blob: b8893eab7af2fac0ea348c5ee52567c3ce54c6d9 [file] [log] [blame]
// FIXME: use the assert library:
//@ skip if $memoryLimited
import Builder from '../Builder.js';
function assert(b) {
if (!b) {
throw new Error("Bad assertion");
let threw = false;
try {
new WebAssembly.Memory({initial: 20, maximum: 19});
} catch(e) {
assert(e instanceof RangeError);
assert(e.message === "'maximum' page count must be than greater than or equal to the 'initial' page count");
threw = true;
const pageSize = 64 * 1024;
const maxPageCount = (2**32) / pageSize;
function testInvalidSize(description, propName) {
let threw = false;
try {
new WebAssembly.Memory(description);
} catch(e) {
threw = true;
assert(e instanceof RangeError);
assert(e.message === `WebAssembly.Memory '${propName}' page count is too large`);
function testInvalidInitial(v) {
testInvalidSize({initial: v}, "initial");
try {
new WebAssembly.Memory({initial: maxPageCount});
new WebAssembly.Memory({initial: maxPageCount, maximum: maxPageCount});
} catch(e) {
// These might throw, since we're asking for a lot of memory.
testInvalidInitial(maxPageCount + 1);
function testInvalidMaximum(v) {
testInvalidSize({initial: 1, maximum: v}, "maximum");
testInvalidMaximum(maxPageCount + 1);
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
let x = Math.random() * (2**10);
x |= 0;
const mem = new WebAssembly.Memory({initial: x, maximum: x + 100});
assert(mem.buffer.byteLength === x * pageSize);
let bufferGetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor((new WebAssembly.Memory({initial:1})).__proto__, "buffer").get;
let threw = false;
try {{});
} catch(e) {
assert(e instanceof TypeError);
assert(e.message === "WebAssembly.Memory.prototype.buffer getter called with non WebAssembly.Memory |this| value");
threw = true;