1. f157e08 AX: WebKit exposes AXTitleUIElement incorrectly on checkboxes and radio buttons by cfleizach@apple.com · 11 years ago
  2. a931ab2 Change LayoutTests' a* and b* files to use pre and post js files in LayoutTests/resources. by mark.lam@apple.com · 11 years ago
  3. 357dc22 [GTK] accessibility/aria-labelledby-overrides-label.html requires a proper baseline by commit-queue@webkit.org · 12 years ago
  4. 3526ecc3 Use testRunner in accessibility tests instead of layoutTestController by rniwa@webkit.org · 13 years ago
  5. 759c158 AX: Title attribute should not be used in AXTitle by cfleizach@apple.com · 13 years ago
  6. e779d6b Bug 25598: AX: if a radio button has a label and a title, the label is not exposed by cfleizach@apple.com · 16 years ago