blob: db0a2096c95554275c1b45528f6464a7e7713935 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Nikolas Zimmermann <>
2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Rob Buis <>
2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
This file is part of the KDE project
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "SVGSVGElement.h"
#include "AffineTransform.h"
#include "CSSHelper.h"
#include "CSSPropertyNames.h"
#include "Document.h"
#include "EventListener.h"
#include "EventNames.h"
#include "FloatConversion.h"
#include "FloatRect.h"
#include "Frame.h"
#include "HTMLNames.h"
#include "RenderSVGViewportContainer.h"
#include "RenderSVGRoot.h"
#include "SVGAngle.h"
#include "SVGLength.h"
#include "SVGNames.h"
#include "SVGPreserveAspectRatio.h"
#include "SVGTransform.h"
#include "SVGTransformList.h"
#include "SVGViewElement.h"
#include "SVGViewSpec.h"
#include "SVGZoomEvent.h"
#include "SelectionController.h"
#include "TextStream.h"
#include "TimeScheduler.h"
namespace WebCore {
using namespace HTMLNames;
using namespace EventNames;
using namespace SVGNames;
SVGSVGElement::SVGSVGElement(const QualifiedName& tagName, Document* doc)
: SVGStyledLocatableElement(tagName, doc)
, SVGTests()
, SVGLangSpace()
, SVGExternalResourcesRequired()
, SVGFitToViewBox()
, SVGZoomAndPan()
, m_x(this, LengthModeWidth)
, m_y(this, LengthModeHeight)
, m_width(this, LengthModeWidth)
, m_height(this, LengthModeHeight)
, m_useCurrentView(false)
, m_timeScheduler(new TimeScheduler(doc))
, m_viewSpec(0)
, m_containerSize(300, 150)
, m_hasSetContainerSize(false)
setWidthBaseValue(SVGLength(this, LengthModeWidth, "100%"));
setHeightBaseValue(SVGLength(this, LengthModeHeight, "100%"));
delete m_timeScheduler;
m_timeScheduler = 0;
// There are cases where removedFromDocument() is not called.
// see ContainerNode::removeAllChildren, called by it's destructor.
ANIMATED_PROPERTY_DEFINITIONS(SVGSVGElement, SVGLength, Length, length, X, x, SVGNames::xAttr, m_x)
ANIMATED_PROPERTY_DEFINITIONS(SVGSVGElement, SVGLength, Length, length, Y, y, SVGNames::yAttr, m_y)
ANIMATED_PROPERTY_DEFINITIONS(SVGSVGElement, SVGLength, Length, length, Width, width, SVGNames::widthAttr, m_width)
ANIMATED_PROPERTY_DEFINITIONS(SVGSVGElement, SVGLength, Length, length, Height, height, SVGNames::heightAttr, m_height)
const AtomicString& SVGSVGElement::contentScriptType() const
static const AtomicString defaultValue("text/ecmascript");
const AtomicString& n = getAttribute(contentScriptTypeAttr);
return n.isNull() ? defaultValue : n;
void SVGSVGElement::setContentScriptType(const AtomicString& type)
setAttribute(SVGNames::contentScriptTypeAttr, type);
const AtomicString& SVGSVGElement::contentStyleType() const
static const AtomicString defaultValue("text/css");
const AtomicString& n = getAttribute(contentStyleTypeAttr);
return n.isNull() ? defaultValue : n;
void SVGSVGElement::setContentStyleType(const AtomicString& type)
setAttribute(SVGNames::contentStyleTypeAttr, type);
FloatRect SVGSVGElement::viewport() const
double _x = 0.0;
double _y = 0.0;
if (!isOutermostSVG()) {
_x = x().value();
_y = y().value();
float w = width().value();
float h = height().value();
AffineTransform viewBox = viewBoxToViewTransform(w, h);
double wDouble = w;
double hDouble = h;, _y, &_x, &_y);, h, &wDouble, &hDouble);
return FloatRect::narrowPrecision(_x, _y, wDouble, hDouble);
int SVGSVGElement::relativeWidthValue() const
SVGLength w = width();
if (w.unitType() != LengthTypePercentage)
return 0;
return static_cast<int>(w.valueAsPercentage() * m_containerSize.width());
int SVGSVGElement::relativeHeightValue() const
SVGLength h = height();
if (h.unitType() != LengthTypePercentage)
return 0;
return static_cast<int>(h.valueAsPercentage() * m_containerSize.height());
float SVGSVGElement::pixelUnitToMillimeterX() const
// 2.54 / cssPixelsPerInch gives CM.
return (2.54f / cssPixelsPerInch) * 10.0f;
float SVGSVGElement::pixelUnitToMillimeterY() const
// 2.54 / cssPixelsPerInch gives CM.
return (2.54f / cssPixelsPerInch) * 10.0f;
float SVGSVGElement::screenPixelToMillimeterX() const
return pixelUnitToMillimeterX();
float SVGSVGElement::screenPixelToMillimeterY() const
return pixelUnitToMillimeterY();
bool SVGSVGElement::useCurrentView() const
return m_useCurrentView;
void SVGSVGElement::setUseCurrentView(bool currentView)
m_useCurrentView = currentView;
SVGViewSpec* SVGSVGElement::currentView() const
if (!m_viewSpec)
m_viewSpec.set(new SVGViewSpec(this));
return m_viewSpec.get();
float SVGSVGElement::currentScale() const
if (document() && document()->frame())
return document()->frame()->zoomFactor() / 100.0f;
return 1.0f;
void SVGSVGElement::setCurrentScale(float scale)
if (document() && document()->frame())
document()->frame()->setZoomFactor(static_cast<int>(scale / 100.0f));
FloatPoint SVGSVGElement::currentTranslate() const
return m_translation;
void SVGSVGElement::setCurrentTranslate(const FloatPoint &translation)
m_translation = translation;
if (parentNode() == document() && document()->renderer())
void SVGSVGElement::addSVGWindowEventListener(const AtomicString& eventType, const Attribute* attr)
// FIXME: None of these should be window events long term.
// Once we propertly support SVGLoad, etc.
RefPtr<EventListener> listener = document()->accessSVGExtensions()->
createSVGEventListener(attr->localName().domString(), attr->value(), this);
document()->setHTMLWindowEventListener(eventType, listener.release());
void SVGSVGElement::parseMappedAttribute(MappedAttribute* attr)
if (!nearestViewportElement()) {
// Only handle events if we're the outermost <svg> element
if (attr->name() == onunloadAttr)
addSVGWindowEventListener(unloadEvent, attr);
else if (attr->name() == onabortAttr)
addSVGWindowEventListener(abortEvent, attr);
else if (attr->name() == onerrorAttr)
addSVGWindowEventListener(errorEvent, attr);
else if (attr->name() == onresizeAttr)
addSVGWindowEventListener(resizeEvent, attr);
else if (attr->name() == onscrollAttr)
addSVGWindowEventListener(scrollEvent, attr);
else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::onzoomAttr)
addSVGWindowEventListener(zoomEvent, attr);
if (attr->name() == SVGNames::xAttr)
setXBaseValue(SVGLength(this, LengthModeWidth, attr->value()));
else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::yAttr)
setYBaseValue(SVGLength(this, LengthModeHeight, attr->value()));
else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::widthAttr) {
setWidthBaseValue(SVGLength(this, LengthModeWidth, attr->value()));
addCSSProperty(attr, CSS_PROP_WIDTH, attr->value());
if (width().value() < 0.0)
document()->accessSVGExtensions()->reportError("A negative value for svg attribute <width> is not allowed");
} else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::heightAttr) {
setHeightBaseValue(SVGLength(this, LengthModeHeight, attr->value()));
addCSSProperty(attr, CSS_PROP_HEIGHT, attr->value());
if (height().value() < 0.0)
document()->accessSVGExtensions()->reportError("A negative value for svg attribute <height> is not allowed");
} else {
if (SVGTests::parseMappedAttribute(attr))
if (SVGLangSpace::parseMappedAttribute(attr))
if (SVGExternalResourcesRequired::parseMappedAttribute(attr))
if (SVGFitToViewBox::parseMappedAttribute(attr))
if (SVGZoomAndPan::parseMappedAttribute(attr))
void SVGSVGElement::svgAttributeChanged(const QualifiedName& attrName)
if (!renderer())
if (attrName == SVGNames::xAttr || attrName == SVGNames::yAttr ||
attrName == SVGNames::widthAttr || attrName == SVGNames::heightAttr ||
SVGTests::isKnownAttribute(attrName) ||
SVGLangSpace::isKnownAttribute(attrName) ||
SVGExternalResourcesRequired::isKnownAttribute(attrName) ||
SVGFitToViewBox::isKnownAttribute(attrName) ||
SVGZoomAndPan::isKnownAttribute(attrName) ||
unsigned long SVGSVGElement::suspendRedraw(unsigned long /* max_wait_milliseconds */)
// FIXME: Implement me (see bug 11275)
return 0;
void SVGSVGElement::unsuspendRedraw(unsigned long /* suspend_handle_id */, ExceptionCode& ec)
// if suspend_handle_id is not found, throw exception
// FIXME: Implement me (see bug 11275)
void SVGSVGElement::unsuspendRedrawAll()
// FIXME: Implement me (see bug 11275)
void SVGSVGElement::forceRedraw()
// FIXME: Implement me (see bug 11275)
NodeList* SVGSVGElement::getIntersectionList(const FloatRect& rect, SVGElement*)
// FIXME: Implement me (see bug 11274)
return 0;
NodeList* SVGSVGElement::getEnclosureList(const FloatRect& rect, SVGElement*)
// FIXME: Implement me (see bug 11274)
return 0;
bool SVGSVGElement::checkIntersection(SVGElement* element, const FloatRect& rect)
// TODO : take into account pointer-events?
// FIXME: Why is element ignored??
// FIXME: Implement me (see bug 11274)
return rect.intersects(getBBox());
bool SVGSVGElement::checkEnclosure(SVGElement* element, const FloatRect& rect)
// TODO : take into account pointer-events?
// FIXME: Why is element ignored??
// FIXME: Implement me (see bug 11274)
return rect.contains(getBBox());
void SVGSVGElement::deselectAll()
float SVGSVGElement::createSVGNumber()
return 0.0f;
SVGLength SVGSVGElement::createSVGLength()
return SVGLength();
SVGAngle* SVGSVGElement::createSVGAngle()
return new SVGAngle();
FloatPoint SVGSVGElement::createSVGPoint()
return FloatPoint();
AffineTransform SVGSVGElement::createSVGMatrix()
return AffineTransform();
FloatRect SVGSVGElement::createSVGRect()
return FloatRect();
SVGTransform SVGSVGElement::createSVGTransform()
return SVGTransform();
SVGTransform SVGSVGElement::createSVGTransformFromMatrix(const AffineTransform& matrix)
return SVGTransform(matrix);
AffineTransform SVGSVGElement::getCTM() const
AffineTransform mat;
if (!isOutermostSVG())
mat.translate(x().value(), y().value());
if (attributes()->getNamedItem(SVGNames::viewBoxAttr)) {
AffineTransform viewBox = viewBoxToViewTransform(width().value(), height().value());
mat = viewBox * mat;
return mat;
AffineTransform SVGSVGElement::getScreenCTM() const
float rootX = 0.0f;
float rootY = 0.0f;
if (RenderObject* renderer = this->renderer()) {
renderer = renderer->parent();
if (isOutermostSVG()) {
int tx = 0;
int ty = 0;
if (renderer)
renderer->absolutePosition(tx, ty, true);
rootX += tx;
rootY += ty;
} else {
rootX += x().value();
rootY += y().value();
AffineTransform mat = SVGStyledLocatableElement::getScreenCTM();
mat.translate(rootX, rootY);
if (attributes()->getNamedItem(SVGNames::viewBoxAttr)) {
AffineTransform viewBox = viewBoxToViewTransform(width().value(), height().value());
mat = viewBox * mat;
return mat;
RenderObject* SVGSVGElement::createRenderer(RenderArena* arena, RenderStyle*)
if (isOutermostSVG())
return new (arena) RenderSVGRoot(this);
return new (arena) RenderSVGViewportContainer(this);
void SVGSVGElement::insertedIntoDocument()
void SVGSVGElement::removedFromDocument()
void SVGSVGElement::pauseAnimations()
if (!m_timeScheduler->animationsPaused())
void SVGSVGElement::unpauseAnimations()
if (m_timeScheduler->animationsPaused())
bool SVGSVGElement::animationsPaused() const
return m_timeScheduler->animationsPaused();
float SVGSVGElement::getCurrentTime() const
return narrowPrecisionToFloat(m_timeScheduler->elapsed());
void SVGSVGElement::setCurrentTime(float /* seconds */)
// FIXME: Implement me, bug 12073
bool SVGSVGElement::hasRelativeValues() const
return (x().isRelative() || width().isRelative() ||
y().isRelative() || height().isRelative());
bool SVGSVGElement::isOutermostSVG() const
// This is true whenever this is the outermost SVG, even if there are HTML elements outside it
return !parentNode()->isSVGElement();
AffineTransform SVGSVGElement::viewBoxToViewTransform(float viewWidth, float viewHeight) const
FloatRect viewBoxRect;
if (useCurrentView()) {
if (currentView()) // what if we should use it but it is not set?
viewBoxRect = currentView()->viewBox();
} else
viewBoxRect = viewBox();
if (!viewBoxRect.width() || !viewBoxRect.height())
return AffineTransform();
AffineTransform ctm = preserveAspectRatio()->getCTM(viewBoxRect.x(),
viewBoxRect.y(), viewBoxRect.width(), viewBoxRect.height(),
0, 0, viewWidth, viewHeight);
if (useCurrentView() && currentView())
return currentView()->transform()->concatenate().matrix() * ctm;
return ctm;
void SVGSVGElement::inheritViewAttributes(SVGViewElement* viewElement)
if (viewElement->hasAttribute(SVGNames::viewBoxAttr))
if (viewElement->hasAttribute(SVGNames::preserveAspectRatioAttr)) {
} else {
if (viewElement->hasAttribute(SVGNames::zoomAndPanAttr))
#endif // ENABLE(SVG)
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