1. 7316680 [JSC tests] Skip slow tests on Watch S3 and Watch S4 by zhifei_fang@apple.com · 5 years ago
  2. 90a8f42 JSC should have a "microbenchmarks" directory instead of "regress" directory by sbarati@apple.com · 9 years ago[Renamed from LayoutTests/js/regress/script-tests/string-concat-simple.js]
  3. d0ac5b2 Move LayoutTests/fast/js to LayoutTests/js. by mark.lam@apple.com · 12 years ago[Renamed from LayoutTests/fast/js/regress/script-tests/string-concat-simple.js]
  4. 0e6e154 DFG string conversions and allocations should be inlined by fpizlo@apple.com · 12 years ago