blob: f43cd8e623f1f6d13931c7b9db8dde3084608a85 [file] [log] [blame]
//@ requireOptions("--useShadowRealm=1")
var abort = $vm.abort;
function shouldBe(actual, expected) {
if (actual !== expected)
throw new Error(`expected ${expected} but got ${actual}`);
function shouldThrow(func, errorType) {
let error;
try {
} catch (e) {
error = e;
if (!(error instanceof errorType))
throw new Error(`Expected ${}! got ${}`);
async function shouldThrowAsync(func, errorType) {
let error;
try {
await func();
} catch (e) {
error = e;
if (!(error instanceof errorType))
throw new Error(`Expected ${}! got ${} with message ${error.message}`);
(async function () {
const importPath = "./resources/shadow-realm-example-module.js";
const { answer, getCallCount, putInGlobal, getFromGlobal, getAnObject } = await import(importPath);
const outerAnswer = answer;
const outerGetCallCount = getCallCount;
const outerPutInGlobal = putInGlobal;
const outerGetFromGlobal = getFromGlobal;
const outerGetAnObject = getAnObject;
let realm = new ShadowRealm();
// update local module state + check it
shouldBe(outerGetCallCount(), 0);
shouldBe(outerGetCallCount(), 1);
// update realm module state + check it
let innerGetCallCount = await realm.importValue(importPath, "getCallCount");
let innerPutInGlobal = await realm.importValue(importPath, "putInGlobal");
shouldBe(innerGetCallCount(), 0);
innerPutInGlobal("something", "random");
shouldBe(innerGetCallCount(), 1);
// re-importing the module into the realm doesn't reload the module
innerGetCallCount = await realm.importValue(importPath, "getCallCount");
shouldBe(innerGetCallCount(), 1);
// the (outer) local module state stays intact
shouldBe(outerGetCallCount(), 1);
// one can imported primitive/callable variables just fine
// shouldBe(innerAnswer, outerAnswer);
let innerAnswer = await realm.importValue(importPath, "answer");
shouldBe(innerAnswer, outerAnswer);
// imported variables are checked for primtive/callable-ness
await shouldThrowAsync(async () => { let x = await realm.importValue(importPath, "anObject"); }, TypeError);
// importing non-existent ref fails
await shouldThrowAsync(async () => { let x = await realm.importValue(importPath, "nothing"); }, TypeError);
// importing from non-existent file fails
await shouldThrowAsync(async () => { let x = await realm.importValue("random", "nothing"); }, TypeError);
// we can import functions through an inner realm for use in the outer
let innerGetFromGlobal = await realm.importValue(importPath, "getFromGlobal");
innerPutInGlobal("salutation", "sarava");
shouldBe(innerGetFromGlobal("salutation"), "sarava");
// inner global state is unchanged by outer global state change
outerPutInGlobal("salutation", "hello world!");
shouldBe(outerGetFromGlobal("salutation"), "hello world!");
shouldBe(innerGetFromGlobal("salutation"), "sarava");
// wrapped functions check arguments for primitive/callable-ness
shouldThrow(() => { innerPutInGlobal("treasure", new Object()); }, TypeError);
// imported functions are wrapped with correct return value checks
let getAnObjectFn = await realm.importValue(importPath, "getAnObject");
shouldThrow(() => { getAnObjectFn(); }, TypeError);
// thread a function in and out of a realm to wrap it up
innerPutInGlobal("outer-realm-put", outerPutInGlobal);
wrappedOuterPutInGlobal = innerGetFromGlobal("outer-realm-put");
// it still manipuates the correct global object state
wrappedOuterPutInGlobal("treasure", "shiny tin scrap");
shouldBe(outerGetFromGlobal("treasure"), "shiny tin scrap");
// wrapped functions check arguments for primitive/callable-ness
shouldThrow(() => { wrappedOuterPutInGlobal("treasure", new Object()); }, TypeError);
shouldThrow(() => { wrappedOuterPutInGlobal(new Object(), "shiny tin scrap"); }, TypeError);
// must be called on a ShadowRealm
let notRealm = {};
() => {, importPath, "answer"); },
(err) => { shouldBe($.globalObjectFor(err), globalThis); }
// trigger JIT
function doImport(realm, s)
return realm.importValue(importPath, s);
let realm = new ShadowRealm();
for (var i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) {
let result = await doImport(realm, "getCallCount");
shouldBe(result(), 0);
}()).catch((error) => {
shouldBe(typeof ShadowRealm.prototype.importValue, "function");
let importValueName = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(ShadowRealm.prototype.importValue, "name");
shouldBe(importValueName.value, "importValue");
shouldBe(importValueName.enumerable, false);
shouldBe(importValueName.writable, false);
shouldBe(importValueName.configurable, true);
let importValueLength = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(ShadowRealm.prototype.importValue, "length");
shouldBe(importValueLength.value, 2);
shouldBe(importValueLength.enumerable, false);
shouldBe(importValueLength.writable, false);
shouldBe(importValueLength.configurable, true);