str, const CharBuffer<T>& buf)
return Identifier::equal(str, buf.s, buf.length);
static void translate(StringImpl*& location, const CharBuffer<T>& buf, unsigned hash)
T* d;
StringImpl* r = StringImpl::createUninitialized(buf.length, d).leakRef();
for (unsigned i = 0; i != buf.length; i++)
d[i] = buf.s[i];
location = r;
template <typename T>
PassRefPtr<StringImpl> Identifier::add(VM* vm, const T* s, int length)
if (length == 1) {
T c = s[0];
if (canUseSingleCharacterString(c))
return add(vm, vm->smallStrings.singleCharacterStringRep(c));
if (!length)
return StringImpl::empty();
CharBuffer<T> buf = { s, static_cast<unsigned>(length) };
HashSet<StringImpl*>::AddResult addResult = vm->identifierTable->add<CharBuffer<T>, IdentifierCharBufferTranslator<T>>(buf);
// If the string is newly-translated, then we need to adopt it.
// The boolean in the pair tells us if that is so.
return addResult.isNewEntry ? adoptRef(*addResult.iterator) : *addResult.iterator;
inline bool operator==(const Identifier& a, const Identifier& b)
return Identifier::equal(a, b);
inline bool operator!=(const Identifier& a, const Identifier& b)
return !Identifier::equal(a, b);
inline bool operator==(const Identifier& a, const LChar* b)
return Identifier::equal(a, b);
inline bool operator==(const Identifier& a, const char* b)
return Identifier::equal(a, reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(b));
inline bool operator!=(const Identifier& a, const LChar* b)
return !Identifier::equal(a, b);
inline bool operator!=(const Identifier& a, const char* b)
return !Identifier::equal(a, reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(b));
inline bool Identifier::equal(const StringImpl* r, const LChar* s)
return WTF::equal(r, s);
inline bool Identifier::equal(const StringImpl* r, const LChar* s, unsigned length)
return WTF::equal(r, s, length);
inline bool Identifier::equal(const StringImpl* r, const UChar* s, unsigned length)
return WTF::equal(r, s, length);
IdentifierTable* createIdentifierTable();
void deleteIdentifierTable(IdentifierTable*);
struct IdentifierRepHash : PtrHash<RefPtr<StringImpl>> {
static unsigned hash(const RefPtr<StringImpl>& key) { return key->existingHash(); }
static unsigned hash(StringImpl* key) { return key->existingHash(); }
struct IdentifierMapIndexHashTraits : HashTraits<int> {
static int emptyValue() { return std::numeric_limits<int>::max(); }
static const bool emptyValueIsZero = false;
typedef HashMap<RefPtr<StringImpl>, int, IdentifierRepHash, HashTraits<RefPtr<StringImpl>>, IdentifierMapIndexHashTraits> IdentifierMap;
typedef HashMap<StringImpl*, int, IdentifierRepHash, HashTraits<StringImpl*>, IdentifierMapIndexHashTraits> BorrowedIdentifierMap;
template<typename U, typename V>
HashSet<StringImpl*>::AddResult IdentifierTable::add(U value)
HashSet<StringImpl*>::AddResult result = m_table.add<V>(value);
return result;
} // namespace JSC
namespace WTF {
template <> struct VectorTraits<JSC::Identifier> : SimpleClassVectorTraits { };
} // namespace WTF
#endif // Identifier_h