| # Checking Out the Code and Installing Required Applications |
| |
| The instructions assume you're using Mac OS X as the host server and installing this application at `/Volumes/Data/perf.webkit.org`. |
| |
| You can choose between using Server.app or install the required tools separately |
| |
| 1. Install Server.app (if you don't want to use Server.app, install PostgreSQL: http://www.postgresql.org/download/macosx/) |
| 2. Install node. |
| 3. Install Xcode with command line tools (only needed for svn) |
| 4. `svn co https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk/Websites/perf.webkit.org /Volumes/Data/perf.webkit.org` |
| 5. Inside `/Volumes/Data/perf.webkit.org`, run `npm install pg` and `mkdir -m 755 public/data/` |
| |
| # Testing Local UI Changes with Production Data |
| |
| The front end has the capability to pull data from a production server without replicating the database locally on OS X (Yosemite and later). |
| To use this feature, modify `config.json`'s `remoteServer` entry so that "remoteServer.url" points to your production server, |
| and "remoteServer.basicAuth" specifies the username and the password that is used by the production sever. |
| |
| Remove "basicAuth" entry for production servers that doesn't require a basic authentication (e.g. perf.webkit.org). |
| |
| ```json |
| { |
| "url": "http://perf.webkit.org", |
| "basicAuth": { |
| "username": "webkitten", |
| "password": "webkitten's secret password" |
| } |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| Then run `tools/remote-cache-server.py start`. This launches a httpd server on port 8080. |
| |
| The script caches remote server's responses under `public/data/remote-cache` and never revalidates them (to allow offline work). |
| If you needed the latest content, delete caches stored in this directory by running `tools/remote-cache-server.py reset`. |
| |
| |
| # Configuring Apache |
| |
| ## Instructions if you're using Server.app |
| |
| - Enable PHP web applications |
| - Go to Server Website / Store Site Files In, change it to `/Volumes/Data/perf.webkit.org/public/` |
| - Go to Server Website / Edit advanced settings, enable Allow overrides using .htaccess files |
| - httpd config file is located at `/Library/Server/Web/Config/apache2/sites/0000_any_80.conf` (and/or 0000_any_`PORT#`.conf) |
| |
| ## Instructions if you're not using Server.app |
| |
| - Edit /private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf |
| |
| 1. Change DocumentRoot to `/Volumes/Data/perf.webkit.org/public/` |
| 2. Uncomment `LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/libphp5.so` |
| 3. Uncomment `LoadModule rewrite_module libexec/apache2/mod_rewrite.so` |
| 4. Uncomment `LoadModule deflate_module libexec/apache2/mod_deflate.so` |
| |
| - In Mavericks and later, copy php.ini to load pdo_pgsql.so pgsql.so. |
| `sudo cp /Applications/Server.app/Contents/ServerRoot/etc/php.ini /etc/` |
| - In El Capitan and later, comment out the `LockFile` directive in `/private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-mpm.conf` |
| since the directive has been superseded by `Mutex` directive. |
| |
| ## Starting Apache |
| |
| You can use apachectl to start/stop/restart apache server from the command line: |
| |
| - Starting httpd: `sudo apachectl start` |
| - Stopping httpd: `sudo apachectl stop` |
| - Restarting httpd: `sudo apachectl restart` |
| |
| The apache logs are located at `/private/var/log/apache2`. |
| |
| ## Production Configurations |
| |
| 1. Update ServerAdmin to your email address |
| 2. Add the following directives to enable gzip: |
| |
| <IfModule mod_deflate.c> |
| AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/xml text/javascript application/javascript text/plain application/json application/xml application/xhtml+xml |
| </IfModule> |
| |
| 3. Add the following directives to enable zlib compression and MultiViews on DocumentRoot (perf.webkit.org/public): |
| |
| Options Indexes MultiViews |
| php_flag zlib.output_compression on |
| |
| ### Protecting the Administrative Pages to Prevent Execution of Arbitrary Code |
| |
| By default, the application gives the administrative privilege to everyone. Anyone can add, remove, or edit tests, |
| builders, and other entities in the database. |
| |
| We recommend protection via Digest Auth on https connection. |
| |
| Generate a password file via `htdigest -c <path> <realm> <username>`, and then create admin/.htaccess with the following directives |
| where `<Realm>` is replaced with the realm of your choice, which will be displayed on the username/password input box: |
| |
| ``` |
| AuthType Digest |
| AuthName "<Realm>" |
| AuthDigestProvider file |
| AuthUserFile "<Realm>" |
| Require valid-user |
| ``` |
| |
| # Configuring PostgreSQL |
| |
| Run the following command to setup a Postgres server at `/Volumes/Data/perf.webkit.org/PostgresSQL` (or wherever you'd prefer): |
| `python ./tools/setup-database.py /Volumes/Data/perf.webkit.org/PostgresSQL` |
| |
| It automatically retrieves the database name, the username, and the password from `config.json`. |
| |
| ## Starting PostgreSQL |
| |
| The setup script automatically starts the database but you may need to run the following command to manually start the database after reboot. |
| |
| - Starting the database: `/Applications/Server.app/Contents/ServerRoot/usr/bin/pg_ctl -D /Volumes/Data/perf.webkit.org/PostgresSQL -l /Volumes/Data/perf.webkit.org/PostgresSQL/logfile -o "-k /Volumes/Data/perf.webkit.org/PostgresSQL" start` |
| - Stopping the database: `/Applications/Server.app/Contents/ServerRoot/usr/bin/pg_ctl -D /Volumes/Data/perf.webkit.org/PostgresSQL -l /Volumes/Data/perf.webkit.org/PostgresSQL/logfile -o "-k /Volumes/Data/perf.webkit.org/PostgresSQL" stop` |
| |
| ## Initializing the Database |
| |
| Run `database/init-database.sql` in psql as `webkit-perf-db-user`: |
| `/Applications/Server.app/Contents/ServerRoot/usr/bin/psql webkit-perf-db -h localhost --username webkit-perf-db-user -f init-database.sql` |
| |
| ## Making a Backup and Restoring |
| |
| - Backing up the database: `/Applications/Server.app/Contents/ServerRoot/usr/bin/pg_dump -h localhost --no-owner -f <filepath> webkit-perf-db | gzip > backup.gz` |
| - Restoring the database: `gunzip -c backup.gz | /Applications/Server.app/Contents/ServerRoot/usr/bin/psql webkit-perf-db -h localhost --username webkit-perf-db-user` |