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Filename: special_characters.js
Description: 'Tests regular expressions containing special characters'
Author: Nick Lerissa
Date: March 10, 1998
var SECTION = 'As described in Netscape doc "Whats new in JavaScript 1.2"';
var VERSION = 'no version';
var TITLE = 'RegExp: special_charaters';
writeHeaderToLog('Executing script: special_characters.js');
writeHeaderToLog( SECTION + " "+ TITLE);
var count = 0;
var testcases = new Array();
// testing backslash '\'
testcases[count++] = new TestCase ( SECTION, "'^abcdefghi'.match(/\^abc/)", String(["^abc"]), String('^abcdefghi'.match(/\^abc/)));
// testing beginning of line '^'
testcases[count++] = new TestCase ( SECTION, "'abcdefghi'.match(/^abc/)", String(["abc"]), String('abcdefghi'.match(/^abc/)));
// testing end of line '$'
testcases[count++] = new TestCase ( SECTION, "'abcdefghi'.match(/fghi$/)", String(["ghi"]), String('abcdefghi'.match(/ghi$/)));
// testing repeat '*'
testcases[count++] = new TestCase ( SECTION, "'eeeefghi'.match(/e*/)", String(["eeee"]), String('eeeefghi'.match(/e*/)));
// testing repeat 1 or more times '+'
testcases[count++] = new TestCase ( SECTION, "'abcdeeeefghi'.match(/e+/)", String(["eeee"]), String('abcdeeeefghi'.match(/e+/)));
// testing repeat 0 or 1 time '?'
testcases[count++] = new TestCase ( SECTION, "'abcdefghi'.match(/abc?de/)", String(["abcde"]), String('abcdefghi'.match(/abc?de/)));
// testing any character '.'
testcases[count++] = new TestCase ( SECTION, "'abcdefghi'.match(/c.e/)", String(["cde"]), String('abcdefghi'.match(/c.e/)));
// testing remembering ()
testcases[count++] = new TestCase ( SECTION, "'abcewirjskjdabciewjsdf'.match(/(abc).+\\1'/)",
String(["abcewirjskjdabc","abc"]), String('abcewirjskjdabciewjsdf'.match(/(abc).+\1/)));
// testing or match '|'
testcases[count++] = new TestCase ( SECTION, "'abcdefghi'.match(/xyz|def/)", String(["def"]), String('abcdefghi'.match(/xyz|def/)));
// testing repeat n {n}
testcases[count++] = new TestCase ( SECTION, "'abcdeeeefghi'.match(/e{3}/)", String(["eee"]), String('abcdeeeefghi'.match(/e{3}/)));
// testing min repeat n {n,}
testcases[count++] = new TestCase ( SECTION, "'abcdeeeefghi'.match(/e{3,}/)", String(["eeee"]), String('abcdeeeefghi'.match(/e{3,}/)));
// testing min/max repeat {min, max}
testcases[count++] = new TestCase ( SECTION, "'abcdeeeefghi'.match(/e{2,8}/)", String(["eeee"]), String('abcdeeeefghi'.match(/e{2,8}/)));
// testing any in set [abc...]
testcases[count++] = new TestCase ( SECTION, "'abcdefghi'.match(/cd[xey]fgh/)", String(["cdefgh"]), String('abcdefghi'.match(/cd[xey]fgh/)));
// testing any in set [a-z]
testcases[count++] = new TestCase ( SECTION, "'netscape inc'.match(/t[r-v]ca/)", String(["tsca"]), String('netscape inc'.match(/t[r-v]ca/)));
// testing any not in set [^abc...]
testcases[count++] = new TestCase ( SECTION, "'abcdefghi'.match(/cd[^xy]fgh/)", String(["cdefgh"]), String('abcdefghi'.match(/cd[^xy]fgh/)));
// testing any not in set [^a-z]
testcases[count++] = new TestCase ( SECTION, "'netscape inc'.match(/t[^a-c]ca/)", String(["tsca"]), String('netscape inc'.match(/t[^a-c]ca/)));
// testing backspace [\b]
testcases[count++] = new TestCase ( SECTION, "'this is b\ba test'.match(/is b[\b]a test/)",
String(["is b\ba test"]), String('this is b\ba test'.match(/is b[\b]a test/)));
// testing word boundary \b
testcases[count++] = new TestCase ( SECTION, "'today is now - day is not now'.match(/\bday.*now/)",
String(["day is not now"]), String('today is now - day is not now'.match(/\bday.*now/)));
// control characters???
// testing any digit \d
testcases[count++] = new TestCase ( SECTION, "'a dog - 1 dog'.match(/\d dog/)", String(["1 dog"]), String('a dog - 1 dog'.match(/\d dog/)));
// testing any non digit \d
testcases[count++] = new TestCase ( SECTION, "'a dog - 1 dog'.match(/\D dog/)", String(["a dog"]), String('a dog - 1 dog'.match(/\D dog/)));
// testing form feed '\f'
testcases[count++] = new TestCase ( SECTION, "'a b a\fb'.match(/a\fb/)", String(["a\fb"]), String('a b a\fb'.match(/a\fb/)));
// testing line feed '\n'
testcases[count++] = new TestCase ( SECTION, "'a b a\nb'.match(/a\nb/)", String(["a\nb"]), String('a b a\nb'.match(/a\nb/)));
// testing carriage return '\r'
testcases[count++] = new TestCase ( SECTION, "'a b a\rb'.match(/a\rb/)", String(["a\rb"]), String('a b a\rb'.match(/a\rb/)));
// testing whitespace '\s'
testcases[count++] = new TestCase ( SECTION, "'xa\f\n\r\t\vbz'.match(/a\s+b/)", String(["a\f\n\r\t\vb"]), String('xa\f\n\r\t\vbz'.match(/a\s+b/)));
// testing non whitespace '\S'
testcases[count++] = new TestCase ( SECTION, "'a\tb a b a-b'.match(/a\Sb/)", String(["a-b"]), String('a\tb a b a-b'.match(/a\Sb/)));
// testing tab '\t'
testcases[count++] = new TestCase ( SECTION, "'a\t\tb a b'.match(/a\t{2}/)", String(["a\t\t"]), String('a\t\tb a b'.match(/a\t{2}/)));
// testing vertical tab '\v'
testcases[count++] = new TestCase ( SECTION, "'a\v\vb a b'.match(/a\v{2}/)", String(["a\v\v"]), String('a\v\vb a b'.match(/a\v{2}/)));
// testing alphnumeric characters '\w'
testcases[count++] = new TestCase ( SECTION, "'%AZaz09_$'.match(/\w+/)", String(["AZaz09_"]), String('%AZaz09_$'.match(/\w+/)));
// testing non alphnumeric characters '\W'
testcases[count++] = new TestCase ( SECTION, "'azx$%#@*4534'.match(/\W+/)", String(["$%#@*"]), String('azx$%#@*4534'.match(/\W+/)));
// testing back references '\<number>'
testcases[count++] = new TestCase ( SECTION, "'test'.match(/(t)es\\1/)", String(["test","t"]), String('test'.match(/(t)es\1/)));
// testing hex excaping with '\'
testcases[count++] = new TestCase ( SECTION, "'abcdef'.match(/\x63\x64/)", String(["cd"]), String('abcdef'.match(/\x63\x64/)));
// testing oct excaping with '\'
testcases[count++] = new TestCase ( SECTION, "'abcdef'.match(/\\143\\144/)", String(["cd"]), String('abcdef'.match(/\143\144/)));
function test()
for ( tc=0; tc < testcases.length; tc++ ) {
testcases[tc].passed = writeTestCaseResult(
testcases[tc].description +" = "+
testcases[tc].actual );
testcases[tc].reason += ( testcases[tc].passed ) ? "" : "wrong value ";
return ( testcases );