blob: acb7052692f118188b66764db92248b3f2844b1a [file] [log] [blame]
if (this.importScripts) {
description("This test checks read and write capabilities of FileSystemSyncAccessHandle.");
var accessHandle, fileSize, writeBuffer, writeSize, readBuffer, readSize, readText, readError;
var totalReadSize = 0, totalWriteSize = 0;
function arrayBufferToString(buffer)
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
var view = new Uint8Array(buffer);
return decoder.decode(view);
function stringToArrayBuffer(string)
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
return encoder.encode(string);
function write(accessHandle, offset, text)
writeBuffer = stringToArrayBuffer(text);
writeSize = accessHandle.write(writeBuffer, { "at" : offset });
shouldBe("writeSize", "writeBuffer.byteLength");
return writeSize;
function read(accessHandle, offset, size, expectedString)
readBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(size);
readSize =, { "at": offset });
shouldBe("readSize", "readBuffer.byteLength");
if (expectedString) {
readText = arrayBufferToString(readBuffer);
shouldBeEqualToString("readText", expectedString);
return readSize;
async function test()
try {
var rootHandle = await;
// Create a new file for this test.
await rootHandle.removeEntry("sync-access-handle.txt").then(() => { }, () => { });
var fileHandle = await rootHandle.getFileHandle("sync-access-handle.txt", { "create" : true });
accessHandle = await fileHandle.createSyncAccessHandle();
fileSize = await accessHandle.getSize();
shouldBe("fileSize", "0");
debug("test read() and write():");
totalWriteSize += write(accessHandle, 0, "This is first sentence.");
totalReadSize += read(accessHandle, 0, totalWriteSize, "This is first sentence.");
totalWriteSize += write(accessHandle, totalWriteSize, "This is second sentence.");
read(accessHandle, totalReadSize, totalWriteSize - totalReadSize, "This is second sentence.");
read(accessHandle, 0, totalWriteSize, "This is first sentence.This is second sentence.");
// Wrong offset to read and write.
shouldThrow(" ArrayBuffer(1), { \"at\" : Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER })");
shouldThrow("accessHandle.write(new ArrayBuffer(1), { \"at\" : Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER })");
debug("test flush():");
await accessHandle.flush();
fileSize = await accessHandle.getSize();
shouldBe("fileSize", "totalWriteSize");
debug("test truncate():");
await accessHandle.truncate(4);
await accessHandle.flush();
fileSize = await accessHandle.getSize();
shouldBe("fileSize", "4");
debug("test write() with pending operation:");
readBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(4);
shouldThrow(", { \"at\" : 0 })");
await accessHandle.close();
} catch (error) {